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Modi govt. Failed to turn Arab Countries against Pakistan.

Pakistan has nothing to gain from India. If your trade with us starts booming, our industries will find a readymade market for desi items. Scale and economics will push Pak industries on the backfoot and for many many items we will have the market to ourselves.

In fact Pakistan is the ONLY country to be not dominated by Indian economics. That is only because Pakistan remains closed to India. The hate helps Pakistan in more ways than one.
You quoted me out of context, my argument was against normalization, not in favor.

Other than that I agree with you - some Pakistani businesses would profit from trade with India, but Pakistan's industrial and manufacturing sector would take a major hit, given the state of Pakistan's economy currently.
You quoted me out of context, my argument was against normalization, not in favor.

Other than that I agree with you - some Pakistani businesses would profit from trade with India, but Pakistan's industrial and manufacturing sector would take a major hit, given the state of Pakistan's economy currently.
Ok. Yeah. Normalization is something that we want. It is in the interest of India. Not Pakistan.
SA will never allow Modi conspiracy against Pakistan to succeed: Saudi King
August 22, 2015, 5:14 pm/ 1 Comment

Islamabad: India has miserably failed in using Muslim countries against Pakistan, as Saudi Arabia has rejected Indian offer for defence cooperation if kingdom withdraws hand of assistance to Pakistan.

As per private TV channel, Indian Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi during his recent visit had asked UAE authorities if all the Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia show indifferent attitude to Pakistan on defence matters then Indian will extend full cooperation to Arab countries on all defence related matters, including Yemen.

But king of Saudi Arabia Khadim-ul- Haramain Ash-Sharifain made it clear in categorical terms that Saudi Arabia, would never allow any Modi led conspiracy against Pakistan to succeed. Saudi Arabia on the other hand has informed formally government of Pakistan and defence authorities with regard to Indian conspiracy, besides holding out assurance that no Arab country including Saudi Arabia will ever become part of any conspiracy against Pakistan. Saudi Arabia will fortify its ties with Pakistan more than ever before.

Allama Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi, chairman Pakistan Ulema Council said that Arab countries relations with Pakistan are not based on interests, but they are ideological. No country can create cracks in the bilateral ties between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. JUI-F acting secretary general Maulana Amjid Khan said, India was trying to weaken Pakistan everywhere and on every occasion. On the other side it was not ready to sit across the table on Kashmir issue.

JI leader Farid Paracha said, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have stood with each other on every critical juncture of time. Launching propaganda blitz by India against Pakistan in UAE is failure of our foreign policy, he cautioned.

SA will never allow Modi conspiracy against Pakistan to succeed: Saudi King
SA will never allow Modi conspiracy against Pakistan to succeed: Saudi King
August 22, 2015, 5:14 pm/ 1 Comment

Islamabad: India has miserably failed in using Muslim countries against Pakistan, as Saudi Arabia has rejected Indian offer for defence cooperation if kingdom withdraws hand of assistance to Pakistan.

As per private TV channel, Indian Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi during his recent visit had asked UAE authorities if all the Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia show indifferent attitude to Pakistan on defence matters then Indian will extend full cooperation to Arab countries on all defence related matters, including Yemen.

But king of Saudi Arabia Khadim-ul- Haramain Ash-Sharifain made it clear in categorical terms that Saudi Arabia, would never allow any Modi led conspiracy against Pakistan to succeed. Saudi Arabia on the other hand has informed formally government of Pakistan and defence authorities with regard to Indian conspiracy, besides holding out assurance that no Arab country including Saudi Arabia will ever become part of any conspiracy against Pakistan. Saudi Arabia will fortify its ties with Pakistan more than ever before.

Allama Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi, chairman Pakistan Ulema Council said that Arab countries relations with Pakistan are not based on interests, but they are ideological. No country can create cracks in the bilateral ties between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. JUI-F acting secretary general Maulana Amjid Khan said, India was trying to weaken Pakistan everywhere and on every occasion. On the other side it was not ready to sit across the table on Kashmir issue.

JI leader Farid Paracha said, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have stood with each other on every critical juncture of time. Launching propaganda blitz by India against Pakistan in UAE is failure of our foreign policy, he cautioned.

SA will never allow Modi conspiracy against Pakistan to succeed: Saudi King
Where is the Saudi King's direct quote stating what this article claims he said, preferably from a Saudi source?

This piece sounds suspiciously like some Saudi sycophants in Pakistan trying to raise the stature of the Saudis in Pakistan via propaganda.

And why should Pakistan care if the Saudis enter into a defence cooperation agreement with India? It's not like the Saudis share a border with us and could threaten Pakistan.

Like I said, some Pakistani commentators and media outlets are either allowing the nonsense in the Indian media to get to them, or some Saudi sycophants are using the Indian messaging to make the Saudis look good.
Where is the Saudi King's direct quote stating what this article claims he said, preferably from a Saudi source?

This piece sounds suspiciously like some Saudi sycophants in Pakistan trying to raise the stature of the Saudis in Pakistan via propaganda.
Dont have the Saudi Source for now, Lets wait for a Denial then :)
Dont have the Saudi Source for now, Lets wait for a Denial then :)
Doubt you'll get that either, considering it's little more than a gossip piece, and by not denying it the Saudis lose nothing and get some free pro-Saudi propaganda in the Pakistani press.

Look, as was argued back when the Yemen tensions first arose, the biggest lever the GCC countries have is the fact that there is a massive expatriot Pakistani community working there that sends billions of dollars in remmitances to Pakistan.

If the Saudis and Emiratis wanted to hurt Pakistan, that is where they would apply pressure, and they don't need India for that.

The whole concept of a 'defence relationship with India' is utterly ridiculous because the Indians manufacture no major weapons systems that would interest the Saudis and the Indians are not going to risk their relationship with Iran by entering any kind of defence pact that would require them to deploy troops in Yemen or in some other direct or indirect Saudi conflict with Iran.

This is all cheap propaganda being disseminated to promote certain interests.
You quoted me out of context, my argument was against normalization, not in favor.

Other than that I agree with you - some Pakistani businesses would profit from trade with India, but Pakistan's industrial and manufacturing sector would take a major hit, given the state of Pakistan's economy currently.

you guys are already taking major hits as china is dumping lot of crap in ur markets, atleast we are not like them , they get involve in each and every thing but not us ,so..
No body is crying. Infact we enjoy this pak centric india attitutude.
look again its pakistani media that is crying over NaMo's visit to UAE and its after effects on pakistan UAE relataions when owr PM was there to get investemnts in india and easy extradition of indian criminals from there but then again you are free to dream what you like .... :sarcastic:

Doubt you'll get that either, considering it's little more than a gossip piece, and by not denying it the Saudis lose nothing and get some free pro-Saudi propaganda in the Pakistani press.

Look, as was argued back when the Yemen tensions first arose, the biggest lever the GCC countries have is the fact that there is a massive expatriot Pakistani community working there that sends billions of dollars in remmitances to Pakistan.

If the Saudis and Emiratis wanted to hurt Pakistan, that is where they would apply pressure, and they don't need India for that.

The whole concept of a 'defence relationship with India' is utterly ridiculous because the Indians manufacture no major weapons systems that would interest the Saudis and the Indians are not going to risk their relationship with Iran by entering any kind of defence pact that would require them to deploy troops in Yemen or in some other direct or indirect Saudi conflict with Iran.

This is all cheap propaganda being disseminated to promote certain interests.
Thanks sirji u nailed it :D
Saudi govt. Has officialy Informed to Pakistani Govt. that they will not be part of any conspiracy against Pakistan. As they have mentioned, that Modi govt. Offer them Defense and Other support including support in Yemen Issue if they change their attitude towards Pakistan in Defense ties....

I am Wonder at what level Indians and Modi will show their hypocrisy.....

More Details in news below:

سعودی عرب کا پاکستان کے خلاف بھارتی وزیراعظم کی سازش کاحصہ بننے سے انکار - JavedCh.Com
Pakistan is acting like opposition political parties. Only interested in finding fault with NAMO.
When they will behave like a country?
For Indians i replied before and now replying again......it is not Pakistan who is crying......it is Indian who are crying....basically, US has kicked them out from their hope as a Permanent member from UN seat, and on the other side Russia is coming near to Pakistan, and China is already friend to Pakistan....so Indians basically are crying.....they can't digest the situation.....so now what they are doing...like a small child....complaining Pakistani friends countries about Pakistan..........
You want to trade with them, fine do nobody is stopping them.....but why are crying all the time about Pakistan.....stop crying like a child....
man u r a simple dumb:suicide:, u wrote now iran will see our face ,it will come close to u bcos of modi uae visit ,thts what i answered in the post if cannot understand then not my fault ,also india can deal with both the countries as we already dealing with israel and iran.

So do Pakistan and now stop posting all these bullshit and we are capable to handle before both them and still capable to handle them. UAE will not want a nuclear power enemy and we don't want any Arab enemy. Simple is that and now stop jumping here and their. (note: some time cross questions will give desire result :smart:)
does Modi need to do that? Pakistan has done and is doing a wonderful job of isolating itself...just keep shielding jihadi terrorists inside Pakistan (the list keeps growing: osama, hafees saeed, lakvi, dawood ibrahim, haqqani,....) and soon even people of Pakistan will be against Pakistan
Modi having failed on all fronts is now nothing more than a Pakistan specific Jingoistic Selfie taker, weve seen this in previous BJP governments, when they fail they just raise tensions with Pakistan to keep their people fooled. Indian people pay the price and rightly so, theyre the idiots to elected these morons.
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