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Modi Won’t Let China Turn India To Another Pakistan - Forbes

Read the headline and article properly you troll , forbes is saying that
Don't get excited immediately.

Modi Won’t Let China Turn India To Another Pakistan - Forbes

I am not some poor pakistani to buy chinese products from chachas computer shop

Yes we are poor, while bharat have gold houses and diomand spread throughout the land like stones. Happy?

Writer is actually a bias guy against China.
For the uneducated Indians. Abasin = Indus River. The father of civilization.


In case your geography is as poor as your history. look where Indus River is.


There is a reason why we call you guys "Gangoos". See if you can figure it out. Clue what is your holy river and covers most of North India?
No, we don't! We gave you everything... and then we left!

@RIWWIR @Indus Pakistan @Sine Nomine @Pakhtoon yum
  • Name from a river,who's banks are our homes from time unknown.
  • Religion too comes from our ancestors.
  • Vedas composed by our ancestors.
  • Sanskrit refined by our ancestors.
  • Sense of nationhood provided by us in 20th century.
That's mighty India(Name comes from river Indus,which flows in Pakistan),a state which is ruled by religious fanatics.
They basically are good at following us.
Sorry. We gave you -

  • your religion
  • language
  • culture
  • etc

If you want to see what you looked like before we gave you these gifts please look at the Munda people. That is "you" minus our gifts to you. Not pretty I say.
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  • Name from a river,who's banks are our homes from time unknown.
  • Religion too comes from our ancestors.
  • Vedas composed by our ancestors.
  • Sanskrit refined by our ancestors.
  • Sense of nationhood provided by us in 20th century.
They basically are good at following us.
Could not have said it better.
from last 5000 years you were same and your origin is from indus civilization. than few hundred years before you changed. By giving various reasoning you are trying to explain. but facts will not change. I know you will oppose me, but try to think with cool mind.
We are still sons,of Indus Valley civilization.Rightfull successors of everything which happened in past be it's religion,be it's langauge and be it's customs/ culture.
Being Muslim doesn't takes away our identity which revolves around Sapta Sindhavah.
LOL! What's wrong with the people. Civilization and other useless troll. No straight answer.
I think pakistan in a fools paradise. just because of enmity with india pakistan can go to any extent first with usa and now with china . My message to all Pakistan is you are not different from us. your origin , culture, language starts from mother India. Change your heart and your destiny will change until than every one will make fool out of you.

We are eternally different. Our only issue is Kashmir, nothing else. And we are doing what's best for us, and that includes Kashmir. End of story.
from last 5000 years you were same and your origin is from indus civilization.
Yes. That is what we said. You do know Indus River is synonymous with Pakistan. Some facts for you.

  • Indus = Pakistan
  • Ganga = India

Look below. Can you see where Ganga basin is? And where Indus basin is?

I think pakistan in a fools paradise. just because of enmity with india pakistan can go to any extent first with usa and now with china . My message to all Pakistan is you are not different from us. your origin , culture, language starts from mother India. Change your heart and your destiny will change until than every one will make fool out of you.

Wrong, you are in fools paradise WE ARE DIFFERENT FROM YOU AND NOTHING LIKE YOU ! its your nation who is making a fool out of it self in house and around the world. A nation that lies to its own people first then to the world, a nation that has no self pride nor respect that picks on the poor and takes their freedom away, a nation with coward armed forces !! you want me to go on and on I can so stop with the behind the screen hero party this isn't Bollywood come back to reality !!!

Does these statistics involve military acquisitions???

For them noo for us yes so don't get this dumb guys comment their chi wala fag modi !!

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