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Mian Atif, PTI and Oriya Maqbol Jaan..

Theere molvi made a new kslima for them
And these jahils believe in it. This there Kalima now according to them to be a Muslim.

La Ilaha Ill Allah Muhammad Khatamul Rasool Allah.

And what we believe is

La Ilaha Ill Allah Muhammadur Rasool Allah.
Thats new for me!
So guess who's making changes to the religion then?

So what is your opinion if someone claims prophethood right now, proclaims his writings are divinely guided, considers himself the Messiah to all Muslims and wants to be called the caliph?
BTW Ahmadiyya view is that the biggest gift on humanity is prophethood and chain of prophethood would continue but only in the ummah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and under the umberella of Islam. With the advent of prophet Muhammad(PBUH), rehmat ul alameen, this gift is now open for one more way which is through complete obedience, follow and love of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). New prophets will come afterwards and who so ever will come with divine signs as prophecized by prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and quran and hadith should be accepted
BTW Ahmadiyya view is that the biggest gift on humanity is prophethood and chain of prophethood would continue but only in the ummah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and under the umberella of Islam. With the advent of prophet Muhammad(PBUH), rehmat ul alameen, this gift is now open for one more way which is through complete obedience, follow and love of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). New prophets will come afterwards and who so ever will come with divine signs as prophecized by prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and quran and hadith

That is not what Muslims say they believe
Dear respected constitutional Muslim, I know you probably think in your tiny brain that you're making sense and being logical and you're welcome to continue to be full of hot air. Like I said, can't help stupid. Maybe more emojis can help with your infantile bile?

Keep it coming dear, keep us entertained by your lack of substance or even an iota of knowledge or reminiscence of any logic on the subject at hand. Go and do some research on who a Muslim is; a Muslim is certainly not and never will be a Qadyani.

Funny how you people start calling names like Facism and retorts like tiny brain... All you do is expose yourself for who you really are; Another libtard stands shamelessly exposed.

Not a single fact or logic in your post yet you keep coming up with mediocrity par excellence, while I'm referring to The Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAW clearly stating that there would be no Prophet after him and that he is the KhatimunNabiyyon and The Deen of Islam is complete.

To top it off I'm referring to you the constitution of Pakistan that clearly reflects the same and all you can come up with is name calling, flaccid logic and kiddy whimpers as if from a brain probably compromised by repeated misadventures of adolescence. Poor fellow. I can only imagine your condition dear. I hope you recover and do inform us about your progress from time to time.

As of Qadyanis, you can cry a river and swim in your bodily fluids all you like but they are non Muslims, as per Islamic Jurisprudence and Constitution of Pakistan and that is a fact. Period.
And BTW second coming of Hadrat Esa ES how you call him an ex nabi or nothing? What would be his status? A Reformer? No no coz Hadrat Imam Mehdi will be a reformer so what Hadrat Esa ES do?
No Muslim can change any thing in the Quran or the Hadith or the Kalima "La IlahaIlAllah, Muhammadur Rasool Allah". Period.

Our belief that MuhammadeMustafa SAW is the last Prophet and KhatimunNabiyyeen is a crucial part of our belief and what makes us Muslim.

You claim to be so clear about who is or what a Muslim constitutes, yet it is Puzzling that you are confused about something so simple and well explained in Hadith of the Prophet Mohammad SAW about Hadrat Esa AS's second coming and praying in the Imamat of Hadrat Mehdi as proof that he too is a believer and follower of Prophet Muhammad's deen which is the Deen chosen by Allah Subhan Taala for all his creations? Islam is the deen of all Prophets from Adam AS to Muhammad SAW and it was completed by the coming of the last Prophet Muhammad SAW. There will be no new Prophet after Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Don't worry dear if you are confused about status of the divine you are confused about then no amount of explanation or reference will cure your condition but if it happens in our life time or in the life time of any of the confused or nay Sayers then Hadrat Imam Mehdi and the turn of events will make things crystal clear.
No Muslim can change any thing in the Quran or the Hadith or the Kalima "La IlahaIlAllah, Muhammadur Rasool Allah". Period.

Our belief that MuhammadeMustafa SAW is the last Prophet and KhatimunNabiyyeen is a crucial part of our belief and what makes us Muslim.

You claim to be so clear about who is or what a Muslim constitutes, yet it is Puzzling that you are confused about something so simple and well explained in Hadith of the Prophet Mohammad SAW about Hadrat Esa AS's second coming and praying in the Imamat of Hadrat Mehdi as proof that he too is a believer and follower of Prophet Muhammad's deen which is the Deen chosen by Allah Subhan Taala for all his creations? Islam is the deen of all Prophets from Adam AS to Muhammad SAW and it was completed by the coming of the last Prophet Muhammad SAW. There will be no new Prophet after Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Don't worry dear if you are confused about status of the divine you are confused about then no amount of explanation or reference will cure your condition but if it happens in our life time or in the life time of any of the confused or nay Sayers then Hadrat Imam Mehdi and the turn of events will make things crystal clear.
Am not confused I have brain to think and if it’s not help I search^ - ^ and I don’t believe in fairytales. Now tell me what would be status of Hadrat Esa ES in His second coming:coffee:
Am not confused I have brain to think and if it’s not help I search^ - ^ and I don’t believe in fairytales. Now tell me what would be status of Hadrat Esa ES in His second coming:coffee:

Care to explain what "Fairytales" you are referring to?
If you don't believe in the Sahid Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad SAW then my effort to explain you anything is a complete waste of time.

Anyways, after your fairytale retort, I am really not surprised that you still need to ask the same question as if like a broken old good for nothing record despite my explanation in the earlier post and your claim to have knowledge and doing research; A puzzle no more.

You think his Prophet hood would be reduced some how as a Prophet of Islam by his second coming as Prophesied by the Prophet Muhammad SAW himself? Hadrat Esa AS? Once a Prophet, always a Prophet of Islam dear. He will only choose to be under the Caliphate of Imam Mehdi and pray behind him to prove that he is also the follower of the same deen of Islam that was completed by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Hope it clarifies your confusion but if you still choose to be confused then may Allah Subhan Taala have mercy on our souls, Aameen!
Care to explain what "Fairytales" you are referring to?
If you don't believe in the Sahid Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad SAW then my effort to explain you anything is a complete waste of time.

Anyways, after your fairytale retort, I am really not surprised that you still need to ask the same question as if like a broken old good for nothing record despite my explanation in the earlier post and your claim to have knowledge and doing research; A puzzle no more.

You think his Prophet hood would be reduced some how as a Prophet of Islam by his second coming as Prophesied by the Prophet Muhammad SAW himself? Hadrat Esa AS? Once a Prophet, always a Prophet of Islam dear. He will only choose to be under the Caliphate of Imam Mehdi and pray behind him to prove that he is also the follower of the same deen of Islam that was completed by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Hope it clarifies your confusion but if you still choose to be confused then may Allah Subhan Taala have mercy on our souls, Aameen!
“ Hadrat Esa AS? Once a Prophet, always a Prophet of Islam “
so a prophet coming after Hadrat Mohammad SAW.
Thanks and have a good night or day.
“ Hadrat Esa AS? Once a Prophet, always a Prophet of Islam “
so a prophet coming after Hadrat Mohammad SAW.
Thanks and have a good night or day.
Nice try of some Qadyani Je$$Off, lol. Remember dear that he got Prophet hood before Muhammad SAW and Second coming is not a new prophet hood, lol. How absurd are you to twist my words like a cross dresser trying to impress on lookers at any cost , lol.

The Prophet Muhammad SAW himself prophesied that Hadrat Esa will come again in the end of times after Imam Mehdi takes charge of the Muslims and he will pray behind Hadrat Imam Mehdi in his imamat after his arrival. Some knowledge buff you are my ignoramus dear.

So are you a Qadyani Dear or just a libtard?

Oh and remember what I wrote ealier @Musafir117 to nowhere: As for Qadyanis, you can cry a river and swim in your bodily fluids all you like but they are non Muslims, as per Islamic Jurisprudence and Constitution of Pakistan and that is a fact. Period.

Thanks and have a good night or day yourself too, lol.:enjoy:
Nice try Qadyani Jer$Off. Second coming is not a new prophet hood, lol. How absurd are you to twist my words like a cross dresser trying to impress his lot at any cost , lol.
Abey oye Sarkari Musle “ hope you like this title “
You are so stupid to discuss serious things lol, coz you have tiny brain and truth came out from it which I WANT to read listen from you.
Am realy laughing now:D
Ok another one, A Nabi ex or present day has more nobel status or a reformer?
Abey oye Sarkari Musle “ hope you like this title “
You are so stupid to discuss serious things lol, coz you have tiny brain and truth came out from it which I WANT to read listen from you.
Am realy laughing now:D
Ok another one, A Nabi ex or present day has more nobel status or a reformer?
And the clothes are off and the exposition is complete, lol.

Oh and by the way @Musafir117 , I'm saving my post for future reference as to why it seems appropriate to call you by your new call sign on PDF; QJOM.

And the clothes are off and the exposition is complete, lol.
No my dear Sarkari Musle
You read your post above which you answer and than go for a “ search “ coz your tiny brain not enough to understand what you said:D
Ek ex Nabi ae ga but he come back not as Nabi he just come to do a very IMPORTANT thing and that’s he pray behind a reformer lol
that’s it. But He was a nabi to another Qoum ( nation ) which have nothing relate to the Qoum of Hadrat Mohammad SAW.
Than an Ayat e Karima from Quran كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَآئِقَةُ الْمَوْت “ Every soul shall taste death" -(surah 3: verse 185) umm but that one not apply on Hadrat Esa Es and sadly happened to all hundred of thousand before and after him.
You know what? I wish May Allah Take Hadrat Mohammad SAW on skies and send Him back instead of Nabi who isn’t from Ummah.
I want to be in days of Hadrat Mohammad SAW or wish if He can back even not in my life but for this Jahil Qoum to bring them back on Sarat e Mustaqeem.
you may wish an ex nabi of ex Qoum come to you it’s your choice.
No my dear Sarkari Musle
You read your post above which you answer and than go for a “ search “ coz your tiny brain not enough to understand what you said:D
Ek ex Nabi ae ga but he come back not as Nabi he just come to do a very IMPORTANT thing and that’s he pray behind a reformer lol
that’s it. But He was a nabi to another Qoum ( nation ) which have nothing relate to the Qoum of Hadrat Mohammad SAW.
Than an Ayat e Karima from Quran كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَآئِقَةُ الْمَوْت “ Every soul shall taste death" -(surah 3: verse 185) umm but that one not apply on Hadrat Esa Es and sadly happened to all hundred of thousand before and after him.Thanks and have a good night or day.
You know what? I wish May Allah Take Hadrat Mohammad SAW on skies and send Him back instead of Nabi who isn’t from Ummah.
I want to be in days of Hadrat Mohammad SAW or wish if He can back even not in my life but for this Jahil Qoum to bring them back on Sarat e Mustaqeem.
you may wish an ex nabi of ex Qoum come to you it’s your choice.

You are shamelessly, deliberately and conveniently twisting and making fun of the prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad about the end of times to suit your false narrative.

Its not a wish you imbecile QJOM, lol. The Sahih Hadiths are available on the internet and their explanation by Ulema is just as clear as I posted earlier. You are not only trying to mock Islam but also the holy Prophets. Shame on you for getting down so low.

You quote from THE QURAN but conveniently ignore that it is Allah Subhan Taala himself who has ordained as described in the Hadiths for Hadrat Esa that he is to return to the world to prove that he was indeed raised to the heavens before his being nailed to the cross and that he is a Prophet of Islam and follower of the same deen as that of the Propeht Muhammad SAW and then he will live his life till his death (like all the other Prophets of Islam) in the end of times and hence كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَآئِقَةُ الْمَوْت.

So are your other claims of wishing this or that as a JAHIL yourself.

I have not mocked or made fun of any religious personality but you are exposed as QJOM after all.

You are transgressing on so many counts here that it is appalling that a QJOM is allowed to write such filth against exalted Personalities and not only wish to twist the Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad SAW but try to make a mockery of Islam.

Shame Shame Shame what a QJOM so Lame!!!
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You are shamelessly, deliberately and conveniently twisting and making fun of the prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad about the end of times to suit your false narrative.

Its not a wish you imbecile QJOM, lol. The Sahih Hadiths are available on the internet and their explanation by Ulema is just as clear as I posted earlier. You are not only trying to mock Islam but also the holy Prophets. Shame on you for getting down so low.

You quote from THE QURAN but conveniently ignore that it is Allah Subhan Taala himself who has ordained as described in the Hadiths for Hadrat Esa that he is to return to the world to prove that he was indeed raised to the heavens before his being nailed to the cross and then he will live his life till his death (like all the other Prophets of Islam) in the end of times and hence كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَآئِقَةُ الْمَوْت.

So are your other claims of wishing this or that as a JAHIL yourself.

I have not mocked or made fun of any religious personality but you are exposed as QJOM after all.

You are transgressing on so many counts here that it is appalling that a QJOM is allowed to write such filth against exalted Personalities and not only wish to twist the Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad SAW but try to make a mockery of Islam.

Shame Shame Shame what a QJOM so Lame!!!
Blah blah blah
Tiny brain need to search. If you don’t know meaning of search ask me.
Now get a feader and sleep well.
Blah blah blah
Tiny brain need to search. If you don’t know meaning of search ask me.
Now get a feader and sleep well.
What do you get out of writing such filth as it reflects nothing else but the darkness of your soul dear?

Peace out and learn to respect the sayings of the Prophets of Islam SAWs before making claims that you know what being a Muslim is about. I know you can only throw more insults at me after the exposition of your Quite twisted and Completely false narrative and my humble hands.

So let me get it straight.... qadiyani prophet is optional prophet??

I mean u can be Muslim without believing in him?
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