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'Miracle' in Puttaparthi, Baba statue oozes scented oil

bwahahahahah that is a good way to divert attention from all those immoral activities of this fake spiritual imposter

how do you know that he has done any immoral activity ,have you seen him doing it?don't show me your pathetic communal mentality by posting such weird comment's.
Our religion teaches us, Not to call names to their gods, or they will call names to you GOD. if you expect others to respect your religios personalities, do the same.

what he said, their god leaks from bottom, our god doesnt
David copperfield made the statue of liberty disappear..
so has he been touched by god??

David copperfield never said he has been touched by god, did he??

But we know some people who claimed to have come in direct contacts with God and started organised religions .

Shall we try decipher those claims or its going to be too touchy of an issue ??
BTW, this thread should have been in member's club, not here.
can modern India explain this?

Theory of floatation:

Any object when immersed in a liquid would displace some part of the liquid. This is so because when it is immersed in the liquid, it would occupy some of the volume that was earlier occupied by the liquid. Any object floats in any liquid when the weight of the liquid, displaced by the fraction of the object immersed in the liquid, is equal to the entire weight of the object itself. Thus the fraction of the object immersed in the liquid depends on the relative densities of object and the liquid. For example when ice floats in water, approximately 90% of the volume of ice is immersed in water and only 10% remains outside water.

These so called stones are actually coral rocks:

Coral rocks tend to float naturally and this makes the pilgrims believe that the rocks are the ones used by Lord Rama's army and buy it at prices ranging from 500 rupees to 1000 rupees.

Press Trust of India reports

Despite a ban on the trade of coral rocks under the Wild Life and Marine Life Protection Acts, they are being sold at five places – Seetha Theertham, Ram Theertham, Lakshman Theertham, Kandhamadhanaparvam and at an ashram – in the island.

Gopinathan, a tourist guide, said they get a nominal commission for each stone sold through them. The stones were even presented to VIPs visiting the island, stating that it was auspicious to keep them at home, he said.

Bro, don't believe everything you see. Like santro said, if you start watching David copperfield or even Crish angel the MindFreak, you'll literally be freaking out.
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David copperfield never said he has been touched by god, did he??

But we know some people who claimed to have come in direct contacts with God and started organised religions .

Shall we try decipher those claims or its going to be too touchy of an issue ??

Only if you are prepared to see them same for other organized religions..
based on myths and poppycock.
Theory of floatation:

Any object when immersed in a liquid would displace some part of the liquid. This is so because when it is immersed in the liquid, it would occupy some of the volume that was earlier occupied by the liquid. Any object floats in any liquid when the weight of the liquid, displaced by the fraction of the object immersed in the liquid, is equal to the entire weight of the object itself. Thus the fraction of the object immersed in the liquid depends on the relative densities of object and the liquid. For example when ice floats in water, approximately 90% of the volume of ice is immersed in water and only 10% remains outside water.

These so called stones are actually coral rocks:

Bro, don't believe everything you see. Like santro said, if you start watching David copperfield or even Crish angel the MindFreak, you'll literally be freaking out.

i knew there must be some explaination to it...how much a coral rock weighs?
i knew there must be some explaination to it...how much a coral rock weighs?

Although they look like rocks, it is not actually rocks, but living organism. That's why it is illegal to handle these under Wild Life and Marine Life Protection Acts.

Coral is actually a living thing, not a rock.
Coral is not a rock at all. It is the skeletons created by anthozoans. These are a live organism.
A rocklike deposit consisting of the calcareous skeletons secreted by various anthozoans. Coral deposits often accumulate to form reefs or islands in warm seas.

Coral reefs deliver ecosystem services to tourism, fisheries and coastline protection. The global economic value of coral reefs has been estimated at as much as $US375 billion per year. Coral reefs protect shorelines by absorbing wave energy, and many small islands would not exist without their reef to protect them. According to the environmental group World Wide Fund for Nature, the economic cost over a 25 year period of destroying one kilometre of coral reef is somewhere between $137,000 and $1,200,000. About 6 million tons of fish are taken each year from coral reefs. Well managed coral reefs have an annual yield of 15 tons seafood on average per square kilometre. Southeast Asia's coral reef fisheries alone yield about $ 2.4 billion annually from seafood.

To improve the management of coastal coral reefs another environmental group, the World Resources Institute (WRI) developed and published tools for calculating the value of coral reef-related tourism, shoreline protection and fisheries, partnering with five Caribbean countries. As of April 2011, published working papers covered St. Lucia, Tobago, Belize, and the Dominican Republic, with a paper for Jamaica in preparation. The WRI was also "making sure that the study results support improved coastal policies and management planning". The Belize study estimated the value of reef and mangrove services at 395–559 million dollars annually.


Island with fringing reef off Yap, Micronesia. Coral reefs are dying around the world.

Coral reefs are dying around the world. In particular, coral mining, agricultural and urban runoff, pollution (organic and non-organic), overfishing, blast fishing, disease, and the digging of canals and access into islands and bays are localized threats to coral ecosystems. Broader threats are sea temperature rise, sea level rise and pH changes from ocean acidification, all associated with greenhouse gas emissions.

In El Nino-year 2010, preliminary reports show global coral bleaching reached its worst level since another El Nino year, 1998, when 16 percent of the world's reefs died as a result of increased water temperature. In Indonesia's Aceh province, surveys showed some 80 percent of bleached corals died. In July, Malaysia closed several dive sites where virtually all the corals were damaged by bleaching.

In order to find answers for these problems, researchers study the various factors that impact reefs. The list includes the ocean's role as a carbon dioxide sink, atmospheric changes, ultraviolet light, ocean acidification, viruses, impacts of dust storms carrying agents to far flung reefs, pollutants, algal blooms and others. Reefs are threatened well beyond coastal areas.

General estimates show approximately 10% world's coral reefs are dead. About 60% of the world's reefs are at risk due to destructive, human-related activities. The threat to the health of reefs is particularly strong in Southeast Asia, where 80% of reefs are endangered.

PS: If I had really busted such a big myth, would mind pressing the thank you button.
Sad that Hinduism is left at the mercy of such charlatans

We need someone like Raja Ram Mohan Roy,Hinduism needs more reforms to adapt with the current time
Sad that Hinduism is left at the mercy of such charlatans

We need someone like Raja Ram Mohan Roy,Hinduism needs more reforms to adapt with the current time

If you had ever visited to Puttapartui ,abode of Satay Sai Baba ,then you would see the numners of white folks greater than those found at Taj Mahal, Agra.

There are also muslim disciples of Sri Satya sai Baba.

Sri Satya sai Baba is doesn't represent hindusism , in fact he promotes respect for all religions .

He is a cult figure with tremendous following around the world from different countries, different religions and different races.

Pls read more about him before making inaccurate remark about a great religion like Hindu Sanatana Dhrama.
The organs of the fake baba are responding poorly so seems they are trying to create another fake figure by such gimmicks
The organs of the fake baba are responding poorly so seems they are trying to create another fake figure by such gimmicks

Ho do you know which baba/prophet is fake and which baba/prophet is real..?
If you had ever visited to Puttapartui ,abode of Satay Sai Baba ,then you would see the numners of white folks greater than those found at Taj Mahal, Agra.

There are also muslim disciples of Sri Satya sai Baba.

Sri Satya sai Baba is doesn't represent hindusism , in fact he promotes respect for all religions .

He is a cult figure with tremendous following around the world from different countries, different religions and different races.

Pls read more about him before making inaccurate remark about a great religion like Hindu Sanatana Dhrama.

And scores of white folks signify what?
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