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Mil-establishment is winning?

Mil-establishment has been winning ever since they betrayed Sirajudollah at the behest of Lord Clive. Even the founder of the nation couldn't get them to follow his orders and now their control is completely entrenched. Let them have it as they've almost burnt it to ground. Time to move on and make hijra.
The gathering of the Vultures is not a sign of unity, but rather a preparation for eating the forbidden and dead bodies

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If Imran Khan's competition was with PML-N, he would have won, he would have been swept,
Imran Khan's fight is with the establishment, if he defeats the establishment, he will be an uncrowned king.
"Hafeezullah Niazi"

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Yes same as they won east pakistan

They did not want East Pakistan,
Ayob Khan brought Bhutto in politics,
Yahya tried his best to make him ruler of Pakistan.
Mujeeb got majority, but Bhutto was in, Mujeeb was out.
We are on step 1 of our journey to freedom. It could take decades of struggle to be rid of the establishment. We might well fail at this first step, doesn't matter, whats changed now from the past is that there is an open, public acceptance and dialouge against their control. What used to be whispered in people's drawing rooms is spoken all across social media.

We also must not be fooled into thinking the problem is limited to the military - they are just the chowkidar of the elite. The judicary, the political class, the fuedals, the bureaucracy, journalists, even many so called industrialists - they're all part of the problem.

Step 1 admit we have a problem.

I think now all of Pakistan views the army with suspicion.

That's a great achievement

They did not want East Pakistan,
Ayob Khan brought Bhutto in politics,
Yahya tried his best to make him ruler of Pakistan.
Mujeeb got majority, but Bhutto was in, Mujeeb was out.

What was the need of all the theatrics?

How about a formal ceremony whereby both wings officially declare independence from one another.

Like how Singapore / Malaysia did or Czech Republic and Slovakia did.
Pyrrhic victory. It will take decades for them to restore the prestige they held before April 11, 2022.

Granted it raises the question did Imran just hurry in the questioning of the Establishment whereas it would have happened eventually in this day and age.

Mil-establishment is Winning?
People don't matter in the land of the pure?

Even Aitizaz Ahsan is now admitting

If this is winning, I dread to see what a defeat will look like.

Just look at that FedArm contract thread, the last 2-3 pages when I posted the news, and you'll see the caliber of our people.
If this is winning, I dread to see what a defeat will look like.

Just look at that FedArm contract thread, the last 2-3 pages when I posted the news, and you'll see the caliber of our people.

In Pakistan PMA products are always winners. The rest losers..........
Winning? What do you even mean? They have already lost it but only heistant to admit because they afraid to lose their business empire. Go to any barbar shop or a karayana store or any place which is center of discussion of any mohalla/society. Type of discussion happen about "them" can't be even quoted on public forum.
If Asim Whisky thinks he's winning then that's a good thing. All I know is this. Punjab, the heartland of support to the army, has been lost. I'm not talking about Lahore's pedowari DHA, I'm talking about Chak 148 and villages across Punjab. They used to have a romantic love affair with the army. Sons going off to join etc.

That's all gone...the GHQ will learn the hard way it seems. Rather than willingly give up power like South Korea did in 1988, it'll be more of a Romania 1989 scenario.

I'd love to see Asim Whisky and his cohorts fall like Nicolai Ceauchesku did. He was paraded into TV, and the entire nation watched his trial and was sentenced to execution. Literally after the verdict, he was dragged outside and shot.

تازہ ترین خبریں
Yes, Military Establishment is winning... they all get $$$ and Green Cards for their children in USA after the mission "destroy Pakistan" is over... win, win.
I'd love to see Asim Whisky and his cohorts fall like Nicolai Ceauchesku did. He was paraded into TV, and the entire nation watched his trial and was sentenced to execution. Literally after the verdict, he was dragged outside and shot.
I cannot picture in my head Pakistani people doing it.

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