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MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

In that case please do not flaunt your "connections" here. Not all posters on this forum are young IT sector employees whose enthusiasm is not matched by knowledge or understanding. Many of us have a far deeper knowledge and understanding which comes from experience rather than snippets acquired from "friends"

Presumably this does not include you since you appear to be hiding some dark secret. If you had anything worthwhile to say about yourself, is there any doubt that you would have said so long since?
Well unfortunately we the people, are in the most unfortunate situation to care about the disaster upon disaster the Congress as the ruling party is wreaking upon this country on multiple fronts and have to make sure that they are sent into their oblivion in the next elections.

Its more than that ...... a major mainstream political party of India with a long history has been hijacked by a foreign women and has twisted and corrupted it to feed her own greed and desires by destroying institutions that were designed to provide safeguards the the people of India.

Antonio Maino's greed is at the cost of 1.2 billion Indians.

Safe to say we all care what happens to the congress ....... if nothing else, we want a strong and honest opposition. One that is designed to server the people of India and not one Family.
I could say the same.

Anybody who doesn't care how four terrorists, who were on a mission to kill innocents, died is a blood thirsty Hindu fanatic or a law breaker or a Sangh Parivar activist or all the three.

Don't you think people have begun to recognise this as the sign of intellectually dishonest who hide their hatred for one man/one party beneath the veneer of morality or law ? It is such stereotyped and frankly lame behaviour.

I rather think that the veneer of upright and sole spokesman for patriots is wearing thin. You need to apply another coating of Teflon.
Presumably this does not include you since you appear to be hiding some dark secret. If you had anything worthwhile to say about yourself, is there any doubt that you would have said so long since?

If anything he lets his posting speak for itself........... unlike others who bank on carefully built image. ;)
I have plenty to choose. I dont have your baggage of hatred about one man clouding my political inclinations.

No thanks. It aint my fight. You are welcome to carry on the e-jehad though.

There you go again, with your communal agenda hanging out like a dog's you know whats. Can't handle the idea of opposition to the Sangh Parivar coming from anyone without calling him a Muslim manque, right?
Most certainly. Last time I checked, this was a democracy. We all represent the country. Or do you think only congress has that right ?

In any case, much to your chagrin the BJP chart is going up...and with Modi at the helm, I expect it to get stronger.

Is that right? Not if Karnataka is a sign. And let us wait and see what happens to the Congress and the BJP at the national elections. A lot of smug status quo people are likely to get the shocks of their lives.
Presumably this does not include you since you appear to be hiding some dark secret. If you had anything worthwhile to say about yourself, is there any doubt that you would have said so long since?

Yeah!! A sinister, dark secret:D

Be afraid. Be very afraid.......
I dont have to repeat myself. Go read the other posts I have written. If you are convinced, good. Else I couldnt care less what a CONgressi shill thinks. :)

Don't you know? He's gone on record.

He doesn't think much of the laws. They don't do much for terrorism. They don't allow people to be shot out of hand outside the judicial system. They hold encounters accountable.
There you go again, with your communal agenda hanging out like a dog's you know whats. Can't handle the idea of opposition to the Sangh Parivar coming from anyone without calling him a Muslim manque, right?

Same old same old, blame anybody who opposes your hatred agenda and the laughable uptight I-know-it-all attitude by bringing in cliched phrases like "you-are-communal", "you-sangh-parivar" blah blah. Practise what you preach. Isme me RSS ka haath literally nahi hai. :lol:
Is that right? Not if Karnataka is a sign. And let us wait and see what happens to the Congress and the BJP at the national elections. A lot of smug status quo people are likely to get the shocks of their lives.

Karnataka was with Old man Advani at the top. Old men everywhere create more problems, especially when they don't have enough sense to let nature take its course ;). .... they just can't let go.

.......does your resume also include seeing the future ? :azn:
I dont know, but people like me, the cattle class, who are almost always the prime victims in these terrorist events dont think so. We have enough problems in our life and dont have time for sympathizing with terrorists or how they died. That they died is enough for us. But yeah in case an innocent was killed, those who did it need to be held accountable. I hope they start that process from the first known such case instead of a random year 2004 and forget everything before or after it.

Not entirely. We have enough ivory tower residents, those who are disconnected from reality, party partisans who value political point scoring over national security too who indulge in it.

To be honest...all of us have condoned encounter killings because we think they're a necessity. Fact is we also condone it because most of us think that most of the people who are killed deserved it. It is the idea that two people were randomly picked up and killed in a cynical plot to make Modi look good that rankles. That is something we should never allow.
Its more than that ...... a major mainstream political party of India with a long history has been hijacked by a foreign women and has twisted and corrupted it to feed her own greed and desires by destroying institutions that were designed to provide safeguards the the people of India.

Antonio Maino's greed is at the cost of 1.2 billion Indians.

Safe to say we all care what happens to the congress ....... if nothing else, we want a strong and honest opposition. One that is designed to server the people of India and not one Family.

Ah, grieved to the core about a major mainstream party with a long history.

All of which is normally something that you wouldn't spit upon, but that comes in useful when dissing it. You want to attack Modi, right, we'll attack Sonia Gandhi. Very lofty and elevating, I'm sure. When are you going to head up their secularism cell?

Can I borrow yours ?

Oh I wouldn't dream of it. Can't match your very high standards.
Excellent point..amdst all the din, the question of the "motive" has nver ever been discussed.

Two points stick out like sore thumb in this political witchhunt

1) Whats the motive of this whole "conspiracy" ?
2) Why Ishrat ?

With my limited understanding of judicial process, shouldnt these two have a satisfactory explanation for the conviction to stick ?

But then I guess the Congress doesnt even want a conviction - it just wants to raise enough muck, play a game of smoke and mirrors, feed into the muslim paranoia about Modi and secure the votes. Disgusting political games.

The Modi factor and the fake outrage over Ishrat Jahan - Page 1 | Firstpost
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