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Modi-led government in UP set to rename historic Aligarh city to Harigarh

A great gesture by UP government (Yes, Not Modi Government). Muslim invaders had changed the names of many historical cities. Now it is the time to rectify those historical wrongs. Foot prints of Invaders should be erased. Next in line should be Hyderabad. There are few converts who try to link their ancestry to invaders but they should be ignored and marginalized.
Start by demolishing Taj mahal
Start by demolishing Taj mahal
That would be unfortunate. That will make us a country where only one community (based on a particular religion) remains supreme. In fact, it would mean that India is for one religious group only. Do you really think such kinda country is desirable?
That would be unfortunate. That will make us a country where only one community (based on a particular religion) remains supreme. In fact, it would mean that India is for one religious group only. Do you really think such kinda country is desirable?

India is a utter hindutva extremist communal shithole, it's what's happening now

Just as Jinnah predicted over 70 years ago

It's why Pakistan had to be made, the very history of Indian Muslims is under threat
Bhagat singh wasn't a proper communist , he was more of a nationalist with a preference for development of society no those shitty ideas of everything being owned by government etc

He was a Communist or Socialist till the moment he was hanged by the British government. I quote from my 2020 thread - an article about the 113th anniversary of his birth that year :
I will conclude with the last moments of Bhagat Singh’s life, as reported by his close associate Manmathnath Gupta, he writes:

“When called upon to mount the scaffold, Bhagat Singh was reading a book by Lenin or on Lenin. He continued his reading and said, ‘Wait a while. A revolutionary is talking to another revolutionary’. Bhagat Singh continued to read. After a few moments, he flung the book towards the ceiling and said, ‘Let us go’.” [Emphasis added]

Not a single amjor leftist in india is follower of bhagat singh

I agree, many of the Indian leftists should promote Bhagat Singh more.

nor can be done with their habit of sucking each other for benefits , like naxals supporting missionary conversion gangs , missionary supporting seperatist , seperatist supporting communist , communist supporting religious radicals .

Please think more on what you wrote.

Communist is a failure system at best , and disaster at best , communist is like a dictatorship in camo .

Below is Google result for "Communism" :
Communism is a philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state. Wikipedia
About the base ideology itself what is your objection to such humane and wonderful set of thoughts ? Implementations of Communism in various have been experiments and many of them yes resulted in dictatorships but one element of Communism - absence of state and the people ruling themselves - had been the governing system in Libya until the 2011 invasion, though Gaddafi didn't call that element as Communist because maybe of the past association of Communism with Atheism, but yes there was an essay by him years ago which asked "Has Communism arrived yet ?". About the "Common ownership" element isn't there the Open Source idea since many years in the field of computing software and hardware and in other fields like medicine ?

State capitalist is the only derivative of communism that can led to development without a doomed future .

India has been an extremely Capitalist and feudal society for 3000 years. How has that worked out ? As a few examples :

1. Between 1995 and 2017 more than 300,000 Indian farmers commit suicide because of artificial and avoidable socio-economic reasons which exist because of their national system. Farmers continue to suicide. Unfortunately suicide, especially because of socio-economic reasons, is an accepted act in Indian culture. Why should anyone commit suicide unless there are three 40-foot anaconda snakes outside your house waiting to swallow you ?

2. Many Indians suffer and die of ailments not because their is no cure for most of them but because they don't have money. The cost of treatments can be from a few thousand to tens of lakhs to more. One or two organizations like Ketto try to help these sufferers by crowdfunding - raising money from the public. Read this thread of mine from a few days ago about a infant boy from Kerala who died from a disease because his parents couldn't afford the cost of the imported medicine which cost 16 crores for each injection dose. Some money was raised through crowdfunding but it wasn't enough and not in time. Healthcare should be a human right and be free and universal and be provided by the government, not allowing insurance companies and private health facilities to operate. Even the otherwise Capitalist Spain made healthcare free and universal for its citizens last year during the first wave of COVID.

3. During the reverse migration of laborers in India last years there was the well-known case of the death by hunger of a migrant laborer woman in a railway station in Bihar state. She died not only because the rail department didn't arrange food for her in the train but also she didn't have money to buy food. Was this death not unnecessary ? In another case a man was found on a highway hungry and eating from the carcass of a roadkill dog. Good that a concerned citizen stopped his car and provided that man with food and water. In another case a man was filmed collecting milk spilled on a road from a milk tanker while upstream in that milk river there were stray dogs lapping up the milk. These people didn't have money for food while no stray dog goes hungry in India.

4. In the huge but useless Indian IT company Infosys some years ago an employee committed suicide because the company was oppressively forcing him to take up some internal exam and he was supposed to score high to remain in the company. As if Infosys has contributed to the field of computing. And no official from Infosys was punished for the suicide.

5. There are student suicides including in the infamous Rajasthan state town of Kota where there are many coaching centers which "prepare" the student to score high in the entrance exam of some "prestigious" Indian university.

Lastly about "State Capitalism", there is China with its stupid "Socialism with Chinese characteristics". Read this thread of mine some months ago about a Chinese man who lost money in the stock exchange and committed suicide by jumping into a steel furnace. What was a stock exchange doing in a country government by a supposedly Communist party ? Why did the environment exist that allowed such suicides ? Why wasn't the stock exchange closed down after this incident ? State Capitalism indeed.

And you should think about changing your user-name.

He is used as shield by communist dogs

Communists aren't dogs, they are cats :



Aligarh college produce Pakistan lovers not Bhagat Singh.

1. In Pakistan too there are good and progressive people, and bad people. Just like the case in India. The good and the progressive in both countries should interact, whether in the field of arts or science or in solving mutual political problems like Kashmir. I have proposed a solution for Kashmir in this thread and the Pakistani management of this forum has allowed that thread. Please read that thread. And you too are on this forum, yes ?

2. If AMU produces regressive types of graduates than they should be seen in the same way as with Hindutvadi elements who are also wrong.

Why you change name of Banaras Hindu College?

1. Because that name has allowed the environment to produce Hindutvadi cranks like Golwalkwar and Koenraad Elst.

2. The preamble of India's Constitution declares India to be a socialist and secular country. Blatant naming of institutions, especially educational ones, goes against the spirit of the Constitution. It is because of such naming that wrong things like oppression of Dalits still exists in India after 74 years of Independence.
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India is a utter hindutva extremist communal shithole, it's what's happening now

Just as Jinnah predicted over 70 years ago

It's why Pakistan had to be made, the very history of Indian Muslims is under threat
It's more like "this is happening because Jinnah created Pakistan in the first place". None of this would have happened if Partition hadn't taken place.

I ask you again, do you have a problem when a country gives preference to one religious group only? You know, a country that is kinda based on religion?
. . . . .
It's more like "this is happening because Jinnah created Pakistan in the first place". None of this would have happened if Partition hadn't taken place.

I ask you again, do you have a problem when a country gives preference to one religious group only? You know, a country that is kinda based on religion?

Yaar you are blaming hindutva extremism inside India upon Pakistan

What we are saying was Jinnah was a genius he could tell India would be a disaster, the hatred, the toxic state of India is just fruition of his vision

It's up to Indian Muslims to understand that Jinnah was right and their history is under threat
Good decision sir. If Pakistan rename Hindu names India can rename Muslim names. Both Hindu Muslims happy
How are Indian Muslims happy that India is a communal shithole?
A great gesture by UP government (Yes, Not Modi Government). Muslim invaders had changed the names of many historical cities. Now it is the time to rectify those historical wrongs. Foot prints of Invaders should be erased. Next in line should be Hyderabad. There are few converts who try to link their ancestry to invaders but they should be ignored and marginalized.
By the same logic you should rename your country first. India is a British name given by colonial masters. Also UP are English alphabets, try using Sanskrit.
Sir they give full support openly to Taliban. So why they have problem with renaming?

Because that's their history

If you can support RSS and other hindutva extremists why can't Indian Muslims start fighting back and thinking about their own community
Sir we have no problem with this. Even before BJP came, Indian Muslim openly support Pakistan cricket team.

That's because India was always a hindutva extremist communal shithole

Over time it's just become worse and worse
Sir we have no problem with this. Even before BJP came, Indian Muslim openly support Pakistan cricket team.

That couldn't be further from the truth. Every Indian Muslim I have met, yes including religious ones have been fanatical followers of the Indian cricket team. I have NEVER met any Indian Muslim supporting Pakistan, not abroad anyway.

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