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Military action would be no picnic, Syria warns the US


Sep 21, 2011
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Is president Obama going the Bush’s way and walking into a trap? The allegations of using chemical weapons by the Assad regime in Syria may be true or just like the WMD used as a ploy to attack Iraq. One thing is, however, clear; the Ball of Fire that Obama misadventure could create which would surely engulf the entire Middle East. This is what Syria warned the United States about a possible military action over a suspected chemical weapons attack in its civil war, saying it would "create a ball of fire that will inflame the Middle East". Iran has also warned the US to desist from crossing redline. Earlier, doctors said that hundreds were killed in Syria in a poison gas attack.
Reuters has reported that a team of United Nations inspectors is waiting in a hotel in Damascus a few miles from the site of the attack, but Syria suggested they would not be allowed to visit as it was not on a list agreed in July of alleged chemical attacks this year. U.S. President Barack Obama met his top military and national security advisers on Saturday to debate options. U.S. naval forces have been repositioned in the Mediterranean to give Obama the option of an armed strike.
But Syria said any military action would be "no picnic" (for the US).
Right now the US is fighting to depose Assad regime through proxy; the Syria opposition consisting of fighters from Arab countries most al Qaeda elements who have been armed and funded by the US. Obama decision to dispatch its naval forces for a possible attack on Syria, however, is a serious business which would tear the world apart in two poles; Russia, Iran and Syria would fight the combined military might of the West and terrorists of all hues funded from Arab charities and public coffers of Saudi Arabia and Gulf States. The head of the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front has pledged to target communities from Syria's Alawite faith, followed by Assad, with rockets in revenge for Wednesday's incident, according to an audio recording published on YouTube.

Military action would be no picnic, Syria warns the US
Russia, Iran and Syria would fight the combined military might of the West

If the UN investigators find that Assad is responsible for the chemical weapons attack, Russia will not defend him. Not a chance!
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