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Mongolian Nazis

After WWII some religious groups have chosen to use reverse swastika to avoid the Nazi association, others kept the original symbol.

How come the same symbol has different meanings?


Nazis associate themselves with the Aryan race.

The word 'Aryan' comes from India, as does the Svastkia (which has been used since neolithic period).


How can people following the same holy book can make out different meanings from it?

one is selflessly working and other on rampant

Going by that logic you wana say tha Nazi's were the followers of Hinduism? They misinterpret Vedas, Bhagwat Geta or other holy books wrongly? :undecided:

On topic:
I would have much appreciated if you have just given me the reason why the symbols are the same, or whats the difference, instead of countering it unexplicitly in a provoking manner.
I didnt bring Hinduism or Holy Books, was just asking why the symbols are same.

btw i know Nazi's were not hindus. The question remains about the symbol.
Going by that logic you wana say tha Nazi's were the followers of Hinduism? They misinterpret Vedas, Bhagwat Geta or other holy books wrongly? :undecided:

On topic:
I would have much appreciated if you have just given me the reason why the symbols are the same, or whats the difference, instead of countering it unexplicitly in a provoking manner.
I didnt bring Hinduism or Holy Books, was just asking why the symbols are same.

btw i know Nazi's were not hindus. The question remains about the symbol.

I replied in that manner because i thought you being sarcastic
If that is not the case
i apologizes to you

And for more info on swastika you can refer this
The Swastika
<btw i know Nazi's were not hindus. The question remains about the symbol.>

Hitler did not invent swastika. The swastika was most likely invented in Asia.

India - swastika comes from svastika
China - wen

Hitler used swastika because it refers to Aryan history.

<Wasn't the Moghul empire that ruled south asia descended from Mongols?!>

Yes but they were Islamic Mongols (not Lamaist or Buddhist), to show their presence in South Asia they built Taj Mahal.

Since Mongolia is poor, I think the Mongolian government should collect royalty fees from the Indian government every time a tourist visits Taj Mahal.

I think the Indian government collects about 20 millions dollars per year.

<The svastika is a symbol of auspiciousness in the Hindu religion, not to be confused with the Nazi swastika which has different design and meaning.>

Also use by Buddhist, Jainist, etc.

Some Chinese graveyards have swastika symbol on their tombstone.

<Mongols under Genghis Khan and his descendents carried out one of the largest genocides in China, Central Asia, Middle East and Europe. Nazis were amateurs compared to Mongols.>

Genocides? Nah!!! They were formidable conquerors.

<and the mongols in china can actually speak and write mongol, instead of russian.>

You're most likely correct. Central Asian countries are fluent in Russian. And since Mongolia was a satellite country of USSR, the Mongols there are also fluent in Russian.

<Nazis associate themselves with the Aryan race.>

Fu&k that Aryan sh*t!!! Sh*t Hitler himself is part African.

<History is good to read---you forgot the mongols ruled china---a minority conquered a majority nation>

Yes the Mongols founded the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368 A.D) but not because they were superiors they were aided by the Chinese traitors. And when they ruled China they adapted to the Chinese way of life.

<China needs land---mongolia is sparsely populated. Chinese are slowly moving into the empty land.>

What do you mean? Inner Mongolia is part of China.

<But the Mongolian are one of the most mixed races in the world...>

The Mongolian race comprises Manchurian, Korean, Japanese, Siberian, Northern tribes of China, American Indians, and Tibetans.

IMHO, Han Chinese are not Mongolian race. But to the fu&king whites they are the same.

Obviously, the neo Nazi in Mongolia is not about Aryan sh*t. It's about race purity. This is one way to unite or rally a nation (if a nation is fu&ked up). That's how Hitler came to power because Germany was so fu&ked up.
&#21328; In Hinduism


* Its use as a Sun symbol can first be seen in its representation of the god Surya and to represents the Sun's rays, upon which life depends.

*The Hindu deity Ganesh is often shown sitting on a lotus flower on a bed of swastikas.

* In the Bhavishyapuran (a book describing future events and history), it is a weapon of a snake king (dragon), Takshak.

*It is also seen as pointing in all four directions and thus signifies grounded stability.

*The swastika is considered extremely holy and auspicious by all Hindus, and is regularly used to decorate items related to Hindu culture. It is used in all Hindu yantras and religious designs. Throughout the subcontinent of India, it can be seen on the sides of temples, religious scriptures, gift items, and letterheads.

&#21328;In Nazism


Swastika can be right-facing or left-facing. It is not a symbol exclusive to Buddhism or Nazi ideology but variations of it has been used since Neolithic times
yup. I see the connection and that explains the followings :

Hitler memorabilia 'attracts young Indians'

India to make Bollywood Hitler Movie: "Dear Friend Hitler"

Hitler memorabilia 'attracts young Indians'

The Indian origin of word 'Aryan' and the symbol Svastkia isn't the reason why (a few) young Indians are attracted to hilter.They are attracted by his "discipline and patriotism".The article also clearly mentions about them condemning, his racial prejudices and the Holocaust in which millions of Jews were killed.
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