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Modi govt. may change the name of P-O-K



i wonder if Modi wants to divert attention of Indians towards Kashmir protests in the aftermath of touching article 370


i wonder if Modi wants to divert attention of Indians towards Kashmir protests in the aftermath of touching article 370
i think bjp wants a debate on pros and con's on 370...a law which is archaic...absolutely unnecessary... as india controls finance defense and communication.... so without these anyhow the state us not autonomous...
i think bjp may offer to trade afspa with 370...
which would be hard to resist!!!
Modi don't need to divert attention, he already started doing massive development projects for which he was voted for. ;)

Has he started pressing seeds to extract oil that is only thing a Modi taili is capable of doing.
My bias to kashmir has some reason because I have distant ancestary from rural kashmiri muslim cultivators settled in punjab pakistan. But I never understand the out of proportion interest of indians from remote states of india to give negative comments about kashmiri muslims of the kashmir valley. The real kashmir is by the way only "kashmir valley" where kashmiri/kashur language is spoken as mother tongue by the inhabitants. However Jammu and Kashmir was the state that was ruled by "Maharaja of jammu and kashmir", the guy was hindu dogra and not a kashmiri, he was as much foreigner to kashmiri muslims as the current indian occupying forces.
wat remote parts???
in case you don't know....in india...every india indian has a say in every matter... so do kashmiris...their are 6 parliamentarians for j&k..
i belong to andhra pradesh state...which resently bifurcated.... do you think we liked it...???
every single mp representing his constituency...including from j&k voted for it...
does j&k or any other state have anything do with our state?..no....it was done for greater good of this region and our future in mind....we accepted it!!
wat remote parts???
in case you don't know....in india...every india indian has a say in every matter... so do kashmiris...their are 6 parliamentarians for j&k..
i belong to andhra pradesh state...which resently bifurcated.... do you think we liked it...???
every single mp representing his constituency...including from j&k voted for it...
does j&k or any other state have anything do with our state?..no....it was done for greater good of this region and our future in mind....we accepted it!!

Your Andhra pradesh has no resemblence with the status of the state of "jammu and kashmir" which is an internationally recognized (under UN resolutions) disputed state whose fate has yet to be decided through a plebiscite. Your media is hiding the status of "jammu and Kashmir" state from stupid folks of india who think the people living in "J & K" are indians or it is an "established" indian state, both impressions are wrong.
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Your Andhra pradesh is has no resemblence with the status of the state of "jammu and kashmir" which is an internationally recognized (under UN resolutions) disputed state whose fate has yet to be decided through a plebiscite. Your media is hiding the status of "jammu and Kashmir" state from stupid folks of india who think the people living in "J & K" are indians or it is an "established" indian state, both impressions are wrong.
so r u saying j&k belongs to Pakistan???
and u ever heard of nizam state???
its was added to indian union in 1970's....
before it was autonomous too...
Pakistan occupies only Kashmir. not Jammu.

Modi is clubbing it and raising the stakes and showing his intentions.

Maybe a precursor to remove article 370.

Not true. Pakistan has 0 % of Kashmir which is only the Kashmir valley. Pakistan has parts of Upper Jammu and Gilgit baltistan
Not true. Pakistan has 0 % of Kashmir which is only the Kashmir valley. Pakistan has parts of Upper Jammu and Gilgit baltistan

But they still allegedly have Kashmiris in Mirpuris. ;)
News channels reporting that Modi govt. is planning to change the name of P-O-K to P-O-JK.

Further reports awaited.

Exclusive: Kashmiri pandits to be repatriated, Azad Kashmir to be renamed as PoJK?

But we are still going to keep the name Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Cheers mate.
And no single flying, dancing, twisting, rolling, crouching, jumping FCUK was given that day.


so r u saying j&k belongs to Pakistan???
and u ever heard of nizam state???
its was added to indian union in 1970's....
before it was autonomous too...

What the hell kashmiris have to do with any Nizam or his state, we are talking about 10 million people living in the state of "Jammu and Kashmir", also the culture and mindset of the people in kashmir has no resemblance with mainstream indians, maybe that is the reason why bhayyas from north indian and dravidians from south india cannot grasp the gravity of the kashmir issue.
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