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Mohajir province need of the hour: MST

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They should make a Mohajir province in India where they came from.

Karachi was always part of Sindh and will remain part of Sindh province of Pakistan.

Told you before repeat again if you wish mohajirs to go to india , than you will be left with 2 choices either afghan or indian
After reading some of the comments here and also the perception of Pakistanis towards Mohajirs/Urdu Speakers I really wish my grandparents had not migrated to this country.

Anyways thinking about a Mohajir Province is stupid, it's never going to happen. The Sindhi Feudals will never let it happen because their main income relies on Karachi. The people of Karachi work their a$$ess of for these Sindhi feudal scumbags. Not to mention Sindh relies on Karachi to get some imporance in Pakistani parliamant and the national assembly. Without Karachi, Sindh will be worse than Balochistan. Just go to Interior Sindh. Poverty and illiteracy is rampant. Not to mention there are still slaves there.

I wouldn't mind Karachi as an independent country though ;)

For the bold part i must say feel free to move your family back.....:angry:
I am an urdu speaking but I am against provinces on ethnic basis. on the other does any of you why MQM was formed if no then go and read what Gohar Ayub and his pathans did after ayub khan's referendum in Karachi and also research something about Aligarh colony massacre, then you will know why MQM was formed, I know they are GHUNDAS and accept it but what made them indulge in such violence?? It was just the reaction and still havent been able to come out of their reaction
Punjabi is a language as well !!?? any how like you said divide wont be easy as well , every group will come forward demanding their own the question is how do you set a fair criteria ? who is eligible ? it will be bl**dy complex .. ethinic division would be an easy solution ...

ethnic division is a sh!tty solution, how you will divide when almost every most populated have mixed population furthermore it will created more division within people, tomorrow there will be demand to create cast base provinces
so there were no people in pakistan(during british rule) before partition who had urdu as their mother tongue?

Urdu is basically the language of Uttar Pradesh, just like punjabi is punjab's
Urdu is basically the language of Uttar Pradesh, just like punjabi is punjab's

Not really. Urdu was a language spoken all over British India as a cultural language of Muslims. Allama Iqbal was Kashmiri/Punjabi but his a large portion of his work was in Urdu. It just wasn't spoken in areas outside UP as a mother tongue
As if you have a claim for Karachi in the first place :rolleyes:

Don't forget the people who welcomed you in their land with open arms in 1947.

well they had no choice....they were ruled by sikhs and hindus before creation of Pakistan, and guess who created Pakistan? Thats right Mohajirs. read the history man

---------- Post added at 11:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 PM ----------

Not really. Urdu was a language spoken all over British India as a cultural language of Muslims. Allama Iqbal was Kashmiri/Punjabi but his a large portion of his work was in Urdu.

urdu is understood all over the current pakistan easily, but can a sindhi understand punjabi? so it is common sense that he used urdu in his work
well they had no choice....they were ruled by sikhs and hindus before creation of Pakistan, and guess who created Pakistan? Thats right Mohajirs. read the history man

I hate to indulge in ethnic wars, but guess what? Who made the creation of Pakistan even possible? yeah thats right, the Muslims of these regions (Sindh, KPK, Punjab, Kashmir and Balochistan) who accepted to join this new nation. But we were not obliged to accept these Mohajirs in the first place, you gotta be glad we did.

Also, apart from Kashmir, the rest of us weren't ruled by Hindus and Sikhs
As if you have a claim for Karachi in the first place :rolleyes:

Don't forget the people who welcomed you in their land with open arms in 1947.

So basically you people don't have claim for Pakistan either, Pakistan doesn't belong to you people since this land was inhibited by other people before you invaded this land.
As for being welcomed by open arms in 1947, I think your high.
So basically you people don't have claim for Pakistan either, Pakistan doesn't belong to you people since this land was inhibited by other people before you invaded this land.
As for being welcomed by open arms in 1947, I think your high.

Technically 95%+ population of Pakistan today are natives of India who were Hindu/Buddhist before, and accepted Islam when it arrived. This doesn't automatically make us "invaders"...unlike some other people I don't want to name...
Who's even heard of MST? I think, I speak for a lot of people when I say Urdu speaking Sindhis and Native Sindhis are having the time of their lives in Sindh together. Sindh is a very diverse and influential province, and most would like to keep it that way.
So basically you people don't have claim for Pakistan either, Pakistan doesn't belong to you people since this land was inhibited by other people before you invaded this land.
As for being welcomed by open arms in 1947, I think your high.

Right. We Punjabis, Pakhtuns, Sindhis, and Baloch came from Japan and invaded Pakistan.

I think you're the one whose high.
ethnic division is a sh!tty solution, how you will divide when almost every most populated have mixed population furthermore it will created more division within people, tomorrow there will be demand to create cast base provinces

ok fine it doesn't sound good to you since its based on linguistic names than how ?
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