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r yanks special in this world?? They are just like you n me. Stop regarding them as someone superior :tup:

They are superior to you Indian not us. We treat them like dirt. They are negotiating peace with our proxy in Afghanistan as we speak.

I guess your H1B got rejected and couldnt join millions of immigrants who jump mother India ship for greener pastures? Do you even understand the reliance of India on west which is dominated by America?
They are superior to you Indian not us. We treat them like dirt. They are negotiating peace with our proxy in Afghanistan as we speak.

I guess your H1B got rejected and couldnt join millions of immigrants who jump mother India ship for greener pastures? Do you even understand the reliance of India on west which is dominated by America?
LOL, you seriously got triggered did I hit the bullseye?? You may deny but that inferiority complex does exist in you. What about us?? Arent we the people with low IQ n smallest brains in the world?? As per PDF we are born inferior, so next time remain calm when we hit the bullseye :agree:
I don't know what is super power but when we crossed the loc went inside Pakistan all the major powers supported us,when India integrated kashmir with India by removing article 370 and 35 A no one bothered even though pakistan was crying at the top of its voice.
And for the first time in history pakistan was not able to get the minimum 13 countries to support it at UN.

You dont know what super power is? There is one north of you, who conquered your claimed 1200sq km territory without firing a single bullet, clubbed your soldiers to death, captured many of your soldiers, and impose their terms on you, and then your government , after all this, approved their company for the 5g services in India. I will say, super power is which will give you carrot and stick at the same time. Or you can ask your leaders who have been claiming India as super power for donkey years as to what super power means.

You did dicky bird, all you did was to take advantage of the peacetime buffer zone that exist between Pakistan and India over the border area and released the Israeli "Stand off weapons" from there. The fact that your airforce used stand off weapons should be enough to tell that there was no breach of Pakistani airspace. But logic goes out of window when you are Indian. However, your India AVM is on record saying PAF breached Indian airspace and targeted Indian military installation, calling it an act of war. What happened afterwards? Complete silence. India and its allies went numb , pin drop silence.

As for Pakistan, changing anything on your constitution , which is worth the paper it is written on, meanings nothing. Nothing has change on ground, infact, if you have read this vary thread, your own allies now the questioning your actions in Kashmir. I suspect India has to eat its own shite and we will see revoking of Indian actions pretty soon.
:rofl: Stopped reading there.

Ofcourse, its beyond your punny Indian brain to digest. :sarcastic: :D
LOL, you seriously got triggered did I hit the bullseye?? You may deny but that inferiority complex does exist in you. What about us?? Arent we the people with low IQ n smallest brains in the world?? As per PDF we are born inferior, so next time remain calm when we hit the bullseye :agree:

LOL, What is there to get triggered? Every Pakistani enjoying humiliating India and its citizens. you are confusing things. :D
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India is going to be sanctioned by the US for buying S-400 system from Russia.

Modi screwed up Indian foreign policy big time.

Foolishly got into a fight with China, Lost Russia to Pakistan and now getting sanctioned by the US.

What a failure!
I think Indian foreign policy makers has two powerful groups... one pro US and one is pro Russia... Pro Russians are old school.
Also, Indian Foreign policy is not person specific. We are in a position where no one dare take a stance against us. ISIS khalistanis n George sores are trying there best via farmer agitation route.
Result: we have a tractor rally in Lahore..
You dont know what super power is? There is one north of you, who conquered your claimed 1200sq km territory without firing a single bullet, clubbed your soldiers to death, captured many of your soldiers, and impose their terms on you, and then your government , after all this, approved their company for the 5g services in India. I will say, super power is which will give you carrot and stick at the same time. Or you can ask your leaders who have been claiming India as super power for donkey years as to what super power means.

You did dicky bird, all you did was to take advantage of the peacetime buffer zone that exist between Pakistan and India over the border area and released the Israeli "Stand off weapons" from there. The fact that your airforce used stand off weapons should be enough to tell that there was no breach of Pakistani airspace. But logic goes out of window when you are Indian. However, your India AVM is on record saying PAF breached Indian airspace and targeted Indian military installation, calling it an act of war. What happened afterwards? Complete silence. India and its allies went numb , pin drop silence.

As for Pakistan, changing anything on your constitution , which is worth the paper it is written on, meanings nothing. Nothing has change on ground, infact, if you have read this vary thread, your own allies now the questioning your actions in Kashmir. I suspect India has to eat its own shite and we will see revoking of Indian actions pretty soon.

Ofcourse, its beyond your punny Indian brain to digest. :sarcastic: :D

LOL, What is there to get triggered? Every Pakistani enjoying humiliating India and its citizens. you are confusing things. :D
Do you even realize the indians have more than 90000 sq km of land claimed by china .
They did jack occupy our land this time,the land you are talking about has been under their control from 59.
Cheerleading is fine but can you show one incident in last 40 years when China has escalated it when the opposition has stood it's ground ,heck they even leave their posts and run during UN peace keeping missions.
You guys have wrong impression of pla that explains the reason for handing over part of kashmir to china by Pakistan.
Refer him for nishan-e-pak :tup:

will do, for the rest of you, you can get your nishan-e-danda from China.

download (1).jpg
I think Indian foreign policy makers has two powerful groups... one pro US and one is pro Russia... Pro Russians are old school.

Pro-Russia people are actually Pro-India.

Russia has always supported India unlike the US which imposed and threatens to impose more sanctions on India.

These pro-US people like Modi who suck up to the US are actually anti-India.
Do you even realize the indians have more than 90000 sq km of land claimed by china .
They did jack occupy our land this time,the land you are talking about has been under their control from 59.
Cheerleading is fine but can you show one incident in last 40 years when China has escalated it when the opposition has stood it's ground ,heck they even leave their posts and run during UN peace keeping missions.
You guys have wrong impression of pla that explains the reason for handing over part of kashmir to china by Pakistan.

And thats where PLA is using the tactic of Salami slicing, been going on for years. Add 1200 sq Km just lost again to PLA. Top that, PLA is creating buffer zones for Indian army in a territory which is already Indian territory. So why China needs to escalate when Indian army happily rolling down from himalyas like pandas? PLA didnt even fire a bullet in anger and conquered such large area!
Also, Indian Foreign policy is not person specific. We are in a position where no one dare take a stance against us. ISIS khalistanis n George sores are trying there best via farmer agitation route.
Result: we have a tractor rally in Lahore..

Jack Dorsey has taken a stand against India. What did Modi and his gang do? Nothing Nada

What do you expect from a so called man who has abandoned his own wife.
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