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MMRCA Fighter deal bigger: 126 will rise to 260

India: buy some Mig-35 please so we can afford a few squandron of them too. :azn:
You are totally wrong about your assesment of "India moving away from Russia".
Sorry, i never meant that. India should never move away from Russia. Russia has always supported us. Even in 1971, american came into our oceans to help Pakistan but Russia also sent their ships to support us. It was because of Russian presence in Bay of Bengal that US didn't intervene as it would have turned into another world war.

What i meant was we use all the fighters of Russian origin. I said so because it could effect our policies also. If someday Russia ignored to give us some part we would get stuck. Not to mention Russia could always increase the price of components as it increased the price of Su30 which would definitely effect us.

Now if you tell me that Russia won't do this, then i would say why not, they have increased the price of many products in the past, and also because their is no one who would object this in India. After 2-3 rounds of talk, they would settle some price it would still be benficial for them while it would be a loss for us.

Look man, its just 126 fighters, rest of our fleet will be still of Russian origin except mirage and jaguar which will retire at the end of this decade and then again new Russian jets will start to induct. In short we will never go away from Russia.
I think the T-50 will not be available for Viet Nam until after 2020

We are also going to get it by 2020 only. The point is if ultimately goal is to induct T-50 then why buy a new aircraft as a stop gap and spend money on creating infrastructure on it. Better buy and induct the existing aircraft types that you already have e.g. Su 30.
We are also going to get it by 2020 only. The point is if ultimately goal is to induct T-50 then why buy a new aircraft as a stop gap and spend money on creating infrastructure on it. Better buy and induct the existing aircraft types that you already have e.g. Su 30.

Sukhoi 30mki falls under the heavy class, and not perfect for surprise surgical strikes, as it can be detected from a long range coz' of its massive 15-20sq m rcs
I must admit that I am a novice when it comes to Aviation. my knowledge is very basic if you like.
I take your point about Mig 35.. that it didn’t pass your tests.. but as far as having all eggs in one basket goes.. my dear.. I say it with whole hearted sincerity that Russia has proven to be same for you as China for Pakistan. During our ZA Bhutto era when we had good relations with Russia, it rewarded us with setting up our only steel mills. These guys are very generous & trustworthy and have very different approach than the capitalistic west.

I understand your point about going for European planes with quality in mind and maybe due to a huge order, the unit price might be more favourable.

Lastly F-16 , when I see the max speed, engine trust, trust to wait ratio, combat ceiling, range etc they all favour F16, but then again like I said I am a novice here and I see that Hornet is credited for its higher AOA and can see farther than F-16 and is of course carrier capable. There might be more info on avionics, weapons and radar etc which I will have a look thanks for clarifying/

I believe that the MMRCA will either go to USA or Europe because both will provide us with some strategic gains.

Although the Gripen provides the most bang for the buck, it's very unlikely the IAF chooses Gripen because there is very little strategic scope attached to Sweden. The IAF has on several occasions claimed that the top 3 contenders are more or less equal in fulfilling IAF's requirements. It doesn't matter what IAF chooses, what matters is how quickly the deal can be wrapped up and the production lines start rolling out.

This decade might be India's best in terms of foreign technological gains in the 21st century, and the MMRCA might be any nations biggest ever single import of the Century (considering the deal rises).

I dont think finance is THAT much of an issue, considering the gains and all the cash that is wasted in corruption & some useless research (lol).
bad idea. why dont just buy more lca tejas because it is the best indigenous aircraft!!!
Come on guys.. I mean you havent even finalised the initial deal of 126 aircrafts and your day dreaming about another 126 lol... amusing how your government gives you a news to use ur imagination on .. its been yearssss already and the IAF hasnt even picked a winner yet lol..

and please dont come up with typical bs arguements like " its a big order and IAF wants to take its time blah blah." .... I am only stating the obvious and its a mere speculation.. :) dont mean to fire my indian friends up .. but think about it... just when the MRCA news got boring.. a new own comes out that the order is going to be doubled .. just that you guys dont lose hope... anyway..
and please dont come up with typical bs arguements like " its a big order and IAF wants to take its time blah blah." .... I am only stating the obvious and its a mere speculation.. dont mean to fire my indian friends up .. but think about it... just when the MRCA news got boring.. a new own comes out that the order is going to be doubled .. just that you guys dont lose hope... anyway..
IAF did its evaluation in June last year. If it was upto them, they would have signed the deal last year itself. But after June last year, IAF spent all the time explaining the technical details of the test to Babus sitting in MOD.

As far as time is concerned, even Brazil is taking their time and now there are reports of defense expenditure cut and people saying now is not the time for any new induction. I think we are better than that but our situation is also different from them.

Also as far as number 260 is concerned, its just speculation but the speculating agency is respected one, just like Dawn in your country. Number is definitely going to increase but it will increase according to contract which means IAF can place a follow on order of upto 50% of 126 (correct me if i am wrong).
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