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Money for the bride a real burden.. ( In China)

Yeah when I asked my partner ( A Chinese in Pingxiang ) when he get married, he simply answered I still not have enough money for wife
Less amount for ugly and more amount for pretty pride ...

In my country, there's still marriage for free ( in the name of love )
that is not really new, that men are seen as cash dispenser. LOL

Tell me about it,

There were a day, my wife ask me "you like me blonde? Or brunette?"

I was psyched out why she ask me this out of nowhere, yet, I casually answered "I never saw you brunette before"

Next day, when she came back from work and now she's a brunette, while she is having it, she again ask me if she better change it back. Well I made a mistake by tell her "it's up to you"

20 days later, I got my credit card statement of 500 bucks from the salon....

Then I know why she would ask me that....

Yeah when I asked my partner ( A Chinese in Pingxiang ) when he get married, he simply answered I still not have enough money for wife
Less amount for ugly and more amount for pretty pride ...

In my country, there's still marriage for free ( in the name of love )

Yeah, wait until you are married....
Don't put your hard-earned eggs in one basket. No matter how pretty a woman is, she will age pretty soon and you will get bored at her pretty quick; my time frame estimate is within 7 years. A few seconds of climax just does not worth the price (for me). I would rather keep my money for my own peace of mind. :sleep:

Maybe that's because you have not found your true love, otherwise you want to settle down.
Wait what ? I have 3 kids now ... it's rare for a Chinese to have the same hhuh ?

I don't know about kids and Chinese, I have no kids and my wife's Swedish

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