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Modi: Against Valentine's Day & Pubs & T Shirts

My grandfather's against Valentines day and pubs too, does that mean that he's evil and should be sent to jail? :cray::cray:

On topic, the guy's a politician, not an omniscient and omnipotent version of Sean Hannity. Even if he wants to he wont be able to label such things as contraband or prohibited and having a specific opinion (said specific opinion which the article quoted does not substantiate or attribute to the person in question) does not translate to being atavistic.
Has there been a poll conducted, no? So stop with what 'would' and talk about what 'is'?

You know, people like you are the reason why the Congress is losing votes? Because, instead of talking development, all that you talk about, is, why anybody who is against you is not secular. If you are somebody in the Congress,

1. Why don't you start talking about what the Congress wants to do if its given power?
2. Why should we vote for the Congress?
3. What is your vision to deal with the scams which have erupted? How are the ministers going to be punished? Are you going to give tickets to them?

Why don't you chaps answer these questions, instead of spending time trying to villify Modi? Do you realise, the more you vilify him, the stronger he gets? Do you realise, the question now being asked is, Why should we vote for the Congress? And please, do not insult our intelligence by saying, if you are secular, vote for Congress.

Technically modi hasn't given any answers to these questions either. He has said 'development', remove CONGRESS (not BJP), corruption. Nothing specific as such.
Good to see a desperado bird brain getting mad at Modi, editing headings.

Good to see losers exposing themselves to Indian masses they think can be fooled with this stupid propaganda.

Congrassi kanjars are going more and more low these days, poor poodle have lose their senses.
listen to me bhen chod congriseyea, he was not there to explain definitions like westernization.

His audience wasn't fool who clapped at that roar and many literate Indians understand how we can sync Indian values with modern education unlike Sanjay Jha and many other congress scoundrels.

Technically modi hasn't given any answers to these questions either. He has said 'development', remove CONGRESS (not BJP), corruption. Nothing specific as such.

He has a record to prove it!! Have you been to Gujarat? I have. And let me tell you, the 'development' is PHENOMENAL. He does not need to talk about it. His work shows it.

Again, my friend, why should we vote for the Congress???? Can you answer the questions, I have asked? My voting background till date. Always Congress. For the first time, I am thinking BJP. Convince me? Convince Indians?
My grandfather's against Valentines day and pubs too, does that mean that he's evil and should be sent to jail? :cray::cray:

On topic, the guy's a politician, not an omniscient and omnipotent version of Sean Hannity. Even if he wants to he wont be able to label such things as contraband or prohibited and having a specific opinion (said specific opinion which the article quoted does not substantiate or attribute to the person in question) does not translate to being atavistic.

It is impossible for a BJP leader not to have percieved conservative opinions. He cannot survive to be a leader of the party. At the very least he will be voted out by the RSS early on if does not have the 'right' credentials. EVery leader that takes ths stage and talks against 'westernization' reflects this core policy of the party.
He has a record to prove it!! Have you been to Gujarat? I have. And let me tell you, the 'development' is PHENOMENAL. He does not need to talk about it. His work shows it.

Again, my friend, why should we vote for the Congress???? Can you answer the questions, I have asked? My voting background till date. Always Congress. For the first time, I am thinking BJP. Convince me? Convince Indians?

Convincing you is NOT convincing Indians. Lemme alson tell you that the Gujarat was always well administered- it was no Bihar when he got it. ALl that he has done is take policies that the congress pioneered (and BJP opposed) and implemented them. He is not the only 'gem'. Chandrababu Naidu, Nitish Kumar, S M krishna and JJ (despite her enormous corruption) were pioneers in this line. When you're talking about Tata factory in Gujarat, remember that JJ got Ford and a bunch of other car manufacturers to set base in TN more than 15 years ago. India became IT capital of the world (waaaaayyyy bigger achievement than Modi's) because of Krishna and Naidu and JJ+ Karunanidhi (despite their corruption). We're goona export more than $100 billion in IT, you think modi has matched that?

Teri maa de fudi mari utey patasa bhor ke, phen diya yaara, I will take ban but not allow you to run your congressi mouth at whim.

Fudi yon diya next time you will remember these digital punjabi words you have earned and then will think twice trying to mislead people and edit headings.

Now go tell your Italian mummy Sonia Gandhi that dad is pissed off because I acted over smart today.

Teri maa de fudi mari utey patasa bhor ke, phen diya yaara, I will take ban but not allow you to run your congressi mouth at whim.

Fudi yon diya next time you will remember these digital punjabi words you have earned and then will think twice trying to mislead people and edit headings.

Now go tell your Italian mummy Sonia Gandhi that dad is pissed off because I acted over smart today.

MInd your language........ jeeez....ye kya kya sun raha hu.
He has a record to prove it!! Have you been to Gujarat? I have. And let me tell you, the 'development' is PHENOMENAL. He does not need to talk about it. His work shows it.

Again, my friend, why should we vote for the Congress???? Can you answer the questions, I have asked? My voting background till date. Always Congress. For the first time, I am thinking BJP. Convince me? Convince Indians?

Let me ask you- The biggest reform for accountability in Indian public life is to make CBI independent. Will Modi do that? Congress won't coz it's too valuable a tool for victimization. But guess what- Modi is gonna use it the same way.

MInd your language........ jeeez....ye kya kya sun raha hu.

He's just Some maggot drifting in and out of my threads
Convincing you is NOT convincing Indians. Lemme alson tell you that the Gujarat was always well administered- it was no Bihar when he got it. ALl that he has done is take policies that the congress pioneered (and BJP opposed) and implemented them. He is not the only 'gem'. Chandrababu Naidu, Nitish Kumar, S M krishna and JJ (despite her enormous corruption) were pioneers in this line. When you're talking about Tata factory in Gujarat, remember that JJ got Ford and a bunch of other car manufacturers to set base in TN more than 15 years ago. India became IT capital of the world (waaaaayyyy bigger achievement than Modi's) because of Krishna and Naidu and JJ+ Karunanidhi (despite their corruption). We're goona export more than $100 billion in IT, you think modi has matched that?


You are avoiding my questions.

Q1. Have you been to Gujarat recently? Have you been to Gujarat 10 years back?
Q2. Why have Muslims in Gujarat voted for the BJP?
Q3. None of the CMs you just spoke about are Congress CMs, except for Krishna. So what should we make of it? That non-Congress ruled states are better? Think before you reply.

Again, you are showing the same problem.

Address the question of Why Congress? Forget Modi. If you find an answer for Why Congress you don't have to think about the rest of the problem? You still have not answered, will scam tainted ministers be provided with tickets? The main problem with the Congress today is the only platform it seems to stand on is "Vote for us, if you are secular" .
You are avoiding my questions.

Q1. Have you been to Gujarat recently? Have you been to Gujarat 10 years back?
Q2. Why have Muslims in Gujarat voted for the BJP?
Q3. None of the CMs you just spoke about are Congress CMs, except for Krishna. So what should we make of it? That non-Congress ruled states are better? Think before you reply.

Again, you are showing the same problem.

Address the question of Why Congress? Forget Modi. If you find an answer for Why Congress you don't have to think about the rest of the problem? You still have not answered, will scam tainted ministers be provided with tickets?

Have you seen India 20 years ago? WHat Gujarat has seen is nothing in comparison to what India has seen.
Let me ask you- The biggest reform for accountability in Indian public life is to make CBI independent. Will Modi do that? Congress won't coz it's too valuable a tool for victimization. But guess what- Modi is gonna use it the same way.

Again, forget Modi! What will the Congress do? What does it have to offer? You say everybody is getting worked up about Modi? Guess what? Its your doing!!!!

Have you seen India 20 years ago? WHat Gujarat has seen is nothing in comparison to what India has seen.

Again, answer the questions posed. I have seen India 20 years back. I have seen India before liberalisation. I have seen the market crash and the recovery. Let me tell you. I will pull out statistics which will make you ask the question, why did I bring up this point.
I enjoy wearing T.shirts, going to pubs/bars... and would enjoy VD... if I had a GF :P....

Its my own life, and no moral policing moron or terror organizations like bajrang dal will do anything about it.
Again, forget Modi! What will the Congress do? What does it have to offer? You say everybody is getting worked up about Modi? Guess what? Its your doing!!!!

Again, answer the questions posed. I have seen India 20 years back. I have seen India before liberalisation. I have seen the market crash and the recovery. Let me tell you. I will pull out statistics which will make you ask the question, why did I bring up this point.

I have never said I have a problem with Non- Congress govt. I have said I have a problem with BJP, especially with Modi. Why would I have a problem with Nitish becoming PM?

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