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Military strikes against Assad's Syria | Updates & Discussions.

France backs action on Syria as US seeks coalition, UK rejects move

French and US bases close to Syria


The French do not have the capability to attack Syria. They went along the US for the show and to deflect the French's attention from the nightmarish economic condition they are facing.

Intervention in Syria: Holland think..

head: I will go in, maybe
tail:I am not going in, not sure.

For Obama, he is lonely..at the top since the British defection and Putin spot lighting him

it would looked more right if it was the Saudi Jordan Qatar Kuwait to attack Syria
i dont get it they become a fish and asking USA to do the attack
those who supports the terrorist has all the weapons they need
August 31, 2013

Gulf states warn citizens against Lebanon travel

Bahrain and Kuwait urge nationals in Lebanon to leave immediately

Several countries, including two Gulf states, have advised their citizens against travelling to Lebanon as regional tensions grow over a possible US military strike on Syria.

Those issuing the advice include Bahrain, Kuwait, Britain and France, while Austria told its citizens to contact its embassy in Lebanon before travelling there.

Bahrain and Kuwait also urged their nationals in the country to leave immediately, their state news agencies reported.

A senior security source in Lebanon said 14,000 people had left the country on Thursday alone, mostly Europeans.

The United States has said it is considering military action to punish Syrian President Bashar Al Assad for a “brutal and flagrant” chemical weapons attack it says killed more than 1,400 people in Damascus 10 days ago. The Syrian government denies using chemical arms.

Bombs hit two mosques in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli eight days ago, killing at least 42 people and wounding hundreds, intensifying sectarian strife that has spilled over from the civil war in neighbouring Syria.

Bahrain’s foreign ministry said its advice was prompted by growing concerns of the impact of the Syrian crisis on Lebanon, news agency BNA reported late on Friday. Kuwait’s embassy in Lebanon told its citizens to leave the country due to “security uncertainty”, news agency KUNA said.

Britain advised against all but essential travel to Lebanon on Friday, citing the recent violence there and wider regional tensions. It also said there may be an increased risk of anti-Western sentiment linked to the possibility of military action. France issued similar advice on Thursday.

Gulf states warn citizens against Lebanon travel | GulfNews.com
Syria government officials expecting strike any moment and all the state run channel have unified their transmission with national songs.

Any moment means any time this week.
Another example of Zionist backed US invasion. I said this months ago it would happen.

Egypt is also under stress by the violent protests (this is how it always starts).

Next target is Egypt and eventually Iran.

The biggest sad thing is the Zionist and the West resort from bombing from the air, if they put troops on the ground they would get hammered as always.

The French are supporting the US and Zionists because the French are racist they simply hate Muslims i.e. the banning of women covering their heads. Its quite clear.

I hope Russia can be more firm and stand against the big bully.

Funny how the US twists everything - how can it be believed after Snowden? It has twisted everything to cover up the Snowden issue. Fabricated WMD excuse again.

John Kerry looks like a disfigured animal he is pathetic and a total liar, would love to **** on his face.
Aug 29, 2013

Exclusive: Syrian army moves Scud missiles to avoid strike

President Bashar al-Assad's forces have removed several Scud missiles and dozens of launchers from a base north of Damascus, possibly to protect the weapons from a Western attack, opposition sources said on Thursday.

The move from the position in the foothills of the Qalamoun mountains, one of Syria's most heavily militarized districts, appears part of a precautionary but limited redeployment of armaments in areas of central Syria still held by Assad's forces, diplomats based in the Middle East told Reuters.

They said rebel raids and fighting near key roads had blocked a wider evacuation of the hundreds of security and army bases that *** the country of 22 million, where Assad's late father imposed his autocratic dynasty four decades ago.

With U.S. air strikes looming in response to poison gas attacks last week on rebel-held Damascus suburbs, some of the formations on the move are accused by Assad's opponents of firing the chemical weapons. The Syrian government blames rebels for releasing gas but Western powers hold Assad responsible.

At the headquarters of the army's 155th Brigade, a missile unit whose base sprawls along the western edge of Syria's main highway running north from the capital to Homs, rebel scouts saw dozens mobile Scud launchers pulling out early on Thursday.

Rebel military sources said spotters saw missiles draped in tarpaulins on the launchers, as well as trailer trucks carrying other rockets and equipment. More than two dozen Scuds - 11-metre (35-foot) long ballistic missiles with ranges of 300 km (200 miles) and more - were fired from the base in the Qalamoun area this year, some of which hit even Aleppo in the far north.

The base was among a list of suggested targets presented by the rebel Syrian National Coalition to Western envoys in Istanbul earlier this week, opposition sources said. Scud units, of Soviet or North Korean manufacture, are designed to be mobile and so could still be set up quickly to fire from new positions.

Syrian military authorities do not discuss troop movements publicly. No government spokesman was available for comment.


Assad's forces appeared already by Wednesday to have evacuated most personnel from army and security command headquarters in central Damascus, residents and opposition sources in the capital said.

In the Qalamoun area, an activist calling himself Amer al-Qalamouni told Reuters by telephone: "Most of the personnel in the base appear to have left.

He added that trailer trucks loaded with military equipment were also seen on the Damascus ring road to the south: "Either the hardware is being transported to be stored elsewhere or it will remain constantly on the move to avoid being hit," he said.

Captain Firas Bitar of the Tahriri al-Sham rebel force, who is from the Qalamoun area but is based in a Damascus suburb, said two other missile units based near the 155th in the districts of Qutaifa and Nasiriya were also moving rockets out.

He said they could be move northwest to loyalist strongholds near Homs or further into the coastal mountain heartland of Assad's minority Alawite sect.

Opposition sources also suspected the evacuation of another missile unit based in Sahya, just south of Damascus.

"The Sahya barracks have been hitting the southern suburbs with rockets and artillery non-stop," said rebel commander Abu Ayham of the Ansar al-Islam brigade. "Since yesterday, nothing has been fired from the camp, suggesting it has been emptied."

Exclusive: Syrian army moves Scud missiles to avoid strike | Reuters
Obama decides to launch military strikes on Syria, accuses Asad regime of using chemical weapons on civilians - live on CNN now

Obama decides to launch military strike in syria BUT will seek authorisation from congress
what changes will this intervention result into ? if the congress authorises it
Wrong, Obama wants to but he wants congressional approval first. That will take a few days and also I am doubtful if he will get yes from the republican dominated House of Reps.
He looked confident of attacking is it that he has secured a yes?
There is no proof its all pathetic.

The BBC always say "footage what viewers will find extremely disturbing" and what is the footage? An empty house with holes in wall? Shoes? Clothes and rags? Is that proof? No its bloody not!

Look at Obama so p!ssed in his speech 15mins ago, what the fcuk does he think he is ? Slimey fcuking n!gger. See I was always right he said "it doesnt matter who is in charge of the white house the morals of the country will always be the same" they're all war mongerers - I think most of the world's country will need to go over to the US and start war there.

That is why it is said there will be a beast in the East (possibly China) and beast in the West (USA).
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