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Modi Approves $3.2 billion Aircraft Carrier Funding

Really? Is that how we used our ACs during 1971 war?
And you think the airforce, and the land forces use the same doctrines from 1971?
The primary role will always be to provide a longer reach so as to harass anything in the sea, mainly in order to create a sanitized zone in the AO of a cbg. Long range power projection is a fantasy at best, for now.
The fresh budget allocated to the program should be more than enough to complete fabrication of the island superstructure,
integration of almost all subsystems. The fund crunch has been a major stumbling block toward delivering this ship
Jaitley is more like NaMo's MMS. Think about it; his is handling two of the meatiest ministries in the country. Do you really think that it is possible for one man to run both the things simultaneously? Jaitley is just a titular Defence Minister while the real power is in the hands of NaMo.

The very fact that it was he who visited Vikramaditya instead of Jaitley and the fact that Modi ji will meet the military commanders every month speaks volumes of who is the actual decision-maker in MOD.
Jaitley is not just heading two crucial ministries because he is a confidant of Modi. He is given charge because he is a capable person. Modi cabinet as of now have competent ministers. Have you seen Jaitley recently? He looks so much stressed. Of Course Mr Modi has the ultimate power but that is for any ministry. Modi has no time to look in to individual ministry matters. He has busy foreign schedule. This decision is a collective one.
I would have liked "Govt approves..."
Jaitley is not just heading two crucial ministries because he is a confidant of Modi. He is given charge because he is a capable person. Modi cabinet as of now have competent ministers. Have you seen Jaitley recently? He looks so much stressed. Of Course Mr Modi has the ultimate power but that is for any ministry. Modi has no time to look in to individual ministry matters. He has busy foreign schedule. This decision is a collective one.
I would have liked "Govt approves..."
Modi has himself said that he was not doing much in Gujarat (of course he was being modest. But he really would not have done much starting 6 months before election time. May be just signing files) . He empowered bureaucrats and his ministers. He has already done that to some extent in Central by assuring bureaucrat about backing of Govt. That is what Leaders do. They build great team and successors. An Individual no matter how brilliant cant do much unless that person is going to start a start up.
Let's give credit to Team Modi. Not just the man.
Ok...give me a credible news source, where it talks about UPA delayed modernization of navy? Rather, it has taken it to more credible level. As I am talking more than 40/50 vessels are under construction.

Now, do not compare our building capability to that of the powers whose job was to build defense equipment and then go to World wars. Their history has ensured that they have the infrastructure to build their equipment fast. We are learning and then making.

Scorpion submarine delayed due to the same reason. What does make you think India has great experty in these hitech arena? We are new to this world and we are not doing as you suggest.

Yes, long process. And Congress has laid the foundation and in many cases realized them too. Why sing song of praise for those who have no contribution.
Prepare to go substantially over budget and marred with delays. Quote me on it.. etch this post into the back of your hand if you must.
Prepare to go substantially over budget and marred with delays. Quote me on it.. etch this post into the back of your hand if you must.

There - I quoted you.

4 billion is already overbudget and its late by 2 years - we are doing it for the first time so such things are expected.
Prepare to go substantially over budget and marred with delays. Quote me on it.. etch this post into the back of your hand if you must.
Writing the obvious?
An entirely new class of ship being made for the first time in India, the single largest warship ever being constructed in India and you needed to think to say that it will be marred with delays?

Good job.
Why do you guys even need a carrier? .-.

Take a look at India`s map.

And another hint, the vast majority of India´s trade lines go via the sea!
After reading the header I thought we sanctioned the next aircraft carrier of 65000 tons.. :(
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