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Message for PM of India: Avoid cosying up to Iran

Put your hand in the middle east it will get chopped off , put your leg you cant get it back , thats how fvcked up that region is lol :D
We know you guys enjoy chopping hands :D

Statement by Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh at the XVI Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement

Following is the text of the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh’s address delivered today at 16th NAM Summit in Tehran:

“I congratulate His Excellency Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, on assuming the Chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement. Mr. Chairman, India will extend its full cooperation to Iran as it leads the Movement over the next three years.

I also express my appreciation to Egypt for its stewardship of the Movement since the last Summit, even though Egypt has been in the midst of profound domestic change.

Mr. Chairman, the Non-Aligned Movement, representing the large majority of humankind, has been a powerful force for the promotion of global peace, security and development. Our shared objectives of working together to preserve our strategic space, ensure our social and economic development and strive for a more just and equitable world order remain as true and relevant today as they were in the past.

Mr. Chairman, your chosen theme for our Summit – Lasting Peace through Joint Global Governance - is timely. Today’s structures for global governance remain driven by the power equations of the past. It is not surprising that they have proved inadequate in dealing with the economic and political crises of our present.

The deficit in global governance is perhaps most stark in the sphere of international peace and security and in restoring just and fair economic and financial mechanisms.

The West Asian and North African region is undergoing profound change. As the world’s largest democracy, India supports popular aspirations for a democratic and pluralistic order. Nevertheless, such transformations cannot be prompted by external intervention, which exacerbate the suffering of ordinary citizens. The deteriorating situation in Syria is a matter of particular concern. Our Movement should take a stand on the issue in keeping with universally accepted principles. We should urge all parties to recommit themselves to resolving the crisis peacefully through a Syrian-led inclusive political process that can meet the legitimate aspirations of all Syrian citizens.

The Non-Aligned Movement has always championed the cause of the Palestinian people. Today, we should renew our pledge to support an early resolution of the Palestinian question, so that the long suffering people of Palestine can live in peace and dignity in a state of their own.

Mr. Chairman, in the past, individually we may have had little economic and military clout but the collective voice and reasoned interventions of our Movement commanded respect and credibility. That voice should again find true expression on a variety of issues.

We need new instruments of global governance to confront cross-cutting and trans-national challenges through coordinated global action. These include international terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the menace of maritime piracy, the growing threat to cyber security and the growing challenge of pursuing ecologically sustainable development while ensuring energy, water and food security.

Our Movement should take the lead in building global governance structures that are representative, credible and effective. It is my sincere hope that the Movement can agree on action to reform institutions such as the United Nations Security Council, the World Bank and the IMF. Existing problems cannot be solved effectively without a greater voice for developing countries on issues such as global trade, finance and development.

Developing countries can be drivers of global growth. International financial institutions should therefore be encouraged to fund infrastructure development in the developing world in innovative ways. We should also urge that the current economic crisis should not lead to a dilution of development assistance flows from the developed world to the developing countries.

While we come together on the international stage, it is equally important for us to collaborate among ourselves in tackling problems and developing solutions that are best suited to our own circumstances.

For example, the developing world is rich in renewable sources of energy like solar power We should use our financial and intellectual resources to develop renewable energy technologies that get less attention in the industrialised world where the resource base is different. Adoption of these technologies will also enable us to contribute to preservation of the environment. We can learn from each other in this effort.

Similarly, food security is a basic problem for many of our countries. Excessive speculation, structural bottlenecks and lack of coordination are fuelling food inflation at the global level. Our Movement should push for effective food policy coordination and cooperation at the global level in areas such as agricultural productivity, weather forecasting and research and development.

Perhaps most relevant for us is to focus on investing in the knowledge economy and building our human resources. When faced with our unique developmental challenges, our youth have the creativity and energy to find solutions that are innovative, frugal and affordable. However, we need to provide them skills and equip them to find productive employment in a rapidly changing and inter-connected global economy. India would be happy to contribute to a NAM initiative on skill development, particularly focused on the knowledge economy.

Mr. Chairman, the African continent provided the intellectual wellspring for many of the leaders of the Non Aligned Movement. The growth of NAM and decolonization in Africa progressed almost hand in hand. Africa therefore has a special place in NAM. India’s own strategic partnership with Africa is premised on making the people of Africa its primary beneficiaries. The India-Africa Forum Summit thus provides for an ambitious programme of pan-African institution-building to enhance our multi-faceted cooperation. I invite interested NAM members to work with us in areas of priority to Africa.

Nearly two decades ago, India embarked on a “Look East” policy in an endeavour to learn and benefit from and contribute to the evolution of a new Asian economic community to our East. However, the progress, prosperity, well being, political stability and plurality of the Asia to our West has always been of equal historical and civilisational significance for us. A West Asian region that can realize its full potential, live in peace and harmony and join the comity of democratic and plural societies will contribute greatly to human progress and peace in the 21st Century.

Mr. Chairman, let me conclude by thanking you for this opportunity to renew our Movement’s collective endeavour for peace and prosperity which is needed in our troubled planet today. Even as our members have differing views on different issues, our sense of common destiny and solidarity unites us and gives us common purpose. I am certain that our deliberations will be helpful in restoring this historic Movement to its rightful place on the international stage.”
Oh really?That meant Iran attacked Israel?
Those rockets are launched from places where Israel is occupying or bullying.You killed lots of Lebanese and Palestinians,well it's fair for them to launch something at your head.

If you are not scared of those mighty 60's technology,then why begging America everyday to attack Iran?
The reason why the US would be more suited for attacking Iran than Israel is simple; The US can afford tactical destruction of Nuclear sites while Israel would have to destroy half of Iran just to send the same message.

So you should pray everyday that the US attacks and not Israel because then you might still be with us to troll on the Pakistani Defence Forum.

We know you guys enjoy chopping hands :D

Statement by Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh at the XVI Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement
So, he speaks. He even congratulated the President of Iran.

Do you think we Indians are very satisfied with our PM? He's a total buttwadd, and his party is going to be wiped clean off power in next election, 2014 or might be earlier.
The reason why the US would be more suited for attacking Iran than Israel is simple; The US can afford tactical destruction of Nuclear sites while Israel would have to destroy half of Iran just to send the same message.

So you should pray everyday that the US attacks and not Israel because then you might still be with us to troll on the Pakistani Defence Forum.

So, he speaks. He even congratulated the President of Iran.
For the Chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement :what:
The reason why the US would be more suited for attacking Iran than Israel is simple; The US can afford tactical destruction of Nuclear sites while Israel would have to destroy half of Iran just to send the same message.

So you should pray everyday that the US attacks and not Israel because then you might still be with us to troll on the Pakistani Defence Forum.

So, he speaks. He even congratulated the President of Iran.
Oh you are naive,really naive.Israel can't do crap on its own against Iran.Maybe sending some jets without even touching nuclear facilities and at last dropping their bombs on a field.
If Israel really succeeds destroying half of Iran,I can assure you,this time,the real Holocaust will happen,and that's gonna end well for you.
So we better settle this issue without any war,at least Obama is messianic as Netanyahu,that's a little promising.
For the Chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement :what:
Congratulating a man after he called for Israel's destruction, after he denied the holocaust multiple times and said that Israel did not have the right to exist.

@Skull and Bones
2014 is quite far away. He will do a lot more damage to India in the meanwhile, sadly.

Oh you are naive,really naive.Israel can't do crap on its own against Iran.Maybe sending some jets without even touching nuclear facilities and at last dropping their bombs on a field.
If Israel really succeeds destroying half of Iran,I can assure you,this time,the real Holocaust will happen,and that's gonna end well for you.
So we better settle this issue without any war,at least Obama is messianic as Netanyahu,that's a little promising.
How can you threaten a country that can utterly consume you in an actual full blown war? Israel can literally end Iran without even giving Iran a chance to fire one single missile.

Do you believe that Israel will show mercy for those who want to see her destroyed? No, do not delude yourself.
If you threaten Israel's existence, be absolutely certain that you are jeopardizing yours.
@Skull and Bones
2014 is quite far away. He will do a lot more damage to India in the meanwhile.

His name has been directly involved in a $33 billion dollar of coal mines distribution scam, i don't think these suckers will make it till 2014.
Congratulating a man after he called for Israel's destruction, after he denied the holocaust multiple times and said that Israel did not have the right to exist.

@Skull and Bones
2014 is quite far away. He will do a lot more damage to India in the meanwhile, sadly.

How can you threaten a country that can utterly consume you in an actual full blown war? Israel can literally end Iran without even giving Iran a chance to fire one single missile.

Do you believe that Israel will show mercy for those who want to see her destroyed? No, do not delude yourself.
If you threaten Israel's existence, be absolutely certain that you are jeopardizing yours.

So you want the destruction of Persia? End of an Civilization that saved Jews on an a countless amount of times. Imagine if Cyrus I left the jews to die in Babylon? Would there be any jews left today? Any Israeli?
And he runs a country under constant Jihadist threat? I don't think Indian's enemies share his sentiments for silence. More like emboldens them to continue to do what they do.

If my PM kept quiet in such events, i would demand his impeachment. A leader should lead, not sit politely and say nothing.

He doesn't run the country. Country is run by the people, most of who have least interest in national security of India. Self interest & political survival is their main concern. Now.. that is internal politics of India.

Coming back to the topic.. afterall it's a summit of Non-Aligned Movement & you can't expect one of the founder member to be seemed like aligned to any nation either by condemning or condoning the statement issued by the leader of a member nation. Being Non-Aligned seems like a best policy for India when it comes to squabbles between Iran & Israel.
First of all, India should come out of this NAM. Relations with Israel should take precedence over Iran. Where was Iran while OIC was issuing resolutions after resolution on Kashmir?
So you want the destruction of Persia? End of an Civilization that saved Jews on an a countless amount of times. Imagine if Cyrus I left the jews to die in Babylon? Would there be any jews left today? Any Israeli?
The past 40 years of Iran using Arab suicide bombers and rockets being lunched from Gaza and Lebanon at Israeli citizens made you believe that "Persia" is still a country of knowledge and civilization? No.

This is an Islamic Republic of Iran, filled with people who are taught hatred from the day they are born and have no value for human life.
I believe that Persia and Israel are natural allies but if they come close to achieving Nuclear capability under this murderous messianic government then Iran will be destroyed. If they threaten Israel's existence with more than their Arab lackeys, they will be destroyed.
How can you threaten a country that can utterly consume you in an actual full blown war? Israel can literally end Iran without even giving Iran a chance to fire one single missile.

Do you believe that Israel will show mercy for those who want to see her destroyed? No, do not delude yourself.
If you threaten Israel's existence, be absolutely certain that you are jeopardizing yours.
More barking that reminds me of Netanyahu.
Now you are threatening a country with nuclear attack.Ok no problem.
Guess what?Israel is so tiny that it can be vaporized with conventional missiles.Just one missile on Dimona and all the chosen people disappear.Stop the sabre-rattling. Instead of chest-thumping,tell nutjobyaho to either shut up or attack Iran on his own.
He doesn't run the country. Country is run by the people, most of who have least interest in national security of India. Self interest & political survival is their main concern. Now.. that is internal politics of India.

Coming back to the topic.. afterall it's a summit of Non-Aligned Movement & you can't expect one of the founder member to be seemed like aligned to any nation either by condemning or condoning the statement issued by the leader of a member nation. Being Non-Aligned seems like a best policy for India when it comes to squabbles between Iran & Israel.

Don't Indians have a closer history with Iran than with Jews. To be honest, Although most Arabs and jews may hate it, Jews modern day realitives are Arabs and the same applies to Arabic speaking population in the Middle east. Both are semities and Have J1 Halo-gene. Killing and fuc**** up the middle east is one thing, dragging others into your fight is another. A jew cannot be racist to an arab, neither can an Arab be racist to a jew. Both are of the same common ethnicity.
First of all, India should come out of this NAM. Relations with Israel should take precedence over Iran. Where was Iran while OIC was issuing resolutions after resolution on Kashmir?
Well they have helped Pakistan in war against India but I think the time has changed :hang2:
He doesn't run the country. Country is run by the people, most of who have least interest in national security of India. Self interest & political survival is their main concern. Now.. that is internal politics of India.

Coming back to the topic.. afterall it's a summit of Non-Aligned Movement & you can't expect one of the founder member to be seemed like aligned to any nation either by condemning or condoning the statement issued by the leader of a member nation. Being Non-Aligned seems like a best policy for India when it comes to squabbles between Iran & Israel.
I expect any nation, aligned or not, not to sit by and listen to genocide being preached. And India, above all, should have voiced outrage at his comments. Not congratulate him.

More barking that reminds me of Netanyahu.
Now you are threatening a country with nuclear attack.Ok no problem.
Guess what?Israel is so tiny that it can be vaporized with conventional missiles.Just one missile on Dimona and all the chosen people disappear.Stop the sabre-rattling. Instead of chest-thumping,tell nutjobyaho to either shut up or attack Iran on his own.
Why not throw a rock at Dimona? It might magically achieve the same goal like the "one missile" hitting Dimona. Anything is possible with "Iranian technology".
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