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Message for PM of India: Avoid cosying up to Iran

Although I like India's neutral stand ...I was really pissed off when the Israeli embassador's wife was attacked by Iranian nationals..but india remained quite.

i would like to see a stronger India and not always toe the middle path even if it our own soverignity is is abused.
Before you get pissed,do you have any proof that Iran did it?or only because Israel say it?
If you want to refer to that report,Well I think you should know Indian police denied the published report and said investigation is going on.
From every angle I look,it more looks like a false flag operaton to destroy Iran-India relations,because Iran has not one single benefit in targetting a worthless ambassador wife in India
With whom it has good relations with.

To all Indian members:Iran has never called for 'destruction' of Israel.I don't know how many times I should repeat it and why is it so hard to understand.this is a big lie.It's Israel who threatens to attack everyday.I think it was days ago since that famous Israeli rabbi said 'let's pray for destruction of Iran'.
I thought the current Indian regime was cosying up to the US :D

India should take part in creating an atmosphere for Iran to come out sanctions.

Besides, our PM is a joke, honestly.

It could be worse :lol:

Better to have a quiet guy than a loud one who makes a fool of himself by opening his mouth.
Before you grt pissed,do you have any prove that Iran did it?or only because Israel say it?
If you want to refer to that report,Well I think you should know Indian police denied the published report and said investigation is going on.
From every angle I look,it more looks like a false flag operaton to destroy Iran-India relations,because Iran has not one single benefit in targetting a worthless ambassador wife in India i
With whom it has good relations with.
Iran has proven time and again that they are only capable against women and children. Those foolish Iranian terrorists posing with Vietnamese hookers were probably not Iranian, right?

India issues warrants for 3 Iranians in Israeli diplomat bombing.

Even Malaysia, a Zionist state of course, extradited an Iranian(Zionist probably).
Malaysia court orders extradition of Iranian over bomb plot - Telegraph

Who are you kidding? All of these are testaments of not only state sponsored terrorism, blatant lies but also of utter incompetence.

And when you could not even kill 1 single diplomat, you decided to bomb Israeli women and children again in Bulgaria like the cowards you are.
It would be better if Iran completely stays away from Israel related issues, it is not directly related with Iranian interests. For all Iran's efforts on behalf of the Palestinians, it is not as if Hamas is particularly grateful.

It is a high-risk strategy to openly express the wish for the destruction of a nuclear power, without having one's own nuclear deterrent, and to work on developing sensitive technology at the same time.

Iran's involvement in the Israeli issue started with the Lebanese civil war, I think. Iran supported the Palestinian/Muslim forces there, not out of generosity or pan-Muslim solidarity, but as a way to get back at the US for arming Iraq in the war Saddam started against Iran. Besides, there's also the fact that Iran's steadiest ally in the Arab world, Syria, has some problems with Israel of its own: the fact that Israel is still illegally holding on to the Golan Heights. Iran has been kind of isolated since the Islamic revolution -- Syria has been the only Arab country that fully embraced it as an ally. So, if Iran wanted to retain this friendship, it had to back Syria by antagonizing Israel, just as Syria felt the need to support Iran in the war with Iraq. Let's not forget either that Iran has ambitions to become the Middle East's hegemon. It thus can't close itself to the Arab world, or leave Israel's military advantage go unchallenged. What I mean to say is that Iran has vital interests in the region -- it isn't getting involved in the Israeli affair because of Palestinians, or because of them only, but because it wants to project its power over the region. And in order to do so, it has to forge alliances and support its friends whenever it can find them -- be it in Lebanon, in Syria and or in Palestine. All major powers do that: see how the US props up Israel and Saudi Arabia, sometimes to a political cost.

And by the way, I don't see why Iran should cower in face of Israel, as it seems you're expecting. Iran has been threatened with wars at least since the 1979 Revolution, and it is no stranger to sanctions. Yet it has survived both, without seeing its power greatly depreciated. The Iraq War left an open space for Iran to project its influence, and it should embrace this opportunity -- any other country in Iran's position would.

As for Iran's "threats" to destroy Israel: as was said before on this thread, there have been no such threats.
Iran has proven time and again that they are only capable against women and children. Those foolish Iranian terrorists posing with Vietnamese hookers were probably not Iranian, right?

India issues warrants for 3 Iranians in Israeli diplomat bombing.
India issues arrest warrants for 3 Iranians in Israeli bombing - latimes.com

Even Malaysia, a Zionist state of course, extradited an Iranian(Zionist probably).
Malaysia court orders extradition of Iranian over bomb plot - Telegraph

Who are you kidding? All of these are testaments of not only state sponsored terrorism, blatant lies but also of utter incompetence.

And when you could not even kill 1 single diplomat, you decided to bomb Israeli women and children again in Bulgaria like the cowards you are.

Cut the crap please

Indian police denies Iran involvement in bombing

How can you say Iran did the Bulgaria bombing when not even a single proof has been found?They were more likely killed by Mossad,Israel in the past has shown how coward it can be when it comes to civilians.That nutjobyahu is ready to kill more Israelies if he know Iran can be blamed for their murders.Oh,not to forget that scientists Israel cowardly killed.
Let us have a review on Israel coward assassinations:
List of Israeli assassinations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And also,the Rachel Corrie's case verdict showed Israel's nature at best.
NAM has no relevance today. We did not get anything out of the movement, except for a moral high ground. Manamohan will be better advised to do something meaningful for the country rather than advancing and sticking to the legacy of Nehru. It`s time we left the moral high ground theory of politics, as we do not gain anything out of it. And our so called partners do not reciprocate in kind. Even our arab league friends. The palestinian cause was supported so much by us- Arafat never responded in kind.
Iran's Supreme Ayatollah just called today to destroy Israel and that Israel has no right to exist. No word of objection from PM Singh, while even Ban-Ki-Mun objected.

This is what our PM replies whenever he is asked to speak on some issue:

"Hazaaron jawabon se acchi hai meri khamoshi, na jaane kitne sawaalon ka aabru rakhe."(With my silence that is better than a thousand answers, I don't know how many questions I dignify).

Cut the crap please

Indian police denies Iran involvement in bombing

How can you say Iran did the Bulgaria bombing when not even a single proof has been found?They were more likely killed by Mossad,Israel in the past has shown how coward it can be when it comes to civilians.That nutjobyahu is ready to kill more Israelies if he know Iran can be blamed for their murders.Oh,not to forget that scientists Israel cowardly killed.
Let us have a review on Israel coward assassinations:
List of Israeli assassinations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And also,the Rachel Corrie's case verdict showed Israel's nature at best.
You can deny all you'd like. People with common sense see Iran's treachery and cowardice.
There are hundreds of examples of Iran using terrorism against women and children worldwide, on foreign land. India, Thailand, Georgia, Australia, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Egypt and the list goes on and on.
India should be closer to both nations but diversify more with Iran and middle eastern nations. They are a bigger market and we need them for our growth.
India should be closer to both nations but diversify more with Iran and middle eastern nations. They are a bigger market and we need them for our growth.
If you do not know what you are talking about, best follow PM Singh's policy of silence.
Money is not the most important thing in this world, and this goes for all aspects of life which you should take to heart for your own life.
To all Indian members:Iran has never called for 'destruction' of Israel.I don't know how many times I should repeat it and why is it so hard to understand.this is a big lie.It's Israel who threatens to attack everyday.I think it was days ago since that famous Israeli rabbi said 'let's pray for destruction of Iran'.

Doesn't Iran call for the collapse of the state of Israel?

I am sympathetic to every nation's right to independence and self-defense, but why go looking for trouble.
Doesn't Iran call for the collapse of the state of Israel?

I am sympathetic to every nation's right to independence and self-defense, but why go looking for trouble.

'Kill all Jews and annihilate Israel!' Iran's supreme leader lays out legal and religious justification for attack | Mail Online

UN chief denounces Iran to its face over calls to destroy Israel

Iranian general: Israel must be destroyed

It is this simple. It's not hard to believe that this murderous dictator said what he said.

He even explains why according to Islam this is nice and dandy.
Doesn't Iran call for the collapse of the state of Israel?

I am sympathetic to every nation's right to independence and self-defense, but why go looking for trouble.
No,not collapse or destruction.You know if Israel is destroyed,all the Palestinians and holy sites in it awill be destroyed right?For the hundredth time,Iran wants the government,regime,state (whatever you call it) gone,just the same thing that Israel wants for Iran or U.S wanted for USSR.That doesn't mean killing Jews.

'Kill all Jews and annihilate Israel!' Iran's supreme leader lays out legal and religious justification for attack | Mail Online

UN chief denounces Iran to its face over calls to destroy Israel
UN chief denounces Iran to its face over calls to destroy Israel - World News

Iranian general: Israel must be destroyed
Iranian general: Israel must be destroyed - Israel News, Ynetnews

It is this simple. It's not hard to believe that this murderous dictator said what he said.

He even explains why according to Islam this is nice and dandy.

Oh,please,these dirty games do not work anymore.Read the first source,it's a website and the article is badly trying to imply that Khamenei has said that,while that was just an article on a website and do not represent Iran's state policies.there are lots of bs written on blogs or websites everyday.Bring me a speech from Khamenei in which he has called for destruction of Israel or threatens to attack it.Of course you can't find it,because he has not said such thing.Israeli warmongerin propaganda doesn't worlk anymore and you can't play victim again.
Let's just see some facts:
Leading Israeli Rabbi Calls For The Death of Iranians and Destruction of Iran
Now you may want to cut this crap.

To all members:I think it's useless for trying to prove every time that Iran has not threatened Israel with any war.
If you guys think Iran is going to do such thing,that means Iran should attack Israel first,right?Let's wait and see who will attack first,Iran or Israel.

Lost in Translation:Iran has never called for Israel's destruction

Iran-Israel: Who’s Threatening Whom?

The "Wipe Israel Off The Map" Hoax

NYT Admits Ahmadinejad Never Threatend to Wipe Israel Off the Map
India should be closer to both nations but diversify more with Iran and middle eastern nations. They are a bigger market and we need them for our growth.

We should not forget Isreal help in Indian Defence, specially weapon supplied during Kargil War. Iran never support India for Kashmir.

?Kashmiris will continue the struggle until victory? - Tehran Times

Pakistan appreciates Iran’s support for Kashmir

Friendship with Iran should only for "OIL"
We should not forget Isreal help in Indian Defence, specially weapon supplied during Kargil War. Iran never support India for Kashmir.

?Kashmiris will continue the struggle until victory? - Tehran Times

Pakistan appreciates Iran’s support for Kashmir

Friendship with Iran should only for "OIL"

India also voted against Iran in IAEA only because U.S told it to do so.What's your point?
You talk like it's only Iran who needs India.One day these sanctions will be lifted.Iran can export its oil to lots of countries,but I think it's India who needs Iran for access to central Asia and Afghanistan.Also,Iran supported India's stance in Afghanistan and they cooperated with each other in fighting Taliban.You guys have a weak memory.
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