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Military convoy ambushed in North Waziristan 23 Apr 2010

I wonder about his stance on mukhti bahini? Were they terrorists or freedom fighters?

And your stance on the Taliban? Terrorists or freedom fighters? One man's terrorist is always another man's freedom fighter. When it comes to the issue of Kashmir, Balochistan and the Taliban I believe that the issue of classifying those who take up guns against our respective governments should be labelled as "rebels" rather than anything else
It has certainly checked PA's proxy war.

Well it hasn't, as we have for the time reduced the infiltration due to obvious reasons, hope when things cool down, you will see action again.

I think it is a case of too many conspiracy theories swirling around. And Pakistani's are falsely believing that what they are doing unto the world, the world is doing unto them. What motive could POTUS have in keeping the war alive when he wants to bring US soldiers home victorious and hope to get re-elected. Karzai is in any case too weak relatively to take on Pakistan militarily.

I can understand from which side you are thinking, not your fault, as its expected from you guys. And lets see when they get their soldiers back, have they done it from Iraq, even though maximum security has been given to the Iraqis, but we are again seeing bomb blasts and violence on the rise. Don't take their political bumbo jumboo to be serious. Yeah Karzai may not, but there are others who will take and try to make good of this opportunity.

Seriously, the man may have had a distinguished career and all that, but trafikking all that weed got to him. How can you trust the sanity of a man that calls 9/11 an inside job?

YouTube- Pakistani ISI General Hamid Gul '9/11 Inside Job'

Watch your mouth, same can be said about your generals who through out rubbish remarks after having weed got to them. So take care with what you say about whom.

And not just he, thousands others have the same opinion. Go and hear and ask the own Americans who call it an inside job.

Try to surf the net and see what is out there and why it is. Logical minds are needed to understand things. If Osama had done it, why after 9 years of the incident, not a single case has been registered in the US, not a single charge sheet made up and formal investigations done.
You don't have to associate Pakistan with 911. The rest of the world does. Even your comrades in the CIA does.

You don't know what I am talking about. I am talking about his claim that I think 9/11 was a conspiracy against Pakistan - to achieve some goal against Pakistan.

The fact of the matter is that conspiracy theories are making your nation stuck in the mud.

There's absolutely no correlation between the two, and Pakistan is no more stuck in mud than India is.

Everything you presuppose is always a conspiracy based on gossip or no factual basis.

Putting words into my mouth, trying to read my mind. What a typical indian thing to do. For instance, I don't claim Mumbai attacks to be a conspiracy. I do check the facts and evidence suggesting a conspiracy and 9/11 is no doubt a conspiracy in my mind.

Wake up and smell the roses. It is time that you joined the rest of the world in respect of time zone

You're telling me to wake up.

Check the following link:
Flight 253 passenger: Sharp-dressed man aided terror suspect Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab onto plane without passport (MLive.com exclusive) | - MLive.com

Do I need to say who needs to wake up, or are you gonna continue denying that governments never lie and never hide facts?

or else those Talibans ambushing your soldiers will end up ruling your country and taking you from your current 7th century mentality back to the stone ages.

More simplistic and childish arguments.

Your quoting Hamid proves my point

Can't remember when I did that.

---------- Post added at 08:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:05 AM ----------

And your stance on the Taliban? Terrorists or freedom fighters? One man's terrorist is always another man's freedom fighter. When it comes to the issue of Kashmir, Balochistan and the Taliban I believe that the issue of classifying those who take up guns against our respective governments should be labelled as "rebels" rather than anything else

You're escaping and diverting my question.
9/11 conspiracy theories are done by americans for the most part. So it's childish to pick us selectively and then attack us.
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Who got in Kashmir? & why will I avoid Balochistan when you choose to tread on thin ice with Kashmir?

I gave the example of Kashmir and how hard it is to stop infiltration even with all the checks and security measure, get your thoughts right.
nakodo, get your act together, before you are dispatched again like bumbgola, Harop. So try to make good out of your this ID, before you are thrown out again, which you will be eventually the way you are going.
I gave the example of Kashmir and how hard it is to stop infiltration even with all the checks and security measure, get your thoughts right.

I am only saying that if you wanted you could have used Kashmiri militants or terrorists to address the lunatics, but you didn't. Your choice. That is what I highlighted.
nakodo, get your act together, before you are dispatched again like bumbgola, Harop. So try to make good out of your this ID, before you are thrown out again, which you will be eventually the way you are going.

But sir, I have not flamed. Not derided anyone.
The two cannot be compared. MLive is not reporting anything on 9/11. It's reporting on the recent Christmas attempted attack. Moreover, there's nothing to question it's reliability as it's a well known local news source around the area where the attempted attack took place.

Finally, yes I would question what US government would say. If they were the ones to plan and carry out the attacks, I don't see why they would try to prove anything other than their version of the story.

Anyway, enough of 9/11. It's totally off-topic and this has been discussed elsewhere.
The if is irrelevant anyhow. When there's so many questions marks on the official story, the government cannot be reliably trusted with the proof especially when it is the one giving out that official story. For instance, they claim to have several cameras' recordings of a plane crashing into pentagon but they have released 3 frames from 1 camera. And from those 3 frames it's not clear what hit the pentagon. They are keeping the whole evidence ambiguous so the gullible majority can continue believing their story.
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