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Militants Overtake India as Top Threat, Says Pakistan's ISI

u are saying that pakistan is sacrificing their people to have leverage over US, and NATO doesnot want to have any impact on INDO-US relationship. could u pls summarize whts it means??

Let's summarize it. US has a lot to lose if the evidence of Indian involvement becomes public. That's the summary.

the way i look at it is india has a huge economic clout over US that why they dont want to criticze india and pakistan is ready to continue sacrificing their people for the sake of WOT and huge economic and strategic benefits.

Yeah.. not really actually, because WoT has cost us some 50-80 Billion USD.

i think iran is at the same position, but they are not bowing nder world's pressure.

Well their leaders have balls, unlike ours.

and one more point US also consistently raising finger at u. have u forgotten the hillary's charges that somebody in pakistani establishment knows where osama is.

Consistently? I believe it's happened like 1 or 2 times. And lets not be selective. Other US officials have said they don't think Pakistan knows where he is (for all its worth).
Sir, with all due respect dont you think its wrong to sacrifice the life of your own countrymen for the sake of billions of dollars ?? because u have lost some 60 bn+, you are allowing indian to play their terror game?? this is undigestable.
You're oversimplifying the issue. US forced us into WoT after 9/11. That's one publicly well known instance of them forcing us into something. When you have a publicly known instance, there's probably several of them privately. Remember that no other country is in the same position as Pakistan. The closest is Iran -- and US and Israel are no doubt gearing up to attack them for failing to comply.
Well remember that US threatened to bomb us to stone age if we didn't help them in Afghanistan. So there's plenty of things to look at when dealing with this problem.

I dont think USA is so pro India that it will attack Pakistan for releasing the so called proof of India's involvement in the terror activities in Pakistan.

If such was the case, we could have got US to send some drones to say hi to Hafeez Saeed and his crew.
I dont think USA is so pro India that it will attack Pakistan for releasing the so called proof of India's involvement in the terror activities in Pakistan.

If such was the case, we could have got US to send some drones to say hi to Hafeez Saeed and his crew.

They don't have to attack, they just have to make threats.

And on top of that, it's not all about India here. It will have a big impact of Pakistan-US relations and Pakistan's involvement on WoT.
sir, we are not alone who are pointing finger at you... afganistan, US, UK, iran also have raised finger consistently at you. no country has charged us of any misdoing. even u did but havent provide any evidence at any level.

Of course no country has charged you because we are Afghanistan's neighbors and we take the burden of their consistent failures. All these countries have a reason to point fingers at Pak. Regarding UK, its the same country that partnered with US to invade Iraq illegally for oil. We hardly care what they say. All they know is that they have to get out of Afghanistan on terms of Pakistan. They are making their last efforts before they do what we say.

i am not satisfied with the arguement that under NATO pressure, ISI is not showing the evidence. why NATO will do that?? what is at stake for them. dont u think for ISI paksitan should be the prime interest. if somebody bomb u on daily basis why u will hide the evidence under any pressure?? is ISI allowing india to do what they want and waiting when US will leave the afganistan???

If we release the evidence. US will have to take the necessary steps under pressure and might give them reason to stay longer which we don't want. Alternatively, we have broken the TTP on Pak soil and are vigilant of TTP movement from Afghanistan into Pakistan.

Ok then..let's continue the game..

No other option my friend.

u are saying that pakistan is sacrificing their people to have leverage over US, and NATO doesnot want to have any impact on INDO-US relationship. could u pls summarize whts it means??

the way i look at it is india has a huge economic clout over US that why they dont want to criticze india and pakistan is ready to continue sacrificing their people for the sake of WOT and huge economic and strategic benefits.

I really don't think India can harm US economically. It may harm to a limit but US being the super economic power can sustain the damage if it decides to go against India.

Yes as i said we have taken care of the problem without changing the dynamics of war in Afghanistan by releasing the evidence.

i think iran is at the same position, but they are not bowing nder world's pressure.

and one more point US also consistently raising finger at u. have u forgotten the hillary's charges that somebody in pakistani establishment knows where osama is.

My friends those are the type of things someone from US establishment keep saying to keep Pakistan under pressure. Overall that statement looked too naive to come from US secretary of state. Why did not she name the person in Pak who knows where Osama is. If they were 100% sure of Laden being in Pak they would have told us to capture him or a joint operation would have taken place already. US will be too tempted to not do anything after knowing his whereabouts.

Its true that war on terror has cost us our economy. Our Indian friends lecture us about poor economy but they dont see how we were forces into this WOT. Resulting fallout made all foreign investors run away. US has destabilized this entire region for no good. They have to leave now so we can start thinking for ourselves. Our leaders are too off a coward to tell US that we quit your war. Leave the region now. Plus we wont be supported by any regional country if we take this step.
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Of course no country has charged you because we are Afghanistan's neighbors and we take the burden of their consistent failures. All these countries have a reason to point fingers at Pak. Regarding UK, its the same country that partnered with US to invade Iraq illegally for oil. We hardly care what they say. All they know is that they have to get out of Afghanistan on terms of Pakistan. They are making their last efforts before they do what we say.

If we release the evidence. US will have to take the necessary steps under pressure and might give them reason to stay longer which we don't want. Alternatively, we have broken the TTP on Pak soil and are vigilant of TTP movement from Afghanistan into Pakistan.

No other option my friend.

I really don't think India can harm US economically. It may harm to a limit but US being the super economic power can sustain the damage if it decides to go against India.

Yes as i said we have taken care of the problem without changing the dynamics of war in Afghanistan by releasing the evidence.
This is very wrong assumptions to say that ur government and army donot care what they say. what make u believe that they will leave the afganistan at ur terms?? if u say they are loosing but in reality u have lost more in WoT than any other nations in terms of money and human lives. they have their goals, they wont leave untill that will achieve. they dont want another 9/11 thats for sure. if something like that happens and it is trace back to you, then god knows what gonna happen.
They don't have to attack, they just have to make threats.

And on top of that, it's not all about India here. It will have a big impact of Pakistan-US relations and Pakistan's involvement on WoT.

But why would US want Pakistan to suppress that Info?
But why would US want Pakistan to suppress that Info?

I already mentioned the reason. Pakistan will have reason to pull out of WoT -- at least as far as US is concerned (i.e. pulling out all operations requested by US). We will have more diplomatic leverage over the US. US-India relation could take a beating.
Thank you sir. Topic is whether India is Pakistan's No 1 enemy. I have been arguing yes because after 1971 and 2002 we can't let our guards loose on our Eastern border. Plain and very simple.


Guess this remains unanswered though you answered it yourself.

Since you have the nuclear deterrence and don't adhere to "No First use" policy and if the deterrence alone was sufficient in 2002 (asper your assessment) so it will continue to do so in future as well. Most Pakistani members even boast of a larger n-weapon stockpile than India.

So does your argument not prove that with Nuclear weapons in Pakistan's inventory threat from India is so greatly reduced that we backed off from a aggressive position, leave alone a standard position?
I see this as a careful 'leak' with a view to placate donors who doubt where their money will be diverted to.
I see this as a careful 'leak' with a view to placate donors who doubt where their money will be diverted to.

Spot on. Officially they have neither denied nor approved. For internal consumption they can not openly accept for external donors - hoping for further motivation.

Terrorists overtake India as top threat, says ISI

LAHORE: The Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) says homegrown terrorists have overtaken the Indian Army as the greatest threat to national security, a finding with potential ramifications for relations between the two rival South Asian nations and for the US-led war in Afghanistan, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

A recent internal assessment of security by the ISI determined that for the first time in 63 years it expects a majority of threats to come from terrorists, according to a senior ISI officer.

The assessment, a regular review of national security, allocates a two-thirds likelihood of a major threat to the state coming from terrorists rather than from India or elsewhere. It is the first time since the two countries gained independence from Britain in 1947 that India has not been viewed as the top threat. Decades into one of the most bitter neighbourly rivalries in modern history, both countries maintain huge troop deployments along their Himalayan border. “It’s earth shattering. That’s a remarkable change,” said Bruce Hoffman, a counter-terrorism specialist and professor at Georgetown University. “It’s yet another ratcheting up of the Pakistanis’ recognition of not only their own internal problems but cooperation in the war on terrorism.”

It is unclear whether the assessment of the ISI is fully endorsed by the Pakistan Army and civilian government. The assessment’s impact on troop positioning and Pakistan’s war against terrorists remains to be seen.

Inter-Services Public Relations Director General Athar Abbas said he was not aware of the assessment, adding that India remained a threat but confirmed that it is the ISI’s role to draw up security assessments. A spokesman for India’s Ministry of External Affairs did not return calls seeking comment. daily times monitor
ISI never officially respond to such type of reports. It is the ISPR that normally confirms or denys such things and DG ISPR has said that he is not aware of any such assessment but at the same time he has confirmed that ISI is responsible for such type of assessments.

The only thing to see is how the reporter came to know about the report.
This is very wrong assumptions to say that ur government and army donot care what they say. what make u believe that they will leave the afganistan at ur terms?? if u say they are loosing but in reality u have lost more in WoT than any other nations in terms of money and human lives. they have their goals, they wont leave untill that will achieve. they dont want another 9/11 thats for sure. if something like that happens and it is trace back to you, then god knows what gonna happen.

I agree with you on few things. We don't know when USA will leave this region. By saying that they will leave on Pak's terms i meant to say that Pak's interest in Afghanistan will not be ignored at any cost. Pak's interest includes having a friendly government and not letting Indian "embassies" to to their dirty work or even run for that matter. US has always said that it could not win in Afghanistan without Pak's support. These statements have come from the top US brass and is true. They just want to avoid next 9/11. They have tried for a decade but could not beat Taliban in Afghanistan through their armed forces. The last thing for them is a truce which safeguards their national interests. This truce is being formulated by ISI itself. This will include Taliban running Afghanistan, not working against US interest and not harboring Al-qaeda in the future.

The thing is that US wants a guarantee from Pakistan that Taliban will not start anti-US activities one it leaves. Pak can't give this guarantee and this is where deadlock persists. IF Pak makes the mistake of giving any such assurance, the future fall out of Taliban negating these terms will directly effect Pakistan.

Regarding another terrorists attack on US soil tracing back to Pakistan, we can hardly do anything about it. US can easily stage a false flag operation and put it on Pakistan and attack us if it really wants. Where are the WMDs for which it attacked Iraq. Could someone stop US? not even UNO. However, any US invasion of Pakistan (which is impossible) will only create a havoc around the globe and start another economic crisis. Personally i think US is more of a friend than enemy. It just too extra cautious about things and do not trust Pakistan on some core issues.

ISI never officially respond to such type of reports. It is the ISPR that normally confirms or denys such things and DG ISPR has said that he is not aware of any such assessment but at the same time he has confirmed that ISI is responsible for such type of assessments.

The only thing to see is how the reporter came to know about the report.

Lets say it is an attempt by our army and ISI to bridge the trust deficit that our government enjoys. People here took it in the wrong context saying other countries are not helping because they fear this aid will be diverted to military or something else. The reality is the vast corruption and incompetent political government. The donors fear this money to get cursed by the high level of corruption thanks to Zardari and Co. US NGOs have categorically rejected giving aid to the government because the "system is corrupt" in Pakistan.

This government has only embarrassed me every passing day.
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I would not put too much in what US says - as far as US and Pakistani interests are concerned, "Things Change" has been the US line - it will continue like that because Pakistan relations with the US have no foundational basis.

If it is true that there is now a institutional realization that India is not the primary concern - it is a good thing - but note that the statement does not say that Islamist motivations for extremist terrorism is now the primary threat - it only says "terrorism" is now a primary threat.

This statement will only serve to confuse people and leave the ISI open to charges that it is hedging it's bets -- I mean after all, what are the motivations of the "terorists"? What kind of IDEOLOGY is motivating them? Who is funding them (look at the chanda boxes outside the masajid) ? Who is allowing the propagandists to spread this ideology? What legal mechanisms have been crafted to prevent the spread of this idology, attitudes and behaviour?

I think too much is being made of this statement -- and it is a set up, one the ISI and the Fauj will soon come to regret,as the Majlis will not and the Judiciary will not (not mention the MEDIA), support the logic behind this statement.
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