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Modi threatens ‘strong reply’and complete isolation’ of Pakistan and revoke MFN status

For Modi and stupid Indian who lives in Lala Land just SHUTUP. ..
REMEMBER "We [Pakistan Army] are ready for war but choose to walk the path of peace in the interest of the people of Pakistan, the neighbours and the region".

For Modi and stupid Indian who lives in Lala Land just SHUTUP. ..
REMEMBER "We [Pakistan Army] are ready for war but choose to walk the path of peace in the interest of the people of Pakistan, the neighbours and the region".
Really not funny.

You guys are just being crass.

No one from our side said a thing when your kids got butchered.

Cheers, Doc
Freedom fighters didn't killed children's , they attack occupying force which they seems to killing their following Kashmiri .
Well arent you a hypocrite?
Tell me, do u miss they days of Persian empire and then getting kicked and exiled form your native lands? We'll dot get yourself hurt big boi, we wouldn't want a repeat now would we?

Did you just blabber something?

Cheers, Doc

Freedom fighters didn't killed children's , they attack occupying force which they seems to killing their following Kashmiri .

I'm sorry, but try as I might I cannot bring myself to stoop to the levels exhibited here.

Cheers, Doc
But did the perpetrators of this attack need any tangible support from the organization in Pakistan is my question? Local bomber, local vehicle, and likely local explosives.

What tangible impact did Pakistan have here? We didn't supply the bomber or the vehicle or the money or the explosives and the expertise for IED's and VBIED's is available from plenty of other sources.
Basically you're saying is we have no responsibility in this despite the fact that, the organization is based in Pakistan. It's leaders are in Pakistan, with it's leader boasting about killing Indians in rallies held in Pakistan.
Whose members have carried out scores of attack on Indian personal, and yet living with impunity in Pakistan.

The state of Pakistan have no responsibility for it's actions in India, because you didn't supply them with IED's and manpower. But have no problem in endorsing members of such outfits and boosting the morale by issuing stamps for them. Or funding them, and letting them operate breeding grounds in Bhawalpur. I guess you'll put another stamp and pray for this departed terrorist (at a later date) justifying his actions calling him freedom Icon.

what about the suicide bomber? a citizen of your side of kashmir.it's like a slap for indian armed forces that a young 19 year old found a way to explode it's car on your convey.your security situation is itself shameful.you can't blame pakistan for 350 kg explosives.there must be facilitators.why is your government silent? isn't inside job? you can't malign pakistani image everytime.look at all the statements! only americans asked pakistan to stop.no other country referenced pakistan.
Which is exactly why we will need to put heavy surveillance on Kashmir and it's general public. Every born person should be treated as a potential suspect. That's why I said, we need to put a similar scenario like the Chinese do in Xinjiang.

Now, speaking of inside job. The JeM has already taken responsibility for the attack, released video of the terrorist, and his dream of going to Jannah. etc... Malign your image? Your image is pretty maligned since a long time, be it 26/11 or the killing of OBL in Abottabad (If anything called a PR disaster, that'll be it.) Or putting yourself to be in FATF list for Money laundering and financing terrorism (twice), in effect every other country in FATF has called you out on it. And you got the most powerful country making a statement against you. All this contribute to maligning your image. It's not us deliberately trying to Malign your image, it's your own actions and duplicity maligning your image. Coming to the internet incl this forum (which has members from outside Pakistan) you see members from Pakistan cheering for this, or go to other social medias, like twitter, FB where you see different nationalities read and comment, you see Pakistanis putting laughing emoji's, trying hard to justify the actions of these terrorist. As a result, your image gets maligned (among general public).
Did you just blabber something?

Cheers, Doc

I'm sorry, but try as I might I cannot bring myself to stoop to the levels exhibited here.

Cheers, Doc
It's the price every occupied forces have to pay , Americans paid in Afghanistan, Israel pays in Palestine . I think all military targets are well within war rules , civilians targets should and must be avoided. Even though IA never distinguish between innocent civilian or fighter .
Basically you're saying is we have no responsibility in this despite the fact that, the organization is based in Pakistan. It's leaders are in Pakistan, with it's leader boasting about killing Indians in rallies held in Pakistan.
In terms of this attack or any other attack that had no material or physical support from Pakistan, correct - we have no responsibility. 'Moral support' cannot be held responsible.
In 2002 news article
India uses Pakistani airspace for more than 200 flights a week whereas
Pakistan will have to suspend 11 weekly flights to India from January 1
besides 12 weekly flights for other destinations in East Asian countries
that use Indian airspace.

while today PIA have only 3 routes Delhi -Kuala alampur -Bangkok which fly over india more like 6 weekly flights . while you guys will loss hundreds of daily flights all north indian flights of jetairways- spice- air india - indigo- airasia india - and air india express for whole damn world fly over Pakistan .


Interesting article from India that reviews past actions and potential future options - in summary, no really good 'military retaliation options' that don't risk an escalation into a full fledged war.

Opinion | Pulwama: India’s response should be informed by history
It is increasingly becoming difficult for India to impose costs on Pakistan that will instil some level of deterrence while at the same time not breaching nuclear red line

The surgical strikes also carried an element of surprise. It wasn’t clear how India would respond to the Uri attack, or even whether India would respond at all. The inaction after the 26/11 Mumbai attacks was still fresh in the memory. Where India failed was to follow up these strikes with similar moves involving surprise and exhibit a willingness to escalate in responding to attacks that followed in Nagrota and elsewhere. A one-off surgical strike is too little to bring about a behaviour change in Pakistan’s generals.

Now, let us turn the gaze to those instances when India failed against Pakistan.

2001-02: The terrorist attack on the Parliament in New Delhi was followed by a massive mobilisation of Indian troops along the LoC and the international border. India also pressed Pakistan to surrender 20 terrorists to India. The coercive strategy failed. While the mobilisation was meant to signal escalation, it took so much time that the surprise element was entirely gone. India’s tardiness allowed Pakistan to counter-mobilise and provided the room for international mediators to weigh in.

2008: The 26/11 attacks in Mumbai were an opportunity to rectify the mistakes of 2001-02. However, India allowed itself to be deterred by Pakistan’s nuclear bombs. International support was with India and a limited conventional attack would have called out Pakistan’s nuclear bluff. But India decided to not go down that route.

As the Modi government mulls its retaliatory options against the dastardly attack in Pulwama, it needs to look back in history and make a note of what works and what doesn’t. Whenever India has enjoyed a degree of military success against Pakistan, it has had to do with two common attributes: an element of surprise and a willingness to escalate. Unfortunately, surgical strikes no longer carry the surprise element. After 2016, the Pakistani army will be prepared for it. Also, unlike last time, there would most probably be no terrorist launch pads to be found in areas close to the LoC.

Since the Pulwama attack is bigger than Uri but much less ambitious than Kargil, one would expect an Indian military response, if any, to be between the two strata of surgical strikes and the use of air power. This is a narrow window, and then there are the low-yield battlefield nuclear weapons that Pakistan regularly flaunts. It is increasingly becoming difficult for India to impose costs on Pakistan that will instil some level of deterrence while, at the same time, not breaching any nuclear red lines. Any significant response will either breach those red lines or demolish the Pakistani nuclear bluster for good. Once the immediate needs have been taken care of, India should think of a long-term strategy. Everything from covert operations to counterforce strikes should be on the table.

In terms of this attack or any other attack that had no material or physical support from Pakistan, correct - we have no responsibility. 'Moral support' cannot be held responsible.
Urmmm. Nope, there is. Given the organization operate from Pakistan (if Pakistan were a person) makes you an accessory. As for material support for the attack, the investigation is still ongoing. If we find any evidence linking Pakistan we will surely publish it. By the way, how's the Pathankot investigation going on, I heard the accused who were arrested in connection were released on 'lack of evidence'.
Urmmm. Nope, there is. Given the organization operate from Pakistan (if Pakistan were a person) makes you an accessory. As for material support for the attack, the investigation is still ongoing. If we find any evidence linking Pakistan we will surely publish it. By the way, how's the Pathankot investigation going on, I heard the accused who were arrested in connection were released on 'lack of evidence'.
Pakistan has banned the organization and Azhar still does not have UN Sanctions against him so Pakistan is doing nothing wrong in allowing him to roam free. Again, unless you can show a direct link, in terms of material support, for this attack to Pakistan, Pakistan has no responsibility. The 9/11 attacks were actually plotted by the AQ leadership in Afghanistan. India would have to show that this attack was planned and organized by individuals in Pakistan for Pakistan to accept responsibility. Just because some local guy claims to belong to an organization that is banned in Pakistan does not make Pakistan responsible.
Interesting article from India that reviews past actions and potential future options - in summary, no really good 'military retaliation options' that don't risk an escalation into a full fledged war.

Opinion | Pulwama: India’s response should be informed by history
It is increasingly becoming difficult for India to impose costs on Pakistan that will instil some level of deterrence while at the same time not breaching nuclear red line

The surgical strikes also carried an element of surprise. It wasn’t clear how India would respond to the Uri attack, or even whether India would respond at all. The inaction after the 26/11 Mumbai attacks was still fresh in the memory. Where India failed was to follow up these strikes with similar moves involving surprise and exhibit a willingness to escalate in responding to attacks that followed in Nagrota and elsewhere. A one-off surgical strike is too little to bring about a behaviour change in Pakistan’s generals.

Now, let us turn the gaze to those instances when India failed against Pakistan.

2001-02: The terrorist attack on the Parliament in New Delhi was followed by a massive mobilisation of Indian troops along the LoC and the international border. India also pressed Pakistan to surrender 20 terrorists to India. The coercive strategy failed. While the mobilisation was meant to signal escalation, it took so much time that the surprise element was entirely gone. India’s tardiness allowed Pakistan to counter-mobilise and provided the room for international mediators to weigh in.

2008: The 26/11 attacks in Mumbai were an opportunity to rectify the mistakes of 2001-02. However, India allowed itself to be deterred by Pakistan’s nuclear bombs. International support was with India and a limited conventional attack would have called out Pakistan’s nuclear bluff. But India decided to not go down that route.

As the Modi government mulls its retaliatory options against the dastardly attack in Pulwama, it needs to look back in history and make a note of what works and what doesn’t. Whenever India has enjoyed a degree of military success against Pakistan, it has had to do with two common attributes: an element of surprise and a willingness to escalate. Unfortunately, surgical strikes no longer carry the surprise element. After 2016, the Pakistani army will be prepared for it. Also, unlike last time, there would most probably be no terrorist launch pads to be found in areas close to the LoC.

Since the Pulwama attack is bigger than Uri but much less ambitious than Kargil, one would expect an Indian military response, if any, to be between the two strata of surgical strikes and the use of air power. This is a narrow window, and then there are the low-yield battlefield nuclear weapons that Pakistan regularly flaunts. It is increasingly becoming difficult for India to impose costs on Pakistan that will instil some level of deterrence while, at the same time, not breaching any nuclear red lines. Any significant response will either breach those red lines or demolish the Pakistani nuclear bluster for good. Once the immediate needs have been taken care of, India should think of a long-term strategy. Everything from covert operations to counterforce strikes should be on the table.

its common sense if ISI know about these attacks then they must have per paired for response too . it was total stupidity that they allow such scale attack and forget to alert forces on border . now paksitani air defence ground and sea defenses are on red alert .
Freedom fighters didn't killed children's , they attack occupying force which they seems to killing their following Kashmiri .
When Occupied forces dont chose between kids and old ppls then freedom fighters cant spare no one and its just lazy excuse , more kids and womens and older kashmiris were killed by indian occupied forces in kashmir then in Palestine

its common sense if ISI know about these attacks then they must have per paired for response too . it was total stupidity that they allow such scale attack and forget to alert forces on border . now paksitani air defence ground and sea defenses are on red alert .
Not only on red alret but red rooms been opened up in all sectors land to air missiles are in place more sqdrns of jf thunders are joining in to nearest border PAF air spots
When Occupied forces dont chose between kids and old ppls then freedom fighters cant spare no one and its just lazy excuse , more kids and womens and older kashmiris were killed by indian occupied forces in kashmir then in Palestine

Not only on red alret but red room been opened up in all sectors land to air missiles are in place more sqdrns of jf thunders are joining in to nearest border PAF air spots
India gets away cause of money , everyone knows that Indian companies can bring big investment , and no body gives a sh!t about Muslims dying unless it's China or Russia cause it suits western narrative to spread BS against communist .
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