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MMRCA Rafale And Cancellation Threats

well after reading all these posts i think instead of chest thumping trolling i say its best to wait till March during that time everything will come in front and then you all fellow members can start flaming chest thumping or trolling with each other so for now please give it a rest :)
and Good Luck to India :)
An Indian joke LCA that is. Before you brag it to the Mars, first let’s see if this “3++ gen Mig-21” could pass the India’s minimum qualification (i.e. test pilots’ fear factor) in order to be inducted, ever.

Asia’s best? Again, Indian shameless bragging… so what are F-15K in Korea? F-22 A in Okinawa? J-10 B, J-11B and J-16 in China? Or J-20, J-31, after Russia and USA ship you that “super MKI” and SH?

Right, except Indian can’t do R&D in a systematic manner for any complicated high tech project that involves multiple disciplines, except perhaps 1 or 2 piece meal when get lucky in the long run.

For that matter only 2 races of people can do serious high tech R&D, by which I mean systemic ly and in full scope: they are the ones who have their own hydrogen bombs; they are ones who have the highest average IQ in the world that one can verify it via global PISA and TIMSS rankings; they are the ones who rank top 5 in worldwide ICT patent and scientific research rankings; they are the people who occupy the top slot in any high tech industry one cares to look at…heck indeed they are the 2 races who run the UNSC!

They are NE Asians/Orientals and North of Alps Gemanics and Nordics.

India? Pleeease!

And it happens to be a small coincidence that you sport the flags of those two races. Sorry, I don't have time to respond to racist garbage like that, and I don't need to. Not to mention the other N number of stupidities in your "high IQ" post. Not worth my time.
For that matter only 2 races of people can do serious high tech R&D, by which I mean systemic ly and in full scope: they are the ones who have their own hydrogen bombs; they are ones who have the highest average IQ in the world that one can verify it via global PISA and TIMSS rankings; they are the ones who rank top 5 in worldwide ICT patent and scientific research rankings; they are the people who occupy the top slot in any high tech industry one cares to look at…heck indeed they are the 2 races who run the UNSC!

They are NE Asians/Orientals and North of Alps Gemanics and Nordics.

India? Pleeease!
are you kidding me!the latter part of the statement can be true but NE asians and orientals lol:rofl:!
And it happens to be a small coincidence that you sport the flags of those two races. Sorry, I don't have time to respond to racist garbage like that, and I don't need to. Not to mention the other N number of stupidities in your "high IQ" post. Not worth my time.

this is the standard op mode of morons when being called out for stupidity of their claims while having no sound argument points.
The question still remains, will EFT offer full ToT or not. India better make sure they do, before going back to negotiating table with Dassault.

In my view, EFT and Dassault Rafale are both superior aircraft.

Not sure about Radar and other stuff but Eurojet was willing to transfer the SCB technology during the Engine deal for LCA.

It is very normal during negotiations to push the envelop to the breaking point. These are tactics of putting pressure on the other side to concede more as everything is fair including biased/selectively leaked media reports (which is what we are seeing right now)
speeder talking about sound arguments, thanks for the chuckles mate :tup:
speeder talking about sound arguments, thanks for the chuckles mate :tup:

Who are we to argue with the "high IQ" trolls?

I always wonder what sort of loser has to brag about having high IQ on a public forum. Only somebody who is deeply insecure of himself, and has no personal accomplishments would want to brag about his race's IQ, when IQ is not even a measurable physical quantity, unlike body temperature or blood pressure. People who don't value themselves individually will always seek solace in a sort of collective pride in his race or religious group or nation or tribe.

Well, let him have his say, I'm sure he needs these vacuous claims of racial superiority to make up for lack of personal accomplishments. I can think of no other earthly reason to bring in race and IQ in a thread about M-MRCA.

Not sure about Radar and other stuff but Eurojet was willing to transfer the SCB technology during the Engine deal for LCA.

It is very normal during negotiations to push the envelop to the breaking point. These are tactics of putting pressure on the other side to concede more as everything is fair including biased/selectively leaked media reports (which is what we are seeing right now)

I wouldn't go by the claims they made at that stage. Dassault's biggest trump card at that time was also its offer of "full ToT", which it said it would be in a unique position to provide, because of all components being from a single country.
Who are we to argue with the "high IQ" trolls?

I always wonder what sort of loser has to brag about having high IQ on a public forum. Only somebody who is deeply insecure of himself, and has no personal accomplishments would want to brag about his race's IQ, when IQ is not even a measurable physical quantity, unlike body temperature or blood pressure. People who don't value themselves individually will always seek solace in a sort of collective pride in his race or religious group or nation or tribe.

Well, let him have his say, I'm sure he needs these vacuous claims of racial superiority to make up for lack of personal accomplishments. I can think of no other earthly reason to bring in race and IQ in a thread about M-MRCA.

Best to ignore High IQ Megaton farts from the East.

I wouldn't go by the claims they made at that stage. Dassault's biggest trump card at that time was also its offer of "full ToT", which it said it would be in a unique position to provide, because of all components being from a single country.

I was just clarifying Pakistani guy that similar offer (atleast on the engine side) was made by Eurojet. Offcourse that was couple of years ago and we don't know what their stand will be now.

The main point I wanted to make was that these are standard negotiation tactics. The weaker party will compromise more. Earlier we had to compromise more since we were on the weaker spot but this time we have a pretty good chance to get what we want from Dassault (thanks to good economy and almost every country wants to sell us the best they have).
Indian politicians seems to have trolled innocent brainwashed Indians. The fact remains that, GOI can't afford the money with complete TOT & went to france for soft loans which france was unable to hand out due to the current economic downturn. And also they R not idiots to hand over decades of hard work on R & D to any x, y, z countries.. Btw its nothing to get upset about Indians, U guys should accept the fact that the whole world doesn't revolve around bollywood fantasized world.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...afale-cancellation-threats.html#ixzz2HOksMqMf

Repeating post number 7 of a Bangladeshi ?

Can't even make an original post ? Never seen this before .
Indeed, it seems the French are backpedaling and hoping they can clinch this deal and disclose as few classified details as possible. Understandable but the MoD are sticking to the original path- no detours.

It will be all or nothing for Dassualt, either they comply by Indian rules or they walk away with nothing. I hope they are smarter than this.

Gripen, EFT and SH people will be on first plane to Delhi when this deal fails. France has this habit of trying to screw the customer. We have seen this in past.
If this deal falls flat, France will find it near to impossible to sell anything substantial to India. Nuclear plants at Jaitapur is alredy being opposed by some quarters. They better play it smart or, kiss goodbye to Indian market.
Gripen, EFT and SH people will be on first plane to Delhi when this deal fails. France has this habit of trying to screw the customer. We have seen this in past.
If this deal falls flat, France will find it near to impossible to sell anything substantial to India. Nuclear plants at Jaitapur is alredy being opposed by some quarters. They better play it smart or, kiss goodbye to Indian market.

french have three weeks max to fall in line or by things are going you cant rule owt possibility of watching F18's on 26 jan flypast from a year from now :cheers:
why in the hell non indians( you know which ) are so onto this deal , says a lot about their insecurities . we purchase what we wish , how we wish , when we wish ! the deal is to be finalized in this fiscal yr , which btw is not over yet !

Gripen, EFT and SH people will be on first plane to Delhi when this deal fails. France has this habit of trying to screw the customer. We have seen this in past.
If this deal falls flat, France will find it near to impossible to sell anything substantial to India. Nuclear plants at Jaitapur is alredy being opposed by some quarters. They better play it smart or, kiss goodbye to Indian market.

They are already here and going on with their campaign all the time !
Little out of topic but I am in favour of Su 35 over Rafale. New gen Su 35 will not only be better than Rafale but also way cheaper
as comparatively lesser technology transfer will require as it is built over Su 30 of which some technology we already possess.
An Indian joke LCA that is. Before you brag it to the Mars, first let’s see if this “3++ gen Mig-21” could pass the India’s minimum qualification (i.e. test pilots’ fear factor) in order to be inducted, ever.

Asia’s best? Again, Indian shameless bragging… so what are F-15K in Korea? F-22 A in Okinawa? J-10 B, J-11B and J-16 in China? Or J-20, J-31, after Russia and USA ship you that “super MKI” and SH?

Right, except Indian can’t do R&D in a systematic manner for any complicated high tech project that involves multiple disciplines, except perhaps 1 or 2 piece meal when get lucky in the long run.

For that matter only 2 races of people can do serious high tech R&D, by which I mean systemic ly and in full scope: they are the ones who have their own hydrogen bombs; they are ones who have the highest average IQ in the world that one can verify it via global PISA and TIMSS rankings; they are the ones who rank top 5 in worldwide ICT patent and scientific research rankings; they are the people who occupy the top slot in any high tech industry one cares to look at…heck indeed they are the 2 races who run the UNSC!

They are NE Asians/Orientals and North of Alps Gemanics and Nordics.

India? Pleeease!

So you back again? Did you manage to re apply for the patent? Did you manage to do more copy-paste and use Chinese physics? Kicked out by patent office again ? Get a life my friend :)
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