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Money for the bride a real burden.. ( In China)

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Money for the bride a real burden[2]|chinadaily.com.cn


"How much does a wife cost in your province?" This seemingly ridiculous question was part of the greeting for many people during the just concluded "Golden Week" National Day holiday. Incidentally, the National Day holiday is the peak season for weddings in China.

According to Chinese tradition, a groom usually pays a certain amount of money to the bride's family to fix a marriage. The practice is prevalent throughout the country. A recent Beijing News survey shows that 89.1 percent of the newly married couples abided by the tradition.

In most cases, the amount men (or their families) have to pay the women's families is too big for most to afford. According to media reports and micro-bloggers, the "price" of marrying varies from 60,000 yuan ($9,804) to 100,000 yuan in central and western regions; it could be more than 100,000 yuan in most coastal provinces. Compare this with the average annual salary of 46,769 yuan in public enterprises and 28,752 in private ones in China in 2012.

The endowment amount is even higher in certain developed regions. For example, in provinces like Guangdong, a would-be groom must gift a gold necklace, gold ring and gold bracelet apart from the endowment money to the would-be bride's family. In cities like Beijing and Shanghai, a man could also be expected to purchase an apartment before marriage, and even a tiny apartment costs more than 1 million yuan. Add to that the price of a car in some cases.

In some parts of eastern Shandong province, the endowment money is measured by weight. For instance, to marry a woman, one must pay her parents at least 1.5 kilograms of 100 yuan notes, which would add up to at least 131,000 yuan, according to some bankers.

Endowment may be part of Chinese tradition, but the standards have become so high in recent years that a majority of families are finding it difficult to meet them. Besides, many newly married couples are forced to host extravagant wedding ceremonies to keep up with the Joneses and, in the process, run up huge debts that could turn their married life sour, at least in the initial phase.

Rapidly rising living cost is the primary cause of rising endowment amounts. For most young people, marriage means setting up home independent of their parents, which has become increasingly difficult given the constantly rising prices of almost everything. Complicating young couples' problems is the deeply rooted tradition that a family needs its own home, which is becoming a mission impossible for many because of skyrocketing housing prices. No wonder, most newly (or to be) married couples turn to their parents for help.

The Beijing News survey shows that 75.7 percent of newly married women's families give the endowment amount, adding some from their own savings in many cases, to their daughters to help the new couple to fulfill their initial financial needs.

Many parents save every penny for their children's wedding, even though their own weddings were simple affairs with little involvement of money. And not surprisingly, their frugal wedding ceremonies didn't have any bearing on their married life.

In contrast, luxurious weddings are no insurance for a sound marriage. China's divorce rate has been rising for seven successive years. Worse, the percentage of divorced couples aged between 35 and 22 is increasing, and "lightning divorce", that is, within one year of marriage, is no longer rare.

Given the rapid rate of urbanization, more young people born in rural areas or small cities are living and getting married in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, where wedding expenses have shot through the roof. The high endowment amounts often rob grooms' parents of their life's savings and causes family disputes. Just google "gift (endowment) money" and you will find all kinds of family disputes that it has caused.

When will the practice change? Nobody knows. Hopefully, with people's income rising and the gap between urban and rural areas narrowing, the burden will become bearable for more families.
And over in India,men are lazy because they expect their women to bear the “cost” for marrying。
I'm sorry I'm completely ignorant in this, does the money go up because of market forces or simply becasue people want more and more extravagance?

Can society or the government bring this money down?
I'm sorry I'm completely ignorant in this, does the money go up because of market forces or simply becasue people want more and more extravagance?

Can society or the government bring this money down?

This is a very traditional Chinese culture and the money, officially known as bride price is in practice in almost whole of the Chinese culture, notice that a reverse bride price were also in place for special cases and it officially known as dowry

Traditional Chinese value focus on the man would take care of the woman after they were married, and bride price is established to as some form of compensation on the family of the bride for the lose income thereafter, however, today world this view has shifted to securing a steady life of the new bride mostly because the family are richer now, and the focus would turn to the future of the matrimony

Today bride price is either pay as an token contribution or some form of asset, such as house or apartment, but more older tradition family will still ask for a bride price according to the statue of the groom, more if he is from a richer background
There are more men than women in China at the moment, thus it's really women's market out there. Men have to be more competitive for potential mates, especially the good looking ones. A car and an apartment are almost a must these days if you want to attract any type of women.
This sounds like a wildlife! :O
So funny~
i likely.
Humans are interesting....

It's a duty for a man, before marriage, to prove that he able to feed and give happiness to his future wife and children. It's a responsibility.

But some men are pretending to be richer that he is, that is the problem.

If they don't do that, how can they get marry to desired woman.

Women are always available...but the desired one is not.
Don't put your hard-earned eggs in one basket. No matter how pretty a woman is, she will age pretty soon and you will get bored at her pretty quick; my time frame estimate is within 7 years. A few seconds of climax just does not worth the price (for me). I would rather keep my money for my own peace of mind. :sleep:
Don't put your hard-earned eggs in one basket. No matter how pretty a woman is, she will age pretty soon and you will get bored at her pretty quick; my time frame estimate is within 7 years. A few seconds of climax just does not worth the price (for me). I would rather keep my money for my own peace of mind. :sleep:
What if you want to settle down..?
Is it all about the culture where is personal integrity?
Is it all about the culture where is personal integrity?
that is not really new, that men are seen as cash dispenser. LOL
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