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MHA gives ₹12,434.90 crore for 32 roads on India-China border


Sep 26, 2018
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The Ministry of Home Affairs has allocated ₹12,434.90 crore for expediting construction of 32 roads on India-China border under Phase-2. The proposal, an official said, was stepped up in the wake of the standoff with China in eastern Ladakh. Phase-2 and Phase-3 construction was held-up due to delay in security and environment clearances and land acquisition issues, the official added.

Border Roads Organisation, Central Public Works Department and Indo-Tibetan Border Police are engaged in the construction work. The roads connecting border outposts will come up in Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.

The Indian Army and China’s People Liberation Army are locked in a tense border standoff over the past six months in Ladakh, where minimum temperature has dipped to sub-zero levels. The two sides have so far held eight rounds of military talks to resolve the crisis.

For phase-3, additional 50 roads have been proposed, with road connectivity between the three phases, another senior government official said. The Ministry of Defence, the official added, had accorded operational clearance for the construction of roads to connect the existing border outposts.

BRO was entrusted with the task of completing 61 border roads and the work was completed on 29 such projects. The work on 32 projects (see box) was delayed due to multiple issues.

ITBP personnel maintain vigil along 3,488 km of the India-China border and operates 180 outposts at altitudes ranging from 9,000 feet to 18,750 feet in the western, middle and the eastern sectors of the India-China border — from Karakoram Pass in Ladakh to Jachep La in Arunachal. It has 14 training centres, with a sanctioned strength of 89,437 personnel. Recently, MHA sanctioned an additional 47 border outposts and staging camps as temporary outposts for patrolling teams.

Whatever amount India allocates for infrastructure construction along the LAC, China can do 100 times that. But hey, more Indian road constructions mean easier and faster invasion routes for China
Agree, hopefully one day China will make good use of the roads made for them. :D
The Endians are still talking about money
While China's prepared for next invasion..ha ha !
Whatever amount India allocates for infrastructure construction along the LAC, China can do 100 times that. But hey, more Indian road constructions mean easier and faster invasion routes for China :enjoy:
Why just stopped at 100, you could have added few more zeros ... Idiots are excused from making sense
The Ministry of Home Affairs has allocated ₹12,434.90 crore for expediting construction of 32 roads on India-China border under Phase-2. The proposal, an official said, was stepped up in the wake of the standoff with China in eastern Ladakh. Phase-2 and Phase-3 construction was held-up due to delay in security and environment clearances and land acquisition issues, the official added.

Border Roads Organisation, Central Public Works Department and Indo-Tibetan Border Police are engaged in the construction work. The roads connecting border outposts will come up in Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.

The Indian Army and China’s People Liberation Army are locked in a tense border standoff over the past six months in Ladakh, where minimum temperature has dipped to sub-zero levels. The two sides have so far held eight rounds of military talks to resolve the crisis.

For phase-3, additional 50 roads have been proposed, with road connectivity between the three phases, another senior government official said. The Ministry of Defence, the official added, had accorded operational clearance for the construction of roads to connect the existing border outposts.

BRO was entrusted with the task of completing 61 border roads and the work was completed on 29 such projects. The work on 32 projects (see box) was delayed due to multiple issues.

ITBP personnel maintain vigil along 3,488 km of the India-China border and operates 180 outposts at altitudes ranging from 9,000 feet to 18,750 feet in the western, middle and the eastern sectors of the India-China border — from Karakoram Pass in Ladakh to Jachep La in Arunachal. It has 14 training centres, with a sanctioned strength of 89,437 personnel. Recently, MHA sanctioned an additional 47 border outposts and staging camps as temporary outposts for patrolling teams.

very good , keep best infrastructure when enemies are ready to attack you .
Whatever amount India allocates for infrastructure construction along the LAC, China can do 100 times that. But hey, more Indian road constructions mean easier and faster invasion routes for China :enjoy:

india has got money ,
we will better our infrastructure , we don't need to do slavery of china for few billion dollars investment in road .

you pl worry for the 5 billion dollars you have to return to saudi arab and UAE . :enjoy:
very good , keep best infrastructure when enemies are ready to attack you .

india has got money ,
we will better our infrastructure , we don't need to do slavery of china for few billion dollars investment in road .

you pl worry for the 5 billion dollars you have to return to saudi arab and UAE . :enjoy:
CCP won't or rather cannot fight,China will not attack.
That might not be a good idea.

CCP won't or rather cannot fight,China will not attack.
but cheerleaders think otherwise , they want to fight with india till last chinese soldier . :enjoy:
He is just a cheerleader.... samjha kar yaar....

cheerleaders were unemployed for last two months :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
CCP won't or rather cannot fight,China will not attack.

poor cheerleaders :enjoy:
chinse bridge collapsed ?
The Endians are still talking about money
While China's prepared for next invasion..ha ha !

lol why dont you invite brother mumalik turkey for cheerleading. :omghaha:
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The Ministry of Home Affairs has allocated ₹12,434.90 crore for expediting construction of 32 roads on India-China border under Phase-2. The proposal, an official said, was stepped up in the wake of the standoff with China in eastern Ladakh. Phase-2 and Phase-3 construction was held-up due to delay in security and environment clearances and land acquisition issues, the official added.

Border Roads Organisation, Central Public Works Department and Indo-Tibetan Border Police are engaged in the construction work. The roads connecting border outposts will come up in Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.

The Indian Army and China’s People Liberation Army are locked in a tense border standoff over the past six months in Ladakh, where minimum temperature has dipped to sub-zero levels. The two sides have so far held eight rounds of military talks to resolve the crisis.

For phase-3, additional 50 roads have been proposed, with road connectivity between the three phases, another senior government official said. The Ministry of Defence, the official added, had accorded operational clearance for the construction of roads to connect the existing border outposts.

BRO was entrusted with the task of completing 61 border roads and the work was completed on 29 such projects. The work on 32 projects (see box) was delayed due to multiple issues.

ITBP personnel maintain vigil along 3,488 km of the India-China border and operates 180 outposts at altitudes ranging from 9,000 feet to 18,750 feet in the western, middle and the eastern sectors of the India-China border — from Karakoram Pass in Ladakh to Jachep La in Arunachal. It has 14 training centres, with a sanctioned strength of 89,437 personnel. Recently, MHA sanctioned an additional 47 border outposts and staging camps as temporary outposts for patrolling teams.

great for our invading tanks

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