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Modi: Against Valentine's Day & Pubs & T Shirts

Oh SHUT IT SW- he's just giving a line. What Are yoy- ON POT MAN??? BJP has maintained this as a core stand for YEARS. Hell EVEN THEY WON'T DENY IY

Whats with you and pot...you bring it every 5 minutes...come back when your not under its influence .... First you make false Titles ..then you dont read your own links...and when your proved wrong.

"he was just saying" :disagree:
Whats with you and pot...you bring it every 5 minutes...come back when your not under its influence .... First you make false Titles ..then you dont read your own links...and when your proved wrong.

"he was just saying" :disagree:

My link says they had it in their MANIFESTO they'd make a LAW to ban western music. You ignore 90% of the content and hook on to some line he's giving? Who's on pot here?
The thread title is misleading. What the hell it is doing in Indian Defence section? What to do with Indian defence? @mods @ADMIN @nuclearpak @aeronut
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@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @WebMaster here Thread title has been deliberately changed and I request you all to ban the OP.
@ Indians enough with OP's $hit. He deliberately changes the titles so pls instead of replying, report him.
@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @WebMaster here Thread title has been deliberately changed and I request you all to ban the OP.
@ Indians enough with OP's $hit. He deliberately changes the titles so pls instead of replying, report him..
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Knocking wrong doors dude. Just ignore or get banned.

Yah I know it. Thats why i stopped posting in political affairs. If I say something about BJP some people will think I am a congie and when in another thread I say something against Congies the other group of people will think I am a modi supporter/bjp supporter etc etc. I P***ed off with this attitude of some members. Thats why stopped looking at central and south Asia sections. When I open this section I found this very thread infront. So I tagged @mods to move this thread.
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Why are you consistently trying to make something look like it is not that? Moral policing has been at the heart of their politics for decades. They've been at this for DECADES. Now what- BJP doesn't believe in hindutva? Your claims are those that even the BJP will not accept. Keep digging, you will endlessly get these refs.

BJP opposes beauty contests - Economic Times

@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @WebMaster here Thread title has been deliberately changed and I request you all to ban the OP.
@ Indians enough with OP's $hit. He deliberately changes the titles so pls instead of replying, report him.
@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @WebMaster here Thread title has been deliberately changed and I request you all to ban the OP.
@ Indians enough with OP's $hit. He deliberately changes the titles so pls instead of replying, report him..

All kinds of background noise and chatter. bzzz bzzz
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Why are you consistently trying to make something look like it is not that? Moral policing has been at the heart of their politics for decades. They've been at this for DECADES. Now what- BJP doesn't believe in hindutva? Your claims are those that even the BJP will not accept. Keep digging, you will endlessly get these refs.

BJP opposes beauty contests - Economic Times

All kinds of background noise and chatter. bzzz bzzz

Can you stop bringing links from 4-5 years back ? lol ..... damn Necromonger
Snap poll- ask modiji if he supports pubs, T Shirts and Valentine's Day. What would be his response?

Has there been a poll conducted, no? So stop with what 'would' and talk about what 'is'?

You know, people like you are the reason why the Congress is losing votes? Because, instead of talking development, all that you talk about, is, why anybody who is against you is not secular. If you are somebody in the Congress,

1. Why don't you start talking about what the Congress wants to do if its given power?
2. Why should we vote for the Congress?
3. What is your vision to deal with the scams which have erupted? How are the ministers going to be punished? Are you going to give tickets to them?

Why don't you chaps answer these questions, instead of spending time trying to villify Modi? Do you realise, the more you vilify him, the stronger he gets? Do you realise, the question now being asked is, Why should we vote for the Congress? And please, do not insult our intelligence by saying, if you are secular, vote for Congress.
Why are you consistently trying to make something look like it is not that? Moral policing has been at the heart of their politics for decades. They've been at this for DECADES. Now what- BJP doesn't believe in hindutva? Your claims are those that even the BJP will not accept. Keep digging, you will endlessly get these refs.

BJP opposes beauty contests - Economic Times

All kinds of background noise and chatter. bzzz bzzz

haha despo!! Get some life!
Can you stop bringing links from 4-5 years back ? lol ..... damn Necromonger

Ehhh...you think parties are like corporations? Changing fundamental policies every two days? HUGE misconception, probably explains your posts above (probably you're not not on pot after all)

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