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Military formations in Mahabharata


May 29, 2015
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Indian epics abound in detail on military strategies, tactics and details of battle formations of the army.

In preparation of the Mahabharata War, Lord Krishna used all the guile of Military Strategies.

Some of the Strategies:
  • Preventing Vidhura from entering the Battle field.
  • Sidelining Karna till the tenth day or the death of Bhishma.
  • Allotting his Vrushni Sena to Kauravs and Himself standing by the side of the Pandavas.
  • Misguiding on the Full Moon Day for the War Ritual of sacrifice.
  • Prevention of Karna from using the Nagastra twice;of making him fight only with Arjuna’of preventing him from using the Brahmastra;
  • making Karna part with his Punya pala on the Battle field;disarming his Kavacha and Kundala Armor;preveting him from attacking any of the pandavas other than Arjuna.
  • Use of Sikandi against Bhishma.
  • Announcement of the death of Aswathama by Yudhistira to kill Drona.
  • Hiding of the Sun by His Sudarshana to draw out Jayathratha.
  • There were some of the tactics by Lord Krishna used by Lord Krishna in preparation and during the Mahabharata War at Kurukshetra.
  • He was also instrumental in forming the Battle plans.
Advanced Vyuhas (military formations) used in war:
1. Chakra vyuha – formation of concentric circles in layers.
2. Shakata vyuha – formation of a cart wheel
3. Mandala vyuha – circular formation ( dont know how this is different from the above)
4. Urmi vuyha – formation resembling ocean’s waves
5. Sarvatobhadra vyuha – meaning “safe on all sides” – seems to have been a kind of square array in which the troops faced all the points of the compass (as per KMG interpretation)
6. Garuda vyuha (Garuda – The Mighty Bird).
7. Krauncha vyuha ( Krauncha is bird with a sharp pointed beak)
8. Vajra vyuha ( in the shape of the thunderbolt)
9. Suchimukha vyuha ( formation in the shape of a needle)
10.Padma vyuha (formation of a blooming lotus)
11. Sura & Asura vyuha hv been mentioned as well (cant interpret how they were)
12. ArdhaChandraakara vyuha (crescent shpe)
13. Makara vyuha ( crocodile-shaped)

Each formation was met by a counter formation by the other side. For instance, the Sarpa Vyuha was met with Garuda Vyuha(Serpent formation against Eagle. The Heron Formation was usually met with Garuda or eagle Formation’Eagle is a Natural Enemy of Heron.

There were also courses to get into and out of each formation. These were fought while being taught the Dhanur Vidya.

Krauncha vyuha (Krauncha – a Bird)
Pandava army was arranged in this vyuha on the second day. Drupada was at the head and Kuntibhoja was placed at the eye. The army of the satyaki formed neck of the Kauncha bird. Bhima and Dhristadhymna formed both the wings of the Vyuha. The sons of Draupadi and Satyaki were to guard the wings. The formation of the army phalanxes in this manner was very formidable.

Bhishma also decided to arrange his army in Krauncha Vyuha. Bhurishrava and Salya were to guard the wings. Somdatta, Ashwatthama, Kripa and Kritavarma were positioned at different important place in the formation.

Garuda Vyuha (Garuda – The Mighty Bird)
On the second day Bhishma arranged his army in Garuda vyuha. Bhishma was its beak. Drona and Kritavarna were the eyes. Kripa and Ashvatthama were at the head. The Trigartas the Jayadratha with their armies made the neck. Duryodhana, his brothers, Vinda and Anuvinda made the body. King of Kashala, Brihadbala formed the tail.

Ardha Chakra Vyuha (Ardha Chandra – Half Cresent)
Arjuna observed this arrangement. He arranged the Pandavas army in consultation with Dhristadhymna, made the Ardha-chandra vyuha. cresent form. At the right end was Bhima, Along the ups were placed the army of Drupada and Virata. Neel, Dhristaketu, Dhristadhymna and Shikandi were placed next to them. Yudhisthira was at the centre. Satyaki, and five sons of Draupadi. Abimanyu were at left end, Ghatatkacha and Kokaya brother was there too. At the tip was Arjuna at his Chariot with Krishna.

Makara Vyuha (Makara – Crocodile)
On the fifth day of the war, Bhishma chose to arrange his army in Makarvyuha. Arjuna, Yudhisthira and Dhristadhyumna decided for the Hawk formation of their Army. All the warriors of both sides were assigned to specific places in the formations with special responsibilities.

On the sixth day it was the Pandavas who preferred the Makara Vyuha. The Kauravas chose Krauncha Vyuha. It is said that on this day Bhima was coming in and out of the Vyuha of the kauravas, killing soldier at will, swinging his terrible mace.

Mandala Vyuha (Mandala – Circle)
On the seventh day of the war Bhishma made Mandala Vyuha. It was circular formation very difficult to penetrate. The Pandavas countered it by Vajra Vyuha. On the dawn of the eighth day of the war, it was Oormi Vyuha for Kauravas, meaning ocean. It was the formation in which their army was arranged. It spread on the either side like waves of the sea. Arjuna chose
Sringataka Vyuha.

Sarvatobhadra Vyuha (Sarvatobhadra – Safe from all sides)
On the ninth day Bhishma went for a Vyuha called Sarvatobhadra Vyuha which meant safe from all sides. Bhishma was in the front, Guarded by Kripa, Kritaverma, Shakuni, Jayadratha, Kamboja and sons of Dhritarastra. Trigartas were also there. The Pandavas formed a Vyuha in shape of a constellation. The Pandavas and sons of Draupadi were leading from the front. Shikhandi Chekitan and Ghatotkacha were holding important positions to defend. Abhimanyu, Kekaya brothers and Drupada were guarding the rear.

On the tenth day the Kauravas army chose, Asura Vyuha and the Pandavas countered it by arranging their army in Deva Vyuha. In the lead was Shikandhi with Bhima and Arjuna to protect his sides. Behind him were Abhimanyu and the children of Draupadi. Satyaki and Dhristadhyuma were with them. Virata and Drupada had two charge of the rest of the army. Kekayu brothers, Dhristaketu and Gatotkacha were in their ranks. The Pandavas had the single pointed aim to kill Bhishma and were successful in that.

On the twelfth day of the war, the Kauravas chose Garuda Vyuha and the Pandavas countered it by going for the Ardha-Chandra Vyuha.
Indian epics abound in detail on military strategies, tactics and details of battle formations of the army.

In preparation of the Mahabharata War, Lord Krishna used all the guile of Military Strategies.

Some of the Strategies:
  • Preventing Vidhura from entering the Battle field.
  • Sidelining Karna till the tenth day or the death of Bhishma.
  • Allotting his Vrushni Sena to Kauravs and Himself standing by the side of the Pandavas.
  • Misguiding on the Full Moon Day for the War Ritual of sacrifice.
  • Prevention of Karna from using the Nagastra twice;of making him fight only with Arjuna’of preventing him from using the Brahmastra;
  • making Karna part with his Punya pala on the Battle field;disarming his Kavacha and Kundala Armor;preveting him from attacking any of the pandavas other than Arjuna.
  • Use of Sikandi against Bhishma.
  • Announcement of the death of Aswathama by Yudhistira to kill Drona.
  • Hiding of the Sun by His Sudarshana to draw out Jayathratha.
  • There were some of the tactics by Lord Krishna used by Lord Krishna in preparation and during the Mahabharata War at Kurukshetra.
  • He was also instrumental in forming the Battle plans.
Advanced Vyuhas (military formations) used in war:
1. Chakra vyuha – formation of concentric circles in layers.
2. Shakata vyuha – formation of a cart wheel
3. Mandala vyuha – circular formation ( dont know how this is different from the above)
4. Urmi vuyha – formation resembling ocean’s waves
5. Sarvatobhadra vyuha – meaning “safe on all sides” – seems to have been a kind of square array in which the troops faced all the points of the compass (as per KMG interpretation)
6. Garuda vyuha (Garuda – The Mighty Bird).
7. Krauncha vyuha ( Krauncha is bird with a sharp pointed beak)
8. Vajra vyuha ( in the shape of the thunderbolt)
9. Suchimukha vyuha ( formation in the shape of a needle)
10.Padma vyuha (formation of a blooming lotus)
11. Sura & Asura vyuha hv been mentioned as well (cant interpret how they were)
12. ArdhaChandraakara vyuha (crescent shpe)
13. Makara vyuha ( crocodile-shaped)

Each formation was met by a counter formation by the other side. For instance, the Sarpa Vyuha was met with Garuda Vyuha(Serpent formation against Eagle. The Heron Formation was usually met with Garuda or eagle Formation’Eagle is a Natural Enemy of Heron.

There were also courses to get into and out of each formation. These were fought while being taught the Dhanur Vidya.

Krauncha vyuha (Krauncha – a Bird)
Pandava army was arranged in this vyuha on the second day. Drupada was at the head and Kuntibhoja was placed at the eye. The army of the satyaki formed neck of the Kauncha bird. Bhima and Dhristadhymna formed both the wings of the Vyuha. The sons of Draupadi and Satyaki were to guard the wings. The formation of the army phalanxes in this manner was very formidable.

Bhishma also decided to arrange his army in Krauncha Vyuha. Bhurishrava and Salya were to guard the wings. Somdatta, Ashwatthama, Kripa and Kritavarma were positioned at different important place in the formation.

Garuda Vyuha (Garuda – The Mighty Bird)
On the second day Bhishma arranged his army in Garuda vyuha. Bhishma was its beak. Drona and Kritavarna were the eyes. Kripa and Ashvatthama were at the head. The Trigartas the Jayadratha with their armies made the neck. Duryodhana, his brothers, Vinda and Anuvinda made the body. King of Kashala, Brihadbala formed the tail.

Ardha Chakra Vyuha (Ardha Chandra – Half Cresent)
Arjuna observed this arrangement. He arranged the Pandavas army in consultation with Dhristadhymna, made the Ardha-chandra vyuha. cresent form. At the right end was Bhima, Along the ups were placed the army of Drupada and Virata. Neel, Dhristaketu, Dhristadhymna and Shikandi were placed next to them. Yudhisthira was at the centre. Satyaki, and five sons of Draupadi. Abimanyu were at left end, Ghatatkacha and Kokaya brother was there too. At the tip was Arjuna at his Chariot with Krishna.

Makara Vyuha (Makara – Crocodile)
On the fifth day of the war, Bhishma chose to arrange his army in Makarvyuha. Arjuna, Yudhisthira and Dhristadhyumna decided for the Hawk formation of their Army. All the warriors of both sides were assigned to specific places in the formations with special responsibilities.

On the sixth day it was the Pandavas who preferred the Makara Vyuha. The Kauravas chose Krauncha Vyuha. It is said that on this day Bhima was coming in and out of the Vyuha of the kauravas, killing soldier at will, swinging his terrible mace.

Mandala Vyuha (Mandala – Circle)
On the seventh day of the war Bhishma made Mandala Vyuha. It was circular formation very difficult to penetrate. The Pandavas countered it by Vajra Vyuha. On the dawn of the eighth day of the war, it was Oormi Vyuha for Kauravas, meaning ocean. It was the formation in which their army was arranged. It spread on the either side like waves of the sea. Arjuna chose
Sringataka Vyuha.

Sarvatobhadra Vyuha (Sarvatobhadra – Safe from all sides)
On the ninth day Bhishma went for a Vyuha called Sarvatobhadra Vyuha which meant safe from all sides. Bhishma was in the front, Guarded by Kripa, Kritaverma, Shakuni, Jayadratha, Kamboja and sons of Dhritarastra. Trigartas were also there. The Pandavas formed a Vyuha in shape of a constellation. The Pandavas and sons of Draupadi were leading from the front. Shikhandi Chekitan and Ghatotkacha were holding important positions to defend. Abhimanyu, Kekaya brothers and Drupada were guarding the rear.

On the tenth day the Kauravas army chose, Asura Vyuha and the Pandavas countered it by arranging their army in Deva Vyuha. In the lead was Shikandhi with Bhima and Arjuna to protect his sides. Behind him were Abhimanyu and the children of Draupadi. Satyaki and Dhristadhyuma were with them. Virata and Drupada had two charge of the rest of the army. Kekayu brothers, Dhristaketu and Gatotkacha were in their ranks. The Pandavas had the single pointed aim to kill Bhishma and were successful in that.

On the twelfth day of the war, the Kauravas chose Garuda Vyuha and the Pandavas countered it by going for the Ardha-Chandra Vyuha.

Seem to have miserably failed against Mohamed Bin Wasim, Mahmud Ghazni and Ghauri
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Lame-*** noob question but in a fair fight between Karna and Arjuna, who'd win?

Noob answer, in Mahabharata if Balbarik fights both of them would be dead, so would whole Pandavas and Kaurvas.

Barbarika - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Seem to have miserably failed against Mohamed Bin Wasim, Mahmud Ghazni and Ghauri

Beta we are talking about Mahabharata.

Mahabharatha war - Facts and figures

War started on
6.30 AM - 22 November 3067 BC Friday

The war ended on
18th Day ie. 9th December 3067 BC
Place of the war
Kurukshetra around 65 miles from Delhi
Size of the battlefield
It is not the present Kurukshetra covering just 80 square Kms , but a vast kingdom of King Kuru.
Number of people per Akshahuni (division)
Number of Akshahuni of both Pandavas and Gauravas
Total Number of people from Pandavas and Gauravas
19,68,300 (18 * 109350)
Number of people died
1,66,00,20000 [According to Stri parva] This needs further research as the number of casualties seems to be too large.
Number of people survived
Number of people survived among Pandavas & Gauravas
Details of people participated from other kingdoms

Pandavas side

1 Akshahuni
Chief of Chedis, Dhrishtaketu etc
1 Akshahuni
King of Magadha, Jayatsena
1 Akshahuni
Pandya, Drupada, Virata (king of Matsya) and others
4 Akshahuni
Total external troops of Pandavas
7 Akshahuni

Kauravas side

King bhagadatta, Chins and Kiratas
1 Akshahuni
Bhurisravas, and Salya,
1 Akshahuni
Kritavarman, the son of Hridika, Bhojas, Andhas and Kukuras
1 Akshahuni
Jayadratha from Sindhusauvira
1 Akshahuni
Sudakshina, the king of the Kambhojas with Yavanas and Sakas
1 Akshahuni
Two kings of Avanti
2 Akshahuni
Five royal brothers, the princes of Kekaya
1 Akshahuni
King Nila of Mahishmati and others
3 Akshahuni
Total external troops of Kauvravas
11 Akshahuni
Which countries, regions participated in the war ?
It was a global war, almost all the civilization that existed participated Refer Geography section

Types of Asthras used ?
Asthras like Brahmashira, Brahmasthra, Pasupatasthra, Vaishnavasthra, Narayana Asthra, Agneyasthra, Vayavasthra, Nagasthra, Vajrasthra, Varunasthra etc
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Before going into the science of Mahabharata refer these concepts to have a better understanding.

What is a Mantra ?
In simple terms a mantra is an password whose proper recitation of them brings what is inherently true in them and their perfect recitation is very crucial. Swami Krishnananda, in his "Science of Mantra" says "there is a large compilation called a Mantra Maharnava; ‘An Ocean of Mantras’ is the name of that book. All kinds of mantras are described, with their mode of application, like we may have mathematical formulae for the manufacture of different kinds of nuclear warheads or weapons. The formulae change according to the requirement on hand. So a particular mantra of a god is a formula. It is a mathematical equation, as it were, which conjures up a hidden energy and releases it into action, and the mantra does what we expect it to do. He adds "The mantra japa, therefore, is a sacred act of the spiritual seeker. It is not merely a verbal audible utterance of a word or a linguistic formula. It is a preparation for going inward into the very power with which we are able to vocalize or articulate the mantra"

Source : swami-krishnananda.org

If there is a science behind mantras, why not we create mantras ?

"As a matter of fact, a mantra is not created with any specific meaning or thought in mind. Its sole purpose is to devise a method for accessing, attracting and absorbing a specific current of the cosmic energy and its purposeful harnessing. Whatever be the mantra -vedic, puranic or tantric - its mechanism is the same. It would be apposite here to also keep in mind that creation or construction of a mantra is not an intellectual process. However talented or brilliant a person may be, he cannot create mantras. It is the job of only the rishis and seers, whose divine vision is capable of peeping into the subtlest realms".

Source : Akhandjyoti.org

How does the mantra function ? When it becomes accomplished ?

The methodology of a mantra’s functioning is novel. As the specific phase of its sadhana (practice) is completed, it connects the sadhak’s inner consciousness with the specific cosmic energy current or devashakti. But this is one aspect of its function. In its other aspect, it simultaneously makes the sadhak qualified and fit to receive this special power. By mantra - sadhana, certain secret recesses or zones of the sadhak’s interior become activated, and he becomes capable of receiving, bearing and harnessing those subtle energies. Only then the mantra is said to have become siddha (accomplished or mastered).

Can Mantra travel and reach far away objects ?

Jonathan Goldman an Internationally acknowledged master teacher has studied with masters of sound from both the scientific and spiritual traditions, in an interview by Integeral Yoga Magazine, he explains to the question - "In your book, "Healing Sounds", you talk about research that explains how ancient rishis conceived of yantras, sacred Hindu mandalas, linked to different mantras" ? Jonathan Goldman answers, "Throughout history there have been people who have observed and investigated the unique ability of sound vibrations to effect and shape different substances. In the 1960s, Dr. Hans Jenny, a Swiss medical doctor, observed the effects of sound upon matter. He called his work Cymatics—the Greek word for waveform, because sound travels as a wave. Many consider this work to be the most important demonstration of the ability of sound to shape substance. Dr. Jenny was one of the first to use an oscillator to test different materials. He showed that sound was able to actually create form in various substances such as pastes, liquids and water".
[source : iymagazine.org ]

What is Yagna ?

Yagna is a process aimed at the refinement of the subtle energy existing in matter with the help of thermal energy of the Mantras. The knowledge of philosopy and science of Yagna is as essential for understanding and experimenting the science of spirituality as the knowledge of elementary physics is for material based sciences.
[source : adrishta.com]

What are the Scientific aspects of Yagna ?

There are two basic energy systems in the physical world: heat and sound. In performing yagna, these two energies, namely, the heat from yagna’s fire and the sound of the chanting of the Gayatri and other Vedic Mantras, are blended together to achieve the desired physical, psychological and spiritual benefits. The fumigation, vaporization and subtlisation of specific substances in the yagna-fire constitute a verifiable scientific method of sublimation of matter and expansion of its colloidal state, generates ions and energy with positive effects in the surrounding atmosphere through the specific sonic waves of the mantras.
Source : Akhandjyoti.org

As we all know very well, the combined strength of the army of the Pandavas and Kauravas in the Mahabharata war was 18 Akshouhinis. Pandavas had 7 Akshouhinis and Kauravas had 11. The Akshouhini is roughly equivalent to the regiment of the modern day military. The number of ‘resources’ in each Akshouhini though was humongous.

Let’s see some numbers to get an idea of what constituted an Akshouhini.

Legend: C for chariots, E for elephants, H for horses and S for foot-soldiers

1 C, 1 E, 3 H and 5 S = 1 Patti : 1C, 1E, 3H, 5S
3 Pattis = 1 Sena mukha : 3C, 3E, 9H, 15S
3 Sena mukhas = 1 Gulma : 9C, 9E, 27H, 45S
3 Gulmas = 1 Gana : 27C, 27E, 81H, 135S
3 Ganas = 1 Vahini : 81C, 81E, 243H, 405S
3 Vahinis = 1 Pritana : 243C, 243E, 729H, 1215S
3 Pritanas = 1 Chamu : 729C, 729E, 2187H, 3645S
3 Chamus = 1 Ankini : 2187C, 2187E, 6561H, 10935S
10 Ankinis = 1 Akshouhini : 21870C, 21870E, 65610H, 109350S

One Akshouhini constituted 21,870 chariots, 21870 elephants, 65610 horses and 1,09,350 foot-soldiers. The total number of soldiers comes up to (109350 + 65610 + 21870 + 21870) = 218700. Adding the charioteers and mahouts (assuming one per chariot and elephant), the total number of people involved in one Akshouhini comes to (218700 + 21870 + 21870) = 262440.

The total number of people involved in the war were 18 * 262440 = 47,23,920!

Out of these 4 million+ people who fought the war, hardly a handful survived – Pandavas, Krishna, Satyaki, Ashwathama, Kripa, Kritavarma and Yuyutsu.

Another interesting thing about the Akshouhini. It has a strong affiliation to the number 18.

Chariots : 21870 : 2 + 1 + 8 + 7 + 0 = 18
Elephants : 21870 : 2 + 1 + 8 + 7 + 0 = 18
Horses : 65610 : 6 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 0 = 18
Foot-soldiers : 109350 : 1 + 0 + 9 + 3 + 5 + 0 = 18
Total people : 262440 : 2 + 6 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 0 = 18

Total Akshouhinis in the war = 18
Total number of days war was fought = 18
Number of chapters in the Bhagavadgita = 18
Number of Parvas in the Mahabharata = 18
Original name of Mahabharata = Jaya = Ja – Ya = Ya – Ja = 1 8 = 18

18 is therefore an extremely significant number in the Mahabharata!
Lame-*** noob question but in a fair fight between Karna and Arjuna, who'd win?

Karna. Arjun needed a babysitter in the form of Krishna to protect him. Without Krishna Arjun would have been killed in the first day of battle.

Seem to have miserably failed against Mohamed Bin Wasim, Mahmud Ghazni and Ghauri

Mahabharat is mythology not history. If the divine weapons existed in real life then ancient Indians would have ruled the whole planet.
Mahabharat is mythology not history. If the divine weapons existed in real life then ancient Indians would have ruled the whole planet.

Mate, I've lived for 20 years in Kurukshetra.
Saying its all a mythology, is not fair.
I agree that all that said may not be true.
But there is certainly truth in the legends.
There are plenty of proofs all around kurukshetra.
you need to visit the place to know and believe.
Mate, I've lived for 20 years in Kurukshetra.
Saying its all a mythology, is not fair.
I agree that all that said may not be true.
But there is certainly truth in the legends.
There are plenty of proofs all around kurukshetra.
you need to visit the place to know and believe.
BS there is no proof keep your pseudo history to yourself , its a myth no wonder how much yo belive
Mate, I've lived for 20 years in Kurukshetra.
Saying its all a mythology, is not fair.
I agree that all that said may not be true.
But there is certainly truth in the legends.
There are plenty of proofs all around kurukshetra.
you need to visit the place to know and believe.

So what happened to those magic weapons?
So what happened to those magic weapons?

As i said all of it may not be true.
But rejecting all of it as a myth is not right.
There is a museum in kurukshetra, you can found hundreds of old things carbon dated thousands of year old.
There are historical sites all around kurukshetra thousands of years old.

BS there is no proof keep your pseudo history to yourself , its a myth no wonder how much yo belive

whatever floats your boat.
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