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Modi's R-Day invitation to Obama will keep even India's traditional allies guessing.

India doesn't need the US as a friend nor will it allow itself to be absorbed into their "ally group" but India will use the US to further promote India's own interests. This is a game that India has mastered and there is no reason for that to change.
As if USA does not know that, right. You think India is playing with the USA, don't you? You'll realize soon it is other way around.
BS!!! japan is a ally of india????...
btw i dont like obama!!! putin is my favorite!!:toast_sign:

Japan is no ally of india,it still refuses to give us nuclear reactors as a result the westinghouse deal is stuck.
Either way japan's downslide has started due to rising labour costs,nil natural resources and ageing population.
As if USA does not know that, right. You think India is playing with the USA, don't you. You'll realize soon it is other way around.

They need a market,we have 2 nd biggest in the world
They need skilled labour,we have plenty
They need cheap labour,ours is as cheap as it gets
They want a stable country,ours is one.

No way we are getting played.
Putin and Russia already tested our patience and exploit our good will(INS Viky saga).
We should follow the independent foreign policy. And Recently Russia made some mistakes by snubbing us.Russia will be always be our friend and they earned a lot from us through arms deal.
Russia has some difficulty for giving 50% share for us .I hope initiatives like this would clear their difficulty.

No, it will only cause Putin to distrust India more as India draw closer to USA.
wts the indian obsession with pakistan FOREVER ALONE
No, it will only cause Putin to distrust India more as India draw closer to USA.

Putin has nothing to offer us now.
As for pakfa/fgfa russia needs indian money and we need their tech.Its mutually beneficial.
If russia pulls out,india will have many options but russia has 0.

Plus they need fundsfor newer idz 30 engine development and chinese are busy with their own ws series.So they are tied to india for good or for bad.
As if USA does not know that, right. You think India is playing with the USA, don't you? You'll realize soon it is other way around.

I think we figure it out with the video of India with lots of disgusting white servants. At rhe same time, India's treat people of lighter skin as of higher caste. Go figure.
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