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‘Modi is a robot of the RSS, programmed to hate Muslims’

then if you consider yourself responsible for some thing that you did not have control of sure you are bound to become a patient who will need help from a physiatrist.

Wow that's a bit trolly for you brother. Of course I have some control on my sons are 4 and 2.5 years old. Didn't your father have some control on you at this age??

MODI did not initiate the riot, he did what was in his capacity to stop the killing in 3 days.

Hitler didn't push any Jews into gas chambers either

During the time of Jihan, Nehru, Gandhi only the partition happened and during the time the border of INDIA and PAKISTAN burned more than what happened during post Godra riot, the loss of life and property was more in 1947, yet we call those who were responsible for the deaths as the father of our respective nations and the first PMs, etc.
and why is this Hipocracy?

British were responsible in my book. Culpability can be assigned. You need to study legal causation mate
Wow that's a bit trolly for you brother. Of course I have some control on my sons are 4 and 2.5 years old. Didn't your father have some control on you at this age??
:enjoy: good sarcasam, I know that your kids are now kids, lets have another example out of rage you kill me, will your family be held responsible for your actions.
Hitler didn't push any Jews into gas chambers either
Hitler ordered the execution of Jew by his regular uniformed state owned army men. and his actions were not in response to some jews buring Germans in a train, but he developed a personal grudge against the Jews with out a reason.
The Mulism who burnt the kar savaks alive should have thought of the consequences that was about to bring to the entire Mulsim community. Did they think that the Hindus will present them flowers for buringing alive HIndus.
That is because we don't consider him to be resresponsible.:disagree:

But lots of Indians do

:enjoy: good sarcasam, I know that your kids are now kids, lets have another example out of rage you kill me, will your family be held responsible for your actions.


Ashokbhai calm down man. We are men of peace. May you live a thousand and hell to anyone that wants to harm you
"If it is a miracle,"any sort of evidence will answer. But if it is a fact, proof is necessary." So prove it if Mr. Modi is found guilty. For time being enjoy the song, perfectly fits you.:azn:

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Crime was committed a decade ago so lets forget it??

If you can not forget an issue decade ago..then how come Hindus and in particular from Northern part of India's Hindus has been attacked and looted and lot of religious institution are destroyed by Islamic invaders and still then they forgot about it....So what do you think that We Hindus should not forget about it? Hindus should always cry about that something that has happened in the past....No...it is not right...Over the history...Hindus are come over and forgot those times and learnt to live together...Simillarly all Indian should always forget about the past bad incidents and move ahead so as to have a better and crime free future...
Ashokbhai calm down man. We are men of peace. May you live a thousand and hell to anyone that wants to harm you
I don't know what to say to your wish and brotherhood that you share to me brother,
but No Bhai, if I live until 64 its sufficient, If I see my girl grow into a smart and butiful woman and join hands with with a handsom and inteligent man then I am happy to die any day after it.
Dont think of being a burden to the next generation who will be busy building a new future to the next generation. Secondly my father used to tell that human life is 8 * 8 and each 8 years holds a purpose and value to the human live.
U r skeptical abt this?I wonder what u ll do if u r equally rational and honest about pakistan?

darling i am more than aware and admit that pak has killers, haters and criminal leaders. many indians in this thread however r denying that this modi-ler criminal raged a massacre of muslims in his state. since indians dont have the decency to stand up for the rights of their muslims...and instead try to cover it up with labels like "routine rioting" "no biggie" "the muslims instigated it"... the rest of the world has to stand up for them.

Thank you Ashokbhai. Yes I would consider myself being vicariously responsible

darling i am more than aware and admit that pak has killers, haters and criminal leaders. many indians in this thread however r denying that this modi-ler criminal raged a massacre of muslims in his state. since indians dont have the decency to stand up for the rights of their muslims...and instead try to cover it up with labels like "routine rioting" "no biggie" "the muslims instigated it"... the rest of the world has to stand up for them.

Rioting was unfortunate, but Modi shouldn't be blamed for that. It was ignited by the burning of the train in Godhra by a Muslim mob in which 60 Hindu pilgrims were burnt alive. Secondly it was not a "massacre". Both Hindus and Muslims died during the riots. More Muslims than Hindus, agreed, but many of those Hindus were killed by Police firing(so you can't say Modi didn't do anything to stop the riots).

Unfortunately there have been many riots in India, almost all under the eyes of the ruling Congress party, how come no one grills them for all those riots?

Gujarat riots occurred 10 years ago, and the state has been peaceful and prosperous since then, and in India as whole, religious riots are becoming rare(as people are getting more educated) . What do Pakistanis like you plan to achieve by prodding at this would again and again and inciting the Muslims in India? Let the wound heal.

Many many more Muslims have been killed in Pakistan during sectarian riots, how come the violence in Gujarat takes precedence over the violence in your own country? Do you guys also do same sorta awareness(read propaganda)campaign for all the Shia massacres that has occurred in your country?

We Indians are not as as soulless and as hateful towards our Muslim brothers as you think. If we see something wrong and unfair we are the first to condemn it.

For some reason all this "caring" for Indian Muslims coming out of Pakistan seems more like an attempt to unsettle the religious harmony in India.

Modi has been given a clean cheat by the Supreme court of India, and given the sorta of developed and prosperity he has brought to the state of Gujarat, many Indians want to give him the benefit of the doubt and give him a chance to redeem himself.
when it comes to secularism..why we talk about Muslims only..
there are other religious minority as well
jains, buddhist, christians, punjabis, parsi
its an Irony that 20 million Muslims makes a minority and always plays a victim game..
Modi slaughtered muslims..so does Mohd Gauri
Modi hate Muslims of India only..Aryan_B and may like him hates Hindus of India as well as Pakistan or anywhere else in the world.
darling i am more than aware and admit that pak has killers, haters and criminal leaders. many indians in this thread however r denying that this modi-ler criminal raged a massacre of muslims in his state. since indians dont have the decency to stand up for the rights of their muslims...and instead try to cover it up with labels like "routine rioting" "no biggie" "the muslims instigated it"... the rest of the world has to stand up for them.


well dude modi alone is not responsible. i as an indian consider myself responsible for killing of muslims. but this world is a very kutti cheez. modi might be a hindu activist but on the other had he is an amazing politician and respectable cm. he has billion supporters over a few against him. we cant let an amazing politician go to hell when we know he can do wonders for us. even other leaders cant say anything because he has outperformed all of them in the economic and political arena.
darling i am more than aware and admit that pak has killers, haters and criminal leaders. many indians in this thread however r denying that this modi-ler criminal raged a massacre of muslims in his state. since indians dont have the decency to stand up for the rights of their muslims...and instead try to cover it up with labels like "routine rioting" "no biggie" "the muslims instigated it"... the rest of the world has to stand up for them.

Indians do stand up for Muslims' rights. No one supports the riots and every hindu wants the perpetrators to be punished. But first we need to find out who started the riots. Simply saying Modi did it doesnt help. you are just buying the lines of what Congress is telling the world.
Modi is face of developing india and we indians support him and in court nothing is approved against him.
Pakistanis do not qualify to ask ques from indians about muslims. we didnt ask you to go. You wanted to live alone so you lost the right at that time.
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