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Mobile FM channels to be jammed (ATLAST)


Jan 24, 2008
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KOHAT: Security forces will use state-of-the-art gadgets to jam transmissions of mobile FM radio stations operated by the Tehrik-i-Taliban in Darra Adamkhel.

A highly-placed source told Dawn on Friday the mobile FM radio stations operated by the Taliban could not be traced because they were mobile and the setup was so small that it could be easily put in a briefcase.

He said the Taliban used to spread terror and harass people through these channels and broadcast propaganda against the security forces and the government by giving wrong figures of casualties in the continuing battle.

The security forces had seized and destroyed many FM stations established in houses during operations in Darra Adamkhel, but they could not trace the mobile channels.

The transmissions of a channel operated by Darra Taliban commander Tariq Afridi would be jammed in a couple of days, the source said.

The channel has been broadcasting speeches of the commander from 9pm to 11pm for several months. Through this channel, he has also been threatening tribesmen with dire consequences if they raised a lashkar or helped the government against the Taliban in any form.

DAWN.COM | NWFP | Mobile FM channels to be jammed
Question for the experts in this field, with the option of FM channels out of business, what other methods taliban can rely to communicate each other???

Please shed some light on this.:tsk:

and atlast the long waited move by our Government has atlast happened, now these sick shits would not be able to spread their propoganda and also their communication shattered unless they have any other means to communicate.:smokin:
Thank you Col. Hari, you letter has shamed them into action -- now of course they must answer why they waited to so long to do this.

Personally I feel that there is a giant "time - out" in play because the synthesis of the government and top brass in the military are totally confused at this stage.
Thank you Col. Hari, you letter has shamed them into action -- now of course they must answer why they waited to so long to do this.
You are probably correct. Initially I thought that the col. was just messing with the PA and that his letter would be thrown into some dustbin. But seeing this, I think I will change my stance.

Apparently, his letter was taken with some seriousness.
"...the option of FM channels out of business..."

One thing at a time. Jamming is dependant upon range and direction. The stronger the jammer and the closeness to the targeted source, the greater the liklihood of doing so. FM is a Line-of-sight signal that is limited by physical boundaries like hills and the horizon. So too the jammer.

Finally, if I'm the militants, I publish one flyer that's distributed with a variety of frequencies widely separated across the FM spectrum and dare you find more "state-of-the-art gadgets" to jam me. Meanwhile I dare the populace to find themselves out of compliance with my broadcasted directives.

You'd better find a way and a frequency to listen to these broadcasts as your expected conduct will be held accountable by my "virtue police".

"...what other methods taliban can rely to communicate each other???"

Radio broadcasts have been a technique to communicate with the public through broadcasted diktat. There's been no indication that operational messages are communicated in this manner although it's, indeed, conceivable.

Fliers printed and distributed at mosques on Friday would be just as easy for the militants to maintain communication to the public. This probably isn't very difficult at all. Still, if the militant commander is a compelling and powerful speaker, then the broadcast venue is a preferred technique.

I'll be curious to see how it plays out.

Internal militant communications are likely by SATCOM or messenger. Their operations, however, are semi-autonomous to entirely so. This limits the need. Al Qaeda may be different.

What is the land-line telephone system in FATAville like? Is it still hard-wired and operating. Did it ever exist to full extent? If so, brevity codes and land line would be adequate for some communications. That's dependant upon the ISI's ability to monitor (tap) land-line phone usage.
The question is from where are these militants getting such sophisticated equipment to be used to transmit voice over the Radio and specially when according to the above mentioned article, it has been destroyed several times. Moreover its the people's fault, why do they tune to such BS in the first place? I mean there are other channels on the radio to listen too unless of course the militants jam the other radio stations.
Thank you Col. Hari, you letter has shamed them into action -- now of course they must answer why they waited to so long to do this.

Why am i not surprised that you feel so. I hope the love making:smitten: continues in the future as well. :cheers:
Moreover its the people's fault, why do they tune to such BS in the first place? I mean there are other channels on the radio to listen too unless of course the militants jam the other radio stations.

This is a great point, I am sure they have closet fans throughout the nation and possibly many on this forum who would tune in and get a kick out of hearing them proclaim how God is going to rule the world via the Taliban :rofl:
Question for the experts in this field, with the option of FM channels out of business, what other methods taliban can rely to communicate each other???

Please shed some light on this.:tsk:

and atlast the long waited move by our Government has atlast happened, now these sick shits would not be able to spread their propoganda and also their communication shattered unless they have any other means to communicate.:smokin:

The FM channel was a means to intimidate the populace and not relaying operational information.
There was not a single source emitting high power signal but recordings played by multiple static and mobile stations at low power.
Lower the power, harder it shall be to detect the transmission for authorities immediately unless reported by the public.

The most logical method would be to establish a hotline in addition to official monitoring stations and take immediate action whenever someone reports TTP transmission in their area. Once we have the location it can be accurately determined by using triangulation or other detection methods. This shall lead to arrest of the criminal operating a particular transmitter.

Jamming so many transmission stations would be difficult as the TTP would shift the frequency and an all spectrum Jammer would effectively block all channels including the legal ones, not to mention consume unbelievable energy.
Despite this the jammer shall only be effective in a limited area so many jammers would have to be deployed!
A very costly proposition.
Better is to establish a protocol using public informants as well, after all anyone operating such equipment is a terrorist so better to catch them!

Regarding the information exchange of TTP, it is on Satellite, wireless field equipment, via couriers, primitive visual communication via mirrors reflecting the sun etc.
Wireless interception should actually help us and i know that we are decently equipped but more advanced equipment and softwares need to be procured and dedicated cells should be present in all the troubled areas.
I know that intercepts have been made quite frequently but TTP use aliases and codes to communicate basic information and detailed communication is limited to face to face which does not make it a piece of cake to determine important details.

This war shall be long and hard, there are no easy way outs and no shortcuts but with persistence and dedicated work (using appropriate technology) the TTP can be eradicated, slowly but surely.

BTW government should start its own Anti Terrorism Channel on Radio and TV!
PA will use heavy distortion waves in whole area and used unique frequency to communicate....................But who provide these small FM radio systems to all these groups. But its excellent move...I think Pakistan should get proper training form Isreal for urban warfare, plus equipment. Isreali are the most experience in this game.
PA will use heavy distortion waves in whole area and used unique frequency to communicate....................But who provide these small FM radio systems to all these groups. But its excellent move...I think Pakistan should get proper training form Isreal for urban warfare, plus equipment. Isreali are the most experience in this game.

From Israel....are you serious?
Don't waste the time. Just outsource the work, bring them in, and arrest them afterward as Mossad spies.
From Israel....are you serious?
This move will break so many covers.In this situation Isreal not going to refuse. If he does, that means something wrong. Should be direct or indirect help. But only problem is the combat zone is forest area,but Isreali are used of concrete jungle with thickly populated urban area. Which is way to different scenario then Palastine.
But PA army made good move, before operation in certain area they jammed all radio and mobile frequencies. That cause heavy damage to those militants.
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