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Modi and Tejpal, a tangled web

In a curious quirk of fortune Narendra Modi and Tarun Tejpal, two bitter opponents, find themselves caught in similar predicaments, which are entirely of their own making. Both men have made a bad situation considerably worse by their foolish handling of it.

Let’s start with Modi.His claim he provided protection to the woman in the Saheb tapes at her father’s request, which she fully endorsed, has raised issues that can only embarrass him.

First, this was invasive surveillance not protection.

That’s why she was tailed on planes, eavesdropped at home and pursued in restaurants and cinema halls. The clincher is the fear she might escape. If she welcomed the ‘protection’ why would she run away?

Second, can such surveillance be undertaken at the request of a father? Section 5 of the Indian Telegraph Act clearly says it cannot. That raises a third point: was this done legally or was it an abuse of power? Finally, an obvious conclusion is suggested: this was misuse of state money and resources.

I’m not sure if another explanation for the Saheb tapes would have worked better but this one has raised disturbing doubts about how Modi uses his power.

These are not questions the BJP prime ministerial candidate wants asked of him. At the moment it’s only the media raising them. If the courts do so as well he could find himself in a very invidious position.

Now turn to Tarun Tejpal. In an email sent to the victim on the November 19, he admitted to “sexual liaison … on two occasions … despite your clear reluctance that you didn’t want such attention from me”.

Four days later, on the 23rd, he told The Economic Times “it happened only once”, “lasted less than a minute” and was “consensual”. The same day he told The Indian Express the victim’s story is “a totally mendacious account of what happened” and claimed “I’m being framed”.

Clearly, he’s either contradicting himself or consciously changing his stand.

If the act was consensual and the victim’s account mendacious, why did Tejpal “unconditionally apologize”, “feel impelled to atone”, want to undertake “penance that lacerates me” and, finally, recuse himself from the editorship for six months? A man only does this if he’s sinned and at that terribly.

One possible explanation is a half sentence in Tejpal’s statement issued on the 22nd: “The complete truth and the need to do the honourable thing can come into conflict”.

Does that suggest his apology, which is presumably the honourable thing, is in conflict with the truth and, therefore, not just unnecessary but also tantamount to a lie? That would only make things worse.

Meanwhile, Tejpal’s lawyers have expressed a lack of faith in the Goa police — accusing them of “some malafide scheme” — presumably because he fears he won’t get justice in a BJP-ruled state. But Shoma Chaudhury called her questioning by the same police “a good experience” and “a positive experience”.

The Hindu complimented them for doing their duty “with professional dispatch and thoroughness”. So are these apprehensions justified or an attempt to politicise the issue and hope for leniency at the hands of a Congress-controlled investigation agency?

Once again, I’m not sure what response to the accusation of sexual assault would have served Tejpal better. Perhaps silence? His verbosity has only tied him in knots.

No doubt, both men will repent at leisure. Their behaviour recalls Walter Scott’s famous lines: “Oh, what a tangled web we weave/when first we practice to deceive!”

See more at: Modi and Tejpal, a tangled web - Hindustan Times

Frustration ofn congress maggots at peaks :omghaha:

comparing rapist tejpal with NaMo :super:
What a stupid comparison. Here a girl giving written complaint of rape, and there a father requested for protection for his daughter, and there is no complaint at all from the father or the daughter whom rival parties trying to project as "Victim"!!

These guys are trying to pass a pervert's lust for a girl of his daughter's age as political conspiracy dragging secularism and everything else into it. Shameless votebank politics!!

See you have to understand the Psyche of these Morons. They do not find anything against Modi. What ever they tried failed miserably. They need something for Mud slugging.
Again- who asked you to come here faggot?
Stop your bullshit. You don't own this forum. Post something that makes sense. And using slang when you don't have anything to say is just showing the world your mentality and how much respect you have toward others opinions.
Constructive criticism is something people can accept, but blind character assassination and mud slinging is disgusting.
wow.. that sounds really interesting. Looks like Congress played their CD card bit too early. Had they played that closer to the election time... who knows, they may have managed to gain some advantage. By the time election gets closer, this CD case may have fizzled out completely. It's actually started to fade away now!

This is exactly what I had said. Congress has given a lot of time ( a bit too much ) to BJP. And they should have waited till February to attack Modi's character. When a Tejpal story can dilute the whole Snoopgate, If CD war starts Congress is going to be net looser.

you're one of those paid BJP bots aren't you dog?

As I was pointing out earlier...CD doesn't hurt anyone...it's the lying that hurts. CDs of Prasad and jaiswal as a counterattack only means the BJP is getting desperate...some smalltimers for their PM candidate? Congress with dump those guys like garbage if needed, can BJP do this for modi?

Nope.. I dont think any anonymous leak would take place now. A lot has been going on and both parties understand that both will be looser and the regional parties will gain if CD war starts..
Stop your bullshit. You don't own this forum. Post something that makes sense. And using slang when you don't have anything to say is just showing the world your mentality and how much respect you have toward others opinions.
Constructive criticism is something people can accept, but blind character assassination and mud slinging is disgusting.

And who are you?

This is exactly what I had said. Congress has given a lot of time ( a bit too much ) to BJP. And they should have waited till February to attack Modi's character. When a Tejpal story can dilute the whole Snoopgate, If CD war starts Congress is going to be net looser.

Nope.. I dont think any anonymous leak would take place now. A lot has been going on and both parties understand that both will be looser and the regional parties will gain if CD war starts..

Yeah Tejpal story does dilute the impact, but then you should remember that 'taking' out modi bluntly will have the effect of martyring him. Lemme give you a scenario- modi has a 4.5 lakh rally today and by the end of the week he's forced out- backlash will drive BJP into power because there will be a sympathy wave for Modi (Congress damn good at playing martyr politics). I think they'll have to work to gradually erode his support and plant doubts about him in people's mind before they move to take him out.

This is exactly what I had said. Congress has given a lot of time ( a bit too much ) to BJP. And they should have waited till February to attack Modi's character. When a Tejpal story can dilute the whole Snoopgate, If CD war starts Congress is going to be net looser.

Nope.. I dont think any anonymous leak would take place now. A lot has been going on and both parties understand that both will be looser and the regional parties will gain if CD war starts..

I don't think COngress has a choice. WIthout taking out modi somehow they're in quite a risk. I'm not sure congress will have a convincing performance
Indian IT industry isn't getting enough people with good English skills

IT industry has nothing to do with english, as most of us hardly interact with US counterpart. But I can assume you might be interacting, after all thats what a call-center Guy does.. :D :woot::yahoo:

This Home minister Shinde is desperate to intervene in Gujrat,
Snooping scandal: MHA to step in?-India-TIMESNOW.tv - Latest Breaking News, Big News Stories, News Videos

While same home minister is mum on its Parrot-Rape-Case.. These Tejpals, dutts, are pet Dog of Kongress party..
IT industry has nothing to do with english, as most of us hardly interact with US counterpart. But I can assume you might be interacting, after all thats what a call-center Guy does.. :D :woot::yahoo:

This Home minister Shinde is desperate to intervene in Gujrat,
Snooping scandal: MHA to step in?-India-TIMESNOW.tv - Latest Breaking News, Big News Stories, News Videos

While same home minister is mum on its Parrot-Rape-Case.. These Tejpals, dutts, are pet Dog of Kongress party..

So....that's how they're gonna bury modi...
And who are you?

Yeah Tejpal story does dilute the impact, but then you should remember that 'taking' out modi bluntly will have the effect of martyring him. Lemme give you a scenario- modi has a 4.5 lakh rally today and by the end of the week he's forced out- backlash will drive BJP into power because there will be a sympathy wave for Modi (Congress damn good at playing martyr politics). I think they'll have to work to gradually erode his support and plant doubts about him in people's mind before they move to take him out.

I don't think COngress has a choice. WIthout taking out modi somehow they're in quite a risk. I'm not sure congress will have a convincing performance

This is something Congress must do in order to survive. I am sure they are working out something. A lot of activity is going on in BJP as well. As long as these two parties fight it out, I have no issue. Only outcome that frightens me is that Local leaders like Mayawati, Mamta, Jaganmohan, Nitish etc will become kingmakers and people will start remembering UPA as good times.

I have been traveling a lot last few days... JD-U is out to finish Congress and Lalu by hook or, crook. Jaganmohan is keen on consolidating Seemandhra. Mamta is slated to sweep Bengal. PDP seems to be returning in Kashmir. Choutalas have a fair chance in Haryana... So many local powerful kshatraps are never really good for country.
Oh, so you mean to say that Modi raped that woman? Are you out of your mind?

You just scored a self goal here.

See how he keeps dancing around instead of sticking to a principle.

First of all, congress mafia run their own media to subvert democracy. The particular people involved with this newspaper are congress touts. I know its not a problem for that guy because I'm sure he's somehow making money off congress corruption.

First these bastards compare modi with a trashcan like tejpal, its a clever ploy to use more of the congressi ''whisper campaign'', like they did with Gujrat.
Then he says its a rape case, then he changes that to snooping, then there is a CD, ask for evidence and then he starts sniveling like a two bit hooker.

This is hilarious, congressi media, their mafia, their henchmen in law enforcement, their dalals and money launderers like shukla, their entire army of middlemen based around delhi, they need to be broken. Can modi do it, I don't know, but I sure hope someone can.
Go away maggot, this place is for intelligent people only

I admit, congress dallas are intelligent indeed, taking the country for a ride, getting 100 crore plots for 90,000 rs, owning major national media, getting a cut in every deal, keeping a puppet as PM and then running the fiefdom unconstitutionally, screwing up the economy through corruption and then trying to buy out poor just before elections by declaring populist schemes that will destroy the economy some more.

Yes, all this requires intelligence, the street smart pimp kind of intelligence, but the pay is good.
I think the fatal flaw in BJP is excessive emphasis on 'cyber hindus' or social media or whatever. And the flaw in congress is the lack of emphasis here. There evidence that the sops that congress has been offering is beginning to calm the rural folks a bit. Add to a good farm growth this year, there might be good tidings for congress there.

Go away maggot, this place is for intelligent people only

Yes.. Thats something good for Congress. But again it depends on how much are they able to extract out of this. SP and JD-U will go all out to reap the benefits. Congress should have worked harder to control food inflation. This might hurt them.
Pardon my confusion. Lots of stuff all over the net and news on Tejpal and his rape. But what exactly did the man do? Can someone please share this info? Was it simply groping? Was it oral? Or was there actual intercourse involved?
Modi chale bazar , Kongressi Bhownke Hazar..

Modi walks his own way, al-Kangressi are shouting on him.. :)

Shahjade (Prince) and Raani (Queen) of Al-Kongress are clueless to tackle BJP, so they have hired contract killers (Dirty trick department) to counter BJP candidate..

Last week they targeted Dr Harshvardhan. The more they (Al-Kangressi) target us (Indians), the more we will grow stronger.

Look like Al-Kongress got Cyber division of there DoD (Departement of Dirty Trick). Who are in this team?

Kapil Sibbal
Diggi Raja?
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