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Mike Pompeo Declares China's Uighur Policy as Genocide

Ummmm.....you're completely wrong.....no such thing as "Secular Sunnis". :lol:

You find secular Sunni when USA are out of reach of their residence state,

Gamel Nasser even ridicule hijab.



Ummmm.....you're completely wrong.....no such thing as "Secular Sunnis". :lol:

You should read this thread of mine from 2016. It is a long article by the Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha about socialist / communist activism among Muslims ( most would be Sunni ) since the dawn of 1900, in one case even a bit earlier.

Gamel Nasser even ridicule hijab.

Ah, that vid is one of my favorites.
Saddam is very secular. He needs to be destroyed.

For his whole life Saddam is big enemy of Saudi, even though they may be bedfellows against Iran.

XinJiang the Future of China
Take from the someone who really visited Xinjiang recently
This guy rips apart ALL the western lies about Xinjiang one by one

Is this US Karma?

Here is something interesting that I just received. I would like share this with all of you.

Source of Covid-19 - USA

Trump's lies are exposed.

Many acts of injustice will kill themselves, and the sky has the eyes and does not avoid it!

Heaven has reincarnation,
Who did God let go?


Today the poisoning killer was finally found, and it really was the United States!

The truth is creepy, the new crown virus is man-made and originated from the P3 virus laboratory in North Carolina, USA!

Greg Roubini, a well-known American intelligence expert,
officially revealed the secrets of this day in an interview with the First News Network television channel.

According to Greg, the new crown virus was genetically engineered as a biological weapon. It originated from the BSL-3 laboratory in North Carolina and was developed by Professor Ralph Barrick.
He also stated that the virus was spread from North Carolina to China, Italy and the entire United States by the "dark government".

Greg once tweeted and questioned Trump : Why didn't you tell the American people that the virus was made by the United States?
Why not make it clear that the new coronavirus itself is a biological weapon?

Coincidentally, Professor Montagnier, who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of HIV , recently revealed to French reporters that the new coronavirus is not naturally occurring, but is carefully developed by biomolecular scientists .

Montagnier also said: Obviously, professionals have added HIV sequences to this virus from bats.

This is undoubtedly the biggest and worst poisoning case ever .

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, rumors about "the new crown virus is a synthetic biological weapon" have been heated up, and scientists from various countries have been working hard to trace the source of the virus.

As early as February, Indian scientists discovered the HIV virus insert in the new coronavirus , which proved that the virus was artificially designed and synthesized.

In mid-March, scientists discovered that the new coronavirus extracted from a patient in Washington state had an evolutionary cycle of more than half a year. With the deepening of research, many countries in the world have turned their skepticism toward the United States.

Japan, Italy, Australia and other countries all have early confirmed cases originating from the United States.

Subsequently, Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States, admitted that many of the deaths of the "flu" that broke out in the United States in September 2019 were caused by the new crown virus. In this regard, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country also questioned the United States on Twitter.

After the arduous efforts of a team of reporters in Virginia, USA, it was finally traced back to patient zero .

This Covin-19 patient zero is indeed an American soldier who participated in the Wuhan Military Games in October last year. Her name is Maatje Benassi. This American female officer has a very special background. She has a great connection with the P4 Biochemical Laboratory in Fort Detrick of the United States .
Many people in her family have been diagnosed. One of them was the first confirmed case in the Netherlands and had been there before the diagnosis. The Lombardy region of Italy led to a major outbreak in the region.

At this point, the chain of evidence that the United States is the birthplace of the new crown virus is complete and interlocking.

The five special soldiers picked up by the special plane after the Wuhan Military Games finally had a substantial connection with the closed biochemical laboratory in the United States.

According to the logic of Trump and others, we can rightly call the new crown virus North Carolina virus, or American virus.

Just when all the evidence points to the United States, the top US officials openly admitted that the coronavirus is not a plague, but a weapon.

Its shamelessness shocked the world, and this has further increased the suspicion of the United States of poisoning.

The facts of the case have now come to light, but Trump and others are still desperately dumping the pot.

The new crown virus has caused immense damage and losses to countries around the world.

This pot is too big to be shaken out.

There is another doubt that needs to be explained:

What is the origin of Ralph Barrick, who is responsible for the development of the North Carolina virus, mentioned by Greg in the revelation?

Barrick is from the University of North Carolina. He is the chief virologist who modified the new sars coronavirus through gene editing in 2015 and is also the leader in the development of the virus.

What is even more surprising is that he is also the head of the clinical development of the magic drug Radixivir.

Is this the kind of legend that the poisoner will prepare the antidote in advance?

In subsequent clinical trials, Ridesivir quickly fell to the altar because experts questioned its effectiveness and safety.

With the spread of the virus, the United States has become the epicenter of the epidemic.

In the early stages of the epidemic, US President Trump did not take it into consideration at all, but regarded it as a heavier influenza.

Until the death of his friend, New York real estate tycoon Stanley Chela, who was infected with the new crown, it attracted his attention.
But it is too late! ...

The sky does not give birth to China, and the ages are like a long night.

Now that the murderers of drug production and poisoning have been exposed, what is waiting for them?

We will wait and see!

When the new crown virus broke out in Wuhan, China, Trump said that the United States had special medicines to save, but they never expected that the virus had mutated when the virus spread in the United States.

The so-called special medicines that were prepared in advance to make a fortune in the world become a waste product, this is really the United States, which has eyes and done all bad things, is the bitter fruit of self-feeding!

:coffee: :(
All these low quality Chinese fan boys

Pakistan handled India for over 70 years without Chinese help and you think we are afraid of losing Chinese projects ?

You fools our religion is not for sale and we don’t sell our religion for development you idiots

Soviet Union who beat China also said same thing when they came to Afghanistan, ask them now where is USSR

Do what you like but if you try to remove Islam or open war with Muslims we will bring you down just look around you for examples
All these low quality Chinese fan boys

Pakistan handled India for over 70 years without Chinese help and you think we are afraid of losing Chinese projects ?

You fools our religion is not for sale and we don’t sell our religion for development you idiots

Soviet Union who beat China also said same thing when they came to Afghanistan, ask them now where is USSR

Do what you like but if you try to remove Islam or open war with Muslims we will bring you down just look around you for examples

I was very much against the propaganda effort by the US government to push atrocity propaganda because it always ends up backfiring but it appears to be having its positive effects on the targeted demographics. For the sake of humanity, I hope Muslims don't fall for it but in terms of US geopolitical advantage, this seems to be working out splendidly despite a disastrous four years by the Trump administration. If dividing China with its "iron brother" is successful, then I might just give some credit to Trump and his goons.

However, if the atrocity propaganda does not have its desired outcome within this decade, then the propaganda blitz would've been a complete waste of money. Even worse, in about a decades time, the entire Western media will have its foot in its mouth because the Uighur population will be growing, more mosques will continue to be built, and China will have solved its extremism problem. It will be more embarrassing than Iraq and WMD. I predict this to be the likely outcome.
lol China does not give a fuk about what PiggyMike says and no one in the world take him seriously. His political career ended after Capitol Hill riot and siding with Trump. One more day and no more shit from PiggyMike's filthy mouth.
Yes corona boy .
we know China don’t give a phuck look at the destruction of the world you caused (corona) all because your limp dicks couldn’t stand up and had to resort to pangolin crushed bones for aphrodisiac.
All these low quality Chinese fan boys

Pakistan handled India for over 70 years without Chinese help and you think we are afraid of losing Chinese projects ?

You fools our religion is not for sale and we don’t sell our religion for development you idiots

Soviet Union who beat China also said same thing when they came to Afghanistan, ask them now where is USSR

Do what you like but if you try to remove Islam or open war with Muslims we will bring you down just look around you for examples
China has very friendly relationship with all Muslim countries, including Xinjiang's immediate and most important neighbor Kazakhstan. Muslims united together bring China down? What made you believe that you can speak for the whole Muslim world?
This morning I was watching Euronews and they were discussing the inauguration of Joe Biden and the danger at Capitol Hill.

Then a headline banner appeared and it reads: US Social Behaviour Scientists suggested that all these insurrectionists at Capitol Hill be send for re-education as a solution to the problems.
Wow. I was laughing aloud and in soliloquy, isn't that is what China is doing to the brainwashed IS radicals in Xinjiang?
Why is it political wrong when China did It?
China has to protect her National Security interest as well.
For the last 4 years there isn't an incidence of terrorism of any kind in Xinjiang, China.
Did USA suddenly discovered that that it the best way to deal with religious terrorism?

Why is the seemingly Christian Administration of Trump and 5 eye Anglo-Saxon allies so intense in protecting Islam in Xinjiang and over the last 8 years had dropped 68,000 bombs in 7 Muslim nations. Hard to believe since USA restricted all citizens from Muslim Nations from entering USA under Trump? Is that a violation against human right?
USA has truly fallen into the Thucydides Traps and it is a restrained China that manage to avert a war between USA and China.
Thinking aloud again.

All these low quality Chinese fan boys

Pakistan handled India for over 70 years without Chinese help and you think we are afraid of losing Chinese projects ?

You fools our religion is not for sale and we don’t sell our religion for development you idiots

Soviet Union who beat China also said same thing when they came to Afghanistan, ask them now where is USSR

Do what you like but if you try to remove Islam or open war with Muslims we will bring you down just look around you for examples
With the number of terrorist coming out in the name of Islam, it really is for sale. I would rather prefer if it was sold for development instead of killing people.
"Uyghur women are baby making machines".....such filthy language.


China cuts Uighur births with IUDs, abortion, sterilization (so much for "emancipation" and "eradication of extremism").

Source: https://apnews.com/article/269b3de1af34e17c1941a514f78d764c

And this:

View attachment 708548

Two wrongs don't make a right. Anytime China is brought up....all the Wumao point fingers to the US. Like that excuses China to do horrible things to Uyghurs.

US propaganda bullhorns writing about China are as credible as US terrorists writing about alleged Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

US Has Killed More Than 20 Million In 37 Nations Since WWII

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