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Speed is not everything, in fact Speed is not that relevant anymore in aerial Combat as Avionics.
Noob question: How relevant are point interceptors in today's technological scenarios when the enemy comes at you with superior avionics and multi-role aircraft, not to mention their support aircraft as well?

Mig 41s operating at the edge of space :D
A single engine successor to the mighty MiG25 and Mig-31 interceptors? Ha, fanbois and their 'imaginative art'!!
Now some fanboy will come and put forward the inevitable question: "Pakistan/India should get few of these"

Then we will have a shit-storm of followup threads on it......... and everyone will forget, no such thing ever existed............ :D

How about Pakistan's SR-72 vs. India's Mig-41s - The Dogfight of FUTURE!! ?
intercept high altitude bombers and aircraft and possibly cruise missiles.

LCA has all best technology a plane could have.
Intercept high altitude bombers, aircraft and possibly ballistic missiles.
"The MiG-25 lacked technological refinement, but its performance caused much concern in the west. It was designed to function both as a long- range interceptor and reconnaissance aircraft. " See post # 22
intercept high altitude bombers and aircraft and possibly cruise missiles.

LCA has all best technology a plane could have.
Interception of a high altitude again required sealing not speed ...cruise missile ....o_O...not that milk run ...lots of factors would need to functions precisely in order to neutralize a cruise missile threat with a jet fighter/interceptor !

The world's fastest ? You mean the SR-71 ? I would like to see your evidences of any SR-71 loss because of Soviet SAMs. :lol:
Sorry ...I mean the U-2 fiasco ....I am sure ...Russians SAM can counter many speedy threat...The US did not believe that someday the Soviets would shoot their best tech outta the sky with a missile ...

Spying. No A to A missile will be able to touch it.
How about a SAM ?
The USSR shot down 1 U-2, with missiles, in 1960, well before the MiG-25 was operational. No aircraft of the time could have done the intercept as the U-2 could operate above 20km. The U-2 that was shot down was reportedly operating at 70,500 ft (21.4km).

Considering that the United States had prepared a cover story in the event of a shoot-down, it seems likely that they DID believe that someone could shoot a U-2 out of the sky.
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