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Militant Groups Benefit if Pakistan Blamed for 7/13 Mumbai Attacks

lolz hehehehehe economy of the india china is better sign for whole asia if its grow just for sake of your economy no one is worry here.facing daily suicide attacks and bombed by RAW make our economy less progress .still we are here .india should work on internal security .look bombing before few days at greece there minister of defense and army chief resigned in your country no one take responsibility .

I must say that as a Pakistani you have a lot of "Lolzing" and "heheheheheing" at your command.

In addition you are blessed with a great amount of puerility.

As such to redeem yourself please stick to the comparison of Pakistan with India especially in the topic of Economy.

I have not compared India with China or even Pakistan with China - so where do you get the intelligence of making such a statement?

Or is it that Pakistan, after giving Gwadar Port to China as well as asking China to build a Naval Base in Gwadar, has handed over its Railways, Airlines etc. and made its Economy also a Part of the Chinese Economy?

If you compare India with Greece or China than we could as well compare Pakistan to Japan or South Korea or Germany etc. but, hey, I am not in your league.

For the record "INDIA" is not my country and I only hope for Peace between Pakistan and India which seems to be beyond the realms of possibility.

wat if pakistani outfits are found guilty??
and u r creating havoc in other nation....


I think i speak for the bulk of Pakistanis. No one takes pleasure or satisfaction when barbaric events of this nature occur anywhere especially India. Its very sad when innocent people become victims of such acts. Lets just wait and see. Whoever is to blame must and will be brought to account.
My thoughts and prays go out to the family of the victims.

I think i speak for the bulk of Pakistanis. No one takes pleasure or satisfaction when barbaric events of this nature occur anywhere especially India. Its very sad when innocent people become victims of such acts. Lets just wait and see. Whoever is to blame must and will be brought to account.
My thoughts and prays go out to the family of the victims.

very true...
Why Pakistanis are always being so apologetic on every incident happens in india.. Wat if Pakistani outfits are involved so wat? who cares man i dont give a to it ... t.. when they will see investment flying out of country and economy going down like ours did only den they will stop infiltrating in Pakistan ..
Should we mail it to you? Your home address?

no need for that genius, your home office need to prove The Evidence to be true, not just mere speculations, thats all !
no need for that genius, your home office need to prove The Evidence to be true, not just mere speculations, thats all !

Yes sir, yes sir.... Last time the US made some mere speculations, then you denied as usual....

and the world's most wanted terrorist was found near your military acadamy!!

do they ever have evidence ?

Again, do you ever believe any of those?? That's what you did last time, but US is no India.
I don't think that Pakistan is behind this blast (anymore). It is more to do with one of their former sleeper cells going rogue and now becoming an internal problem. Since there is little control Pakistan can exert on its own favoring groups, I don't think this is a Pakistani handiwork. But Chidambaram should stop sulking around and start moving if he has to prove that he's man enough to deal with threats equally as his party jokers claim to do so.
RIP to my fellow Bror's & sis's who lot their lives.

Why Drag pakistan in every thing? stop asking are requesting them first. Unite the Law wings under 1 command (State Police, NIS, NIA, CBCID, ATS, CID, RAW, IB etc.,) then handle the terrorist and their plan effectively.

Don't blame others for your FAILURE. We must be VIGIL 24*7*365 to protect our INDIA.
RIP to those who lost their lives. Heard the news while coming back from work.

Glad however that the talks are still a go
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