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'Millions of Bangladeshi intruders trying to get aadhar cards'

15 million BD people in India means part 1 of the plan has been flawlessly executed.

It's time to move to part 2. Take over India.

The grand finale is part 3 which is to rule India for thousand years.

:laugh: that too without waging a war
yes this spineless congress wont do anything. i think they should be warned to go to their homeland, otherwise they should be killed without any mercy.

BJP can do nothing as well. because you dont have recorded data for number of Bangladeshies but during every election time hardline Hindu groups club own Indian Muslim population with Bangladeshies
nope.Its just the another way GOI discriminates its own muslim population by declaring them non-citizen aliens.

You've started posting crap of late. Your idiotic uninformed comments are getting excruciating. If that was the case then the entire Muslim population in India (which is more than in Pakistan) would have been declared illegal and non citizen aliens.

Typical female clap trap! Why don't you grow up and become serious for a change instead of indulging in such baloney?

Have you ever been to Assam? Have you interacted with the BD refugees there? I have. They don't even know how to speak either Assamese or Hindi. All they know is a BD dialect only spoken in BD villages. I know what the fu@k is going on out there. You don't. So just shut the heck up.

And stop your twaddle against Indian Muslims. They are as much part of India as Hindus are. But not the Muslims of the BD variety. Go spew your nonsense elsewhere. Ignorant fools get my goat.
BJP can do nothing as well. because you dont have recorded data for number of Bangladeshies but during every election time hardline Hindu groups club own Indian Muslim population with Bangladeshies
Proof of your claim ?
These claims are false and misleading.Now when these ADHAAR cards are being distributed by the GoI and biological details and traits like Iris and fingerprints are being collected for each individual Indian these illegal Bangladeshis are finding themselves in trouble big time.The reason being that most of them do not hold voter ID's and the only means of sustenance is the illegal ration cards they have managed to collect from local authorities thereby adding to their vote bank's.But the problem is that for the ADHAAR cards u need either ur Voter ID or Pan card and after the UID comes into effect none of the existing ration cards are going to work and the Bangaldeshi pole vaulters are going to loose credibility!!!Already there are reports that thousand's of illegal Bangladeshis are being deported every single day.
yes i dont believe that whole of bengali population in assam are bangladeshi.There may be few hundreds of bds living in india but quoting million figure is sheer in-discrimination on indian muslim population to declare them as non citizen aliens.Btw GoBD dont garee with indian contentions of illegal BDs in india.Its for india to prove that they are not indians but BDs. rest is just Indian propaganda against bengali indian muslim population.

Wow....i was thinking that you are different than others...but then i saw that you have changed your flag....Good luck with your argument....Enjoy your day...
15 million BD people in India means part 1 of the plan has been flawlessly executed.

It's time to move to part 2. Take over India.

The grand finale is part 3 which is to rule India for thousand years.

Let roll out second phase.
Ignore answering these foolish propaganda please.... Why would anyone Go to India? I can understand Malaysia, thailand. But India??? Give me a break!! Plus our ministers in India recently said the term illegal Bangladeshi is itself illegal. Never heard any indian official claiming anything against it! So keep quiet cry babies!
They should be sequestered in camps.

Those who can claim religious persecution in BD should be given refugee status (with due safeguards against false declarations).

Rest can either stay in the camps or go back to BD and apply for visa legally if they wish.

For those who choose to stay in camps, dormitory housing (segregated by gender) and factory work can be provided.

At the same time, urgently complete the fencing and use modern technology to prevent illegal crossings. As a last resort, use of force to prevent illegal crossings is legitimate, since terrorism is pressing concern.
Ignore answering these foolish propaganda please.... Why would anyone Go to India? I can understand Malaysia, thailand. But India??? Give me a break!! Plus our ministers in India recently said the term illegal Bangladeshi is itself illegal. Never heard any indian official claiming anything against it! So keep quiet cry babies!

Idiot rocks stupidity rules.....Do you have any land border with Thailand or malaysia??

It is easy to enter India.

Some lessons on world geography will be good.
...Should leave US, to migrate to MIGHTY INDIA, to grab a adhar card or something :hitwall:
Idiot rocks stupidity rules.....Do you have any land border with Thailand or malaysia??

It is easy to enter India.

Some lessons on world geography will be good.

Ah, if you had any common sense you would have understood my post... For Bangladeshis its easier to move to India, Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia( sea route ) ! I can understand the temptation of risking life for migration to Thailand, Malaysia.. But India and Myanmar make no sense!
Ah, if you had any common sense you would have understood my post... For Bangladeshis its easier to move to India, Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia( sea route ) ! I can understand the temptation of risking life for migration to Thailand, Malaysia.. But India and Myanmar make no sense!

Nope. None of those countries have such a open border....apart from that a BD would be identified easily in Thailand and malaysia...which is not the case in India.

You got the sense??
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