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Metro rail stops at air force red signal

What about large photos of Lux shundoris on huge boards bordering bAF base.:chilli:

I dont mind, coz lux will have to pay the bd govt for advertising:) . Btw which lux shundori would you prefer to be put up on the boards;) ??
BAF still operates mostly 3rd generation fighters. The MiG-29 is the most modern in its inventory.

@ Before we bought this MIG-29 in 1997 by the Hasina govt we have atleast 4/5 squadron of A-6, A-5 and F-7 aircraft, all most 100 aircraft. And at that time it was not that weak. But once in 1992 once the cyclone came many of our these A-5 and A-6 aircraft were drowned. But soon Pakistan came to rescue us. Many engine were again replaced by the PAF.

@ But once Sh Hasina came to power in 1996 and decided to buy MIG-29, it was an another conspiracy in order to exhoust our defence Budget and depand on India for its overhauling. Sk Hasina took her share from this purchase. She also took money from the purchase of Frigate from South Korea. Earlier we used to buy all these from China at a much lower rate. Since than no aircraft were bought because our money is already exhousted. If during the time of Ershad we can have 4/5 squadron of aircraft by than we could have atleast 10 squadron. But who will make understand this duffer Sh Hasina ??????? In the name of modernising of Airforce and Navy she had vertually bankrupt the Airforce and Navel Bugdet. She only needs money through the back door through these defence purchase. Shame on her.

@ Again, what are you talking about 1st generation and 3rd generation of aircraft ???? Go to India you would even find 5th generation Indian aircraft !!!!!!!!! What balls India would do with Knats and Vampers aircrafts. Well they have some latest aircrafts but most of these are deployed for Chinese and Pakistani threat ????

@ You said that at present we have more than 7 Divisions of Army !!!!! You know as per military tactics and strategey to neutralize these fighting forces India needs atleast 21 Divisions !!!!!! How many Divisions India have 35 Divisions !!! 40 Divisions !!! 45 Divisions !!!!! Can India concentrate 21 Divisions in our sectors ????? Never, Never. So have patience my dear beloved younger brother. My days are gone but you are still young . Donnot believe on Indian propaganda and AL's instigation. They are by born Indian stooges. They want to remain in power for an eternal period the way Mujib wanted with the help of Dada Bhai. We have to think and utilize each and every moment for our defence. So what !!! we are being surrounded by India ?? We are now used to it. Make your heart big. Mere desiring to buy 1st generation aircraft in this century is not that easy. Does it mean that we sit idle and beg to India our bonafide enemy ?????
we need 100 jf17, 50 j-10B, 30 cobra, 5 more c130, 20 chinook to face india. I want to donate all my lungis for this nobel cause

We all want it, but the up keep cost of these planes may become a burden to our economy. I will donate my lungis and dhotis too ;)
@ Do you think that we all are Mullahs and supporter of Jammate Islami ? For last 40 years and more we are trying hard how to defend our country from the Indians. Yes, we have achieved trimendously in land forces but still weak in Airforce. Our Navy is not that weak. By the way who is shouting religious chants ?????

1.) Your Airforce is not equal to 1 Aircraft carrier. We will have 3 ACC by 2014. I am not talking of 1,000 Jets by 2020.

2.) Your Navy is not equal to our 1 Kolkatta class destroyer. We will have 11 destroyers by 2014. I am not talking of 250 warships by 2020.

3.) Your Army is not equal to 2 battalion of Gurkha or Assam regiments. we have 30 such regiments. I am not talking 14 types of missiles in 1,00,00 quantity.

We also have BSF + Coastal defence.


It will be deployed on eastern side near Bangladesh where there is no China or Pakistan.

and these 3 ACC + 11 destroyers will be 5% of our capability. We are going to invest some 200 billion $ in next 10-15 years for defence modernization. Now keep making new strategy. :wave:
@ Before we bought this MIG-29 in 1997 by the Hasina govt we have atleast 4/5 squadron of A-6, A-5 and F-7 aircraft, all most 100 aircraft. And at that time it was not that weak. But once in 1992 once the cyclone came many of our these A-5 and A-6 aircraft were drowned. But soon Pakistan came to rescue us. Many engine were again replaced by the PAF.

@ But once Sh Hasina came to power in 1996 and decided to buy MIG-29, it was an another conspiracy in order to exhoust our defence Budget and depand on India for its overhauling. Sk Hasina took her share from this purchase. She also took money from the purchase of Frigate from South Korea. Earlier we used to buy all these from China at a much lower rate. Since than no aircraft were bought because our money is already exhousted. If during the time of Ershad we can have 4/5 squadron of aircraft by than we could have atleast 10 squadron. But who will make understand this duffer Sh Hasina ??????? In the name of modernising of Airforce and Navy she had vertually bankrupt the Airforce and Navel Bugdet. She only needs money through the back door through these defence purchase. Shame on her.
@ Again, what are you talking about 1st generation and 3rd generation of aircraft ???? Go to India you would even find 5th generation Indian aircraft !!!!!!!!! What balls India would do with Knats and Vampers aircrafts. Well they have some latest aircrafts but most of these are deployed for Chinese and Pakistani threat ????

@ You said that at present we have more than 7 Divisions of Army !!!!! You know as per military tactics and strategey to neutralize these fighting forces India needs atleast 21 Divisions !!!!!! How many Divisions India have 35 Divisions !!! 40 Divisions !!! 45 Divisions !!!!! Can India concentrate 21 Divisions in our sectors ????? Never, Never. So have patience my dear beloved younger brother. My days are gone but you are still young . Donnot believe on Indian propaganda and AL's instigation. They are by born Indian stooges. They want to remain in power for an eternal period the way Mujib wanted with the help of Dada Bhai. We have to think and utilize each and every moment for our defence. So what !!! we are being surrounded by India ?? We are now used to it. Make your heart big. Mere desiring to buy 1st generation aircraft in this century is not that easy. Does it mean that we sit idle and beg to India our bonafide enemy ?????

I heard from some retired military people that bangladesh was interested in F16 but the americans would not sell, so we went for mig 29 as it was of similar capabilities.
1.) Your Airforce is not equal to 1 Aircraft carrier. We will have 3 ACC by 2014. I am not talking of 1,000 Jets by 2020.

2.) Your Navy is not equal to our 1 Kolkatta class destroyer. We will have 11 destroyers by 2014. I am not talking of 250 warships by 2020.

3.) Your Army is not equal to 2 battalion of Gurkha or Assam regiments. we have 30 such regiments. I am not talking 14 types of missiles in 1,00,00 quantity.

We also have BSF + Coastal defence.


It will be deployed on eastern side near Bangladesh where there is no China or Pakistan.

and these 3 ACC + 11 destroyers will be 5% of our capability. We are going to invest some 200 billion $ in next 10-15 years for defence modernization. Now keep making new strategy. :wave:
You forgot to tell nuclear weapons, ICBM
1.) Your Airforce is not equal to 1 Aircraft carrier. We will have 3 ACC by 2014. I am not talking of 1,000 Jets by 2020.

2.) Your Navy is not equal to our 1 Kolkatta class destroyer. We will have 11 destroyers by 2014. I am not talking of 250 warships by 2020.

3.) Your Army is not equal to 2 battalion of Gurkha or Assam regiments. we have 30 such regiments. I am not talking 14 types of missiles in 1,00,00 quantity.

We also have BSF + Coastal defence.


It will be deployed on eastern side near Bangladesh where there is no China or Pakistan.

and these 3 ACC + 11 destroyers will be 5% of our capability. We are going to invest some 200 billion $ in next 10-15 years for defence modernization. Now keep making new strategy. :wave:

Rome wasnt built in a day. Give us time and we will surely catch up. Btw, just because you are strong now does not mean that you will be strong forever
Your Airforce is equal to 1 Aircraft carrier. We will have 3 ACC by 2014. I am not talking of 1,000 Jets by 2020.

Your Navy is equal to our 1 Kolkatta class destroyer. We will have 11 destroyers by 2014. I am not talking of 250 warships.

Your Army is equal to 2 battalion of Gurkha or Assam regiments. we have 30 such regiments. I am not talking 14 types of missiles in 1,00,00 quantity.

and these 3 ACC + 11 destroyers will be 5% of our capability. Now keep making new startegy. :wave:

@ You have no idea about the military tactics and strategy. In a simple equation if you want to attack a defender you need 3 : 1 ratio. Say we have more than a 8 Divisions of land force. So, in order to neutralise these 8 plus Divisions you need atleast 24 Divisions ??????

@ How many Divisions you have in our army 40 Divisions ??? 45 Divisions ??? Out of this 7/8 Divisions are deployed in Kashmir, 10 Divisions are one the western border, 10 divisions are on the Northern border, 4 to 5 Divisions are deployed in the North East (Seven Sisters) for Insurgency operations and I am sure 2 to 3 Divisions are fighting with the Moabadis. How many left ? You want to fight with 2 Battalion of Gurkha or Assam Regiments. My foot. That too with a hired force where the Gurkhas itself are revolting or fighting.

@ Forget 1971 war ? The situation was quite different at that time. Donnot under-estimate us.
@ You have no idea about the military tactics and strategy. In a simple equation if you want to attack a defender you need 3 : 1 ratio. Say we have more than a 8 Divisions of land force. So, in order to neutralise these 8 plus Divisions you need atleast 24 Divisions ??????

@ How many Divisions you have in our army 40 Divisions ??? 45 Divisions ??? Out of this 7/8 Divisions are deployed in Kashmir, 10 Divisions are one the western border, 10 divisions are on the Northern border, 4 to 5 Divisions are deployed in the North East (Seven Sisters) for Insurgency operations and I am sure 2 to 3 Divisions are fighting with the Moabadis. How many left ? You want to fight with 2 Battalion of Gurkha or Assam Regiments. My foot. That too with a hired force where the Gurkhas itself are revolting or fighting.

@ Forget 1971 war ? The situation was quite different at that time. Donnot under-estimate us.

Good lord

The ORBAT of the IA is compromised !
You forgot to tell nuclear weapons, ICBM

ICBM is not for Bangladesh not even for south-Asia. We never talk about Nuke, if you observed. We have policy "No First Use". Nuke is not good for human mankind. So, No ICBM and Nuke for Bangladesh.

I have not mentioned 95% Weapons in our Arsenal. I mentioned what is fact and truth. Although truth hurts. I hope Bangladesh improves her defence (at least some minimum deterrence). Every country has right to defend the country. It's good. India will never ever attack Bangladesh until BD initiate something adventurous. In that case, we need to use 5% of our capability and our 1/3rd inventory are near N-E area for other reason. I posted as i thought most of the Bangladeshi posters are not aware or don't want to know. :what:
@ Before we bought this MIG-29 in 1997 by the Hasina govt we have atleast 4/5 squadron of A-6, A-5 and F-7 aircraft, all most 100 aircraft. And at that time it was not that weak. But once in 1992 once the cyclone came many of our these A-5 and A-6 aircraft were drowned. But soon Pakistan came to rescue us. Many engine were again replaced by the PAF.

@ But once Sh Hasina came to power in 1996 and decided to buy MIG-29, it was an another conspiracy in order to exhoust our defence Budget and depand on India for its overhauling. Sk Hasina took her share from this purchase. She also took money from the purchase of Frigate from South Korea. Earlier we used to buy all these from China at a much lower rate. Since than no aircraft were bought because our money is already exhousted. If during the time of Ershad we can have 4/5 squadron of aircraft by than we could have atleast 10 squadron. But who will make understand this duffer Sh Hasina ??????? In the name of modernising of Airforce and Navy she had vertually bankrupt the Airforce and Navel Bugdet. She only needs money through the back door through these defence purchase. Shame on her.

@ Again, what are you talking about 1st generation and 3rd generation of aircraft ???? Go to India you would even find 5th generation Indian aircraft !!!!!!!!! What balls India would do with Knats and Vampers aircrafts. Well they have some latest aircrafts but most of these are deployed for Chinese and Pakistani threat ????

@ You said that at present we have more than 7 Divisions of Army !!!!! You know as per military tactics and strategey to neutralize these fighting forces India needs atleast 21 Divisions !!!!!! How many Divisions India have 35 Divisions !!! 40 Divisions !!! 45 Divisions !!!!! Can India concentrate 21 Divisions in our sectors ????? Never, Never. So have patience my dear beloved younger brother. My days are gone but you are still young . Donnot believe on Indian propaganda and AL's instigation. They are by born Indian stooges. They want to remain in power for an eternal period the way Mujib wanted with the help of Dada Bhai. We have to think and utilize each and every moment for our defence. So what !!! we are being surrounded by India ?? We are now used to it. Make your heart big. Mere desiring to buy 1st generation aircraft in this century is not that easy. Does it mean that we sit idle and beg to India our bonafide enemy ?????

Again you are having wet dreams of fighting India. Meh, there is something really wrong with you.

In case you haven't heard there is a term called airworthiness. Your A-5s are junk, so are your J-7s. Only fighters which are worth the trouble of taking off in a war with India is Mig-29s and you don't even have a full squadron.

Since you had a nice wet dream, I suggest take a shower and get it out of your system.
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