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Modi elected, Jinnah vindicated

We are not burdened to prove anything to the world except the constitution which can be discarded if need be because we have a natural existence.. Pakistan was made and sperated for a reason and has to constantly reiterate why it was formed or what purpose it has for its existence. because if you dont then you are just a bunch of people that formulated a lie to get for yourselves a piece of land.

Every Nation on earth is an artificial construct; the only difference is that some are borne out of a historical evolution whereas others are borne out of deliberate choice - Some reading of anthropology would do you a world of good !

Just because you've superimposed the idea of a linguistic and geographical India onto the State of India doesn't make the twain synonymous with each other nor does it postulate that India has existed ab initio !

At any rate its my Land...I'll do with it what I will - I have neither any burden to prove anything nor any inkling to justify what I did with it !
"Modi elected - Jinnah vindicated"

It's like cause-and-effect don't mean anything. No wonder Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda bray that America's fight against them demonstrates that the West is at war with Islam! - because unreason is now part of mainstream Muslim thinking, even among so-called liberals.

By da way these are same Indian Muslims who ABUSE u day nite? Now even SELF RESPECT SOLD? :coffee:

do they hav e a choice once who dnt u beat them up and say them anti pakistan slogan by force

Yes yes, See Pigs are flying...
Delusional Pakistanis and there Delusional Ummah..
Ok, lets help Balochistani Freedom Fighter, TTP Brothers, Karachi Seperatists, Fata Seperatists as well..

Don't your god talk about peace? What kind of religion which follower is talking only about war..

bro all these places are invaded ... we are just helping the suppressed ...
So Pakistan will not leave any chance to hamper the secular image of India even when Muslims voted for BJP in Kashmir too. Got to counter that!
Two Nation Theory has already been proven thanks to Yr people.

Pakistanis too know two nation theory holds no weight that's why Pakistanis always talk about whiter skin compared to Indians or how Indus valley had been a distinct civilization different from Indians. :laughcry::laughcry:
Lets not bring external factors that influence the living conditions of two groups. Both are fine.
two nation theory will be vindicated when India decides muslims are not citizens anymore (like myanmar did) . besides presence of hindus in pakistan( in whatever small number) violates TNT, right? because hindus and muslims are two nations and cant live together... is what TNT says.
This is true, yet again.... Indians have elected a terrorist to Premiership..

Yes yes! go on and sook, nobody care's call modi a terrorist as if that has any bearing towards the indian sentiments. i quote what you guys alway preach, one man's terrorist is a anther man's freedom fighter. In that aspect i am proud to call Modi my PM.
Geezus, almost 70 years on, draw a line.

India and Pakistan are what they are why there are that way is actually irrelevant, the writing is on the wall, the dye is cast it is set in stone. Now it is time to MOVE ON. Accept what is and not what was or what could have been.

India and Pakistan are now two independent nations with their own separate trajectories.

I often think people of South Asia get to preoccupied with history but in reality it is just a few fools on forums such as these. The people on the ground in both nations are not constantly thinking about the TNT but are living their lives and getting on with it.

I'd suggest all you Pakistani members to do the same.
No India became independent on 15 Aug 1947, unlike Pakistan which came into existence on 14 August 1947.

No, get your history straight. There was no such thing as India before the British came, its the British who deserve the credit for creating a United India and no one else. Before the British, this land was occupied by several States whom were fiercely independent of each other.
THe fault lies with muslims living in India. They suffer and remain quiet, they think they dont have a choice.And the others in India dont see any problems. They give all sorts of excuses like it was the muslims who burned the train killing the hindus. Or they will console the muslims saying bohot bura hua, but now lets move on. Forget the past. And the muslims there will keep it all inside and learn to live, but knowing that it can happen again.
Now obviously, indian members will not like what I have written as they also be thinking on the same line. And I will probably get a lot of arguments back by them defending the actions somehow of the mob who killed all those innocent muslims just because they were muslims.
But the sad part is that the mob were not terrorists, they were normal people with ordinary lives who just went on a killing spree. And come back in the night to their families and go back to work in the morning. Whereas we in Pakistan never had ordinary people become mobs and killed people of other faiths or sects. No it is the terrorists who are killing in Pakistan. And I hope those terrorists go to Hell for their crimes.
No, get your history straight. There was no such thing as India before the British came, its the British who deserve the credit for creating a United India and no one else. Before the British, this land was occupied by several States whom were fiercely independent of each other.

Before British came the entire subcontinent used to be known as Hindustan by locals and neighbors...before that(Muslims) came the subcontinent use to be known as Magadha from Mauryan times, before that it was known as Bharat varsha, since vedic times.

Through out history there use to be central empire and lot peripheral ones, who would owe allegiance to the central empire, may that be Mauryan empire, Gupta empire, Delhi Sultanate or Mughal dynasty.
But as is with the empires governing over huge territories..peripheral suzerainties believe they can break away..this leads to infghting and perceived sense of independence.

You just remember the last days of Mughal rule, when a weak central govt had let to lot of states vying for indipendence and from that you assume, that India/Hindustan/Bharat was never a single nation.

British did not create $hit, they just revived the old system, they created a strong central empire on the territories they conquered and more than 500 princely states owed allegiance to them.

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