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Can we all just hold our horses for a few days. It will be clear by then if US still wants India as a member of Quad or will continue to cry over S-400 deal.
You seem to live in your own world ,
Is the same black ops team which are cought by local kashmiris and handed over to authorities.
Use common sense ,if Pakistan had upper hand why would someone go from no talks till 370 is reinstated to let's talk.
What has it got to show after 70 years ,just look at the map from 48 and see the change in map size of Pakistan ,and if you are not blind then you should see the auqaad of Pakistan .
do you hear yourself? what are you smoking? who caught whose black ops team fool, is your kalbhusan that got caught. you should go talk to the armenian president see what he said about Pakistani spec ops. there's a reason your sainkis would rather kill themselves than face off with our boys. there's a reason why neither india, nor armenia nor america nor nato have caught a single one in either iiok, nagorno karabagh or afghanistan. and do you have any concept of what having the upper hand means? india is the one is getting the shit kicked out her, india is the one agreeing to ceasefires, india is the one that wants to talk, Pakistan doesn't have to talk until you meet all of our demands are including article 370 restoration. we'll just keep bleeding you by a thousand cuts. ye hota hay upper hand. the one form of warfare that no technology has a cure for is guerilla warfare buddy, a power like america was brought down to its knees, tum chootiyay kia bech tay ho. And we wrote the book on guerilla warfare son.

and what about the map? first india was cut in half. then india lost ajk. then india lost gb. then india lost aksai chin. and now india lost 1200 sq km more land. what do you have to show for it? a Bangladesh that bhutto wanted to happen to get himself in power? that's it? bas itni auqaat hay tumhari?:lol:
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do you hear yourself? what are you smoking? who caught whose black ops team fool, is your kalbhusan that got caught. you should go talk to the armenian president see what he said about Pakistani spec ops. there's a reason your sainkis would rather kill themselves than face off with our boys. there's a reason why neither india, nor armenia nor america nor nato have caught a single one in either iiok, nagorno karabagh or afghanistan. and do you have any concept of what having the upper hand means? india is the one is getting the shit kicked out her, india is the one agreeing to ceasefires, india is the one that wants to talk, Pakistan doesn't have to talk until you meet all of our demands are including article 370 restoration. we'll just keep bleeding you by a thousand cuts. ye hota hay upper hand. the one form of warfare that no technology has a cure for is guerilla warfare buddy, a power like america was brought down to its knees, tum chootiyay kia bech tay ho. And we wrote the book on guerilla warfare son.

and what about the map? first india was cut in half. then india lost ajk. then india lost gb. then india lost aksai chin. and now india lost 1200 sq km more land. what do you have to show for it? a Bangladesh that bhutto wanted to happen to get himself in power? that's it? bas itni auqaat hay tumhari?:lol:
As I said you live in your own world ,created a world around you on lies.the one who believes everything is others fault and never look inside.
Dude use common sense if it's there ,what was imrans statement after 5 August ,no talks until 370 and 35A are reinstated.is India reinstating them nahh,but Pakistan wants talks.
If you guys had upper hand you would have forced us to reinstate article 370.
Pakistan could not even make it's friendly countries or muslim countries to act against India .
Your auqaad is such that you guys can't even but a single vaccine and are waiting for donated vaccines.i can understand if someone tried to buy a vaccine and could not get it but some one who is starting from the beginning for the arrival of donated vaccines,that should tell your auqaad.
On china we will deal with the. ,you are talking about 1000 sq China has occupied our territory but can see we holding more than. 90000 sq km which china claims.
Democrats have a strange foreign policy strategy. One that usually ends up hurting its allies more than it's enemies.

If our friend Menedez hits his way, then India would be a weak country subject to the whims of the USA.
Democrats have a strange foreign policy strategy. One that usually ends up hurting its allies more than it's enemies.

If our friend Menedez hits his way, then India would be a weak country subject to the whims of the USA.

Democrats are left, ultra liberal crowd. For them to work with a hindu terrorist and extremist regime in India under the leadership of Modi is a very odd situation.

There is a strong possibility that you may see a regime change in India with liberal/left leaning individuals in power replacing current lot.
As I said you live in your own world ,created a world around you on lies.the one who believes everything is others fault and never look inside.
Dude use common sense if it's there ,what was imrans statement after 5 August ,no talks until 370 and 35A are reinstated.is India reinstating them nahh,but Pakistan wants talks.
If you guys had upper hand you would have forced us to reinstate article 370.
Pakistan could not even make it's friendly countries or muslim countries to act against India .
Your auqaad is such that you guys can't even but a single vaccine and are waiting for donated vaccines.i can understand if someone tried to buy a vaccine and could not get it but some one who is starting from the beginning for the arrival of donated vaccines,that should tell your auqaad.
On china we will deal with the. ,you are talking about 1000 sq China has occupied our territory but can see we holding more than. 90000 sq km which china claims.
:lol: bay yar chootiya ho tau teray jaysa. Pakistan has been accused of sending thousands of spec ops to help Azarbaijan so I suppose by your "damsel in denial" thinking, the armenian president is also living in his own make belief world. :lol:

Dude, if China and Russia is giving Pakistan free vaccines then why is it slicing v into your hemorrhoids? They have deep strategic interests in Pakistan and while understandably make sure that the pandemic doesn't create havoc. 'Nuf said.

now back to india, I understand that indians have small brains among other small "organs" so I'll explain it detail. Pakistan has a the carrot and stick approach with india and the world but their is no strong between the carrot and the stick. Pakistan has no intentions of "talking" to you and every intention of beating you into a pulp, killing you with a thousand cuts. you take these comments about having "dialogue' far too seriously. yes, we have always maintained that we are always ready for talks with anyone. THAT'S THE CARROT and mind you, the carrot that india does not get. it's only their for global consumption. what india gets is the stick in its @$$. this modi of yours who once used to beat his hits 56 inch moobs & unilaterally ended the ceasefire is now re-accepting. ever ask yourself why? that's Pakistan's stick talking beta. the military iron of putting troops in cities to control unrest is always always ALWAYS the last option but the shit for brains chai wala made it the very first option and that too, deployed almost the entire indian army on the streets of iiok. Pakistan knew that this was the worse that pm shit for brains could do. Ao we started beating your own troops into a pulp, the massive army presence can't do crap to stop Pakistan's infiltration, they can't protect themselves, they get killed like rats & rodents on the freezing streets of iiok and instead of helping them, all the shit for brains sitting in new delhi can do is create a media blackout and put on blinders, if the the news of indian army getting butchered doesn't get to him, shit for brains thinks it didnt happen. apparently, you & your sanghi like have the same ostriche head stuck in the ground approach that your pm shit for brains does. well it's not good change anything, we will infiltrate (more so now that indian army waived the white ceasefire flag), we will hunt down indian troops, they will commit suicide, and we will divert the world's attention to your racism & fascism, and you will just let it happen. even the OIC gave multiple resolutions against india. slowly & surely, india is being forced to undo everything to the point that she will eventually undo herself. first no internet in iiok, Pakistan forced to whirls to pressurize india into restoring it so she did. then ending the ceasefire, Pakistan beat the living snot outta your joker army so india restored the ceasefire. bitva, sit back and watch, you will eventually reverse 370 revocation along with the nra. you will end up giving up all the claims Pakistan & China has giving it to us on a silver plate while undoing yourself. it is already happening, eveything is getting reversed.

and fyi, that arunachal pradesh's 90000 sqkm, you did not conquer it from China, you couldn't conquer ANYTHING from China. while China literally CONQUERED that 1200 sqkm from you while you helplessly stood by and watched. and even in arnachal pradesh, China marched in, built a small village and STAYED there while your army let them, simply stood by and probably even gave the PLA troops a salute & full military honors along with handing over their weapons. :lol:

auqaat may raho, zinda raho. run along now. :coffee:
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:lol: bay yar chootiya ho tau teray jaysa. Pakistan has been accused of sending thousands of spec ops to help Azarbaijan so I suppose by your "damsel in denial" thinking, the armenian president is also living in his own make belief world. :lol:

Dude, if China and Russia is giving Pakistan free vaccines then why is it slicing v into your hemorrhoids? They have deep strategic interests in Pakistan and while understandably make sure that the pandemic doesn't create havoc. 'Nuf said.

now back to india, I understand that indians have small brains among other small "organs" so I'll explain it detail. Pakistan has a the carrot and stick approach with india and the world but their is no strong between the carrot and the stick. Pakistan has no intentions of "talking" to you and every intention of beating you into a pulp, killing you with a thousand cuts. you take these comments about having "dialogue' far too seriously. yes, we have always maintained that we are always ready for talks with anyone. THAT'S THE CARROT and mind you, the carrot that india does not get. it's only their for global consumption. what india gets is the stick in its @$$. this modi of yours who once used to beat his hits 56 inch moobs & unilaterally ended the ceasefire is now re-accepting. ever ask yourself why? that's Pakistan's stick talking beta. the military iron of putting troops in cities to control unrest is always always ALWAYS the last option but the shit for brains chai wala made it the very first option and that too, deployed almost the entire indian army on the streets of iiok. Pakistan knew that this was the worse that pm shit for brains could do. Ao we started beating your own troops into a pulp, the massive army presence can't do crap to stop Pakistan's infiltration, they can't protect themselves, they get killed like rats & rodents on the freezing streets of iiok and instead of helping them, all the shit for brains sitting in new delhi can do is create a media blackout and put on blinders, if the the news of indian army getting butchered doesn't get to him, shit for brains thinks it didnt happen. apparently, you & your sanghi like have the same ostriche head stuck in the ground approach that your pm shit for brains does. well it's not good change anything, we will infiltrate (more so now that indian army waived the white ceasefire flag), we will hunt down indian troops, they will commit suicide, and we will divert the world's attention to your racism & fascism, and you will just let it happen. even the OIC gave multiple resolutions against india. slowly & surely, india is being forced to undo everything to the point that she will eventually undo herself. first no internet in iiok, Pakistan forced to whirls to pressurize india into restoring it so she did. then ending the ceasefire, Pakistan beat the living snot outta your joker army so india restored the ceasefire. bitva, sit back and watch, you will eventually reverse 370 revocation along with the nra. you will end up giving up all the claims Pakistan & China has giving it to us on a silver plate while undoing yourself. it is already happening, eveything is getting reversed.

and fyi, that arunachal pradesh's 90000 sqkm, you did not conquer it from China, you couldn't conquer ANYTHING from China. while China literally CONQUERED that 1200 sqkm from you while you helplessly stood by and watched. and even in arnachal pradesh, China marched in, built a small village and STAYED there while your army let them, simply stood by and probably even gave the PLA troops a salute & full military honors along with handing over their weapons. :lol:

auqaat may raho, zinda raho. run along now. :coffee:
Your black ops is deadly dude and that must be the reason not a week passes without someone crosses over Pakistan afghan border and attacks pakistani forces .

Atleast know from where you Are getting the vaccines.china gave you 5 lakh doses before completing the complete testing and you it's efficiency, poor pm thought he was safe.i don't look down on people who cannot afford it but on people who cannot afford it but think it's their birthright that someone donate it to them.

On the India watch the video people who matter in Pakistan know the auqaad.
Your black ops is deadly dude and that must be the reason not a week passes without someone crosses over Pakistan afghan border and attacks pakistani forces .

Atleast know from where you Are getting the vaccines.china gave you 5 lakh doses before completing the complete testing and you it's efficiency, poor pm thought he was safe.i don't look down on people who cannot afford it but on people who cannot afford it but think it's their birthright that someone donate it to them.

On the India watch the video people who matter in Pakistan know the auqaad.
really? that was your best come back? the statement from a lacky of a convicted criminal & a two bit looser who is butthurt because the General he is whining about didn't help his gawd father in rigging the election? pathetic...anyways, doesn't change reality. :coffee:

you try the same trick using afghans but fail. Let's face it... most of your terrorists get chopped down on the afghan border, the ones who make it make it through find a very hostile population. sure, they are able to give a handful of casualties here and there every now and then, that is expected. unlike the iiok side where the vast majority of the infiltrators easily make it through and find a very helpful and cooperative local population. the indian army chooses to turn its own guns on its own head for a reason. don't feel butthurt that no body wants vaccines made in india while China’s vaccine diplomacy is working while yours is falling flat on its face. If nations like China & Russia want to show a successful vaccine diplomacy by giving out free vaccines then good for them, we'll let them. But both at the private & government levels, we are buying the needed about vaccines as needed with ease. Purchasing them from where we want and when we want is not a problem. We are a climbing economy with surplus in trade while you are taking a nose dive with a double digit negative growth. no body gives a shit about all the "projected" growth figures about you, you were projected to be a super power by now but here you are, the auqaat of the same old nanga bhukka bhikari hindustan with an shit for brains pm and an inept & incompetent suicidal military that can't even handle unarmed enemies as usual and as expected.:disagree:
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One guy got who has America as daddy. Teach the rest share the word.

last I checked US and Pakistan has departed...

it seems to us that you are USA's new bitch... now Listen to your new daddy when they tell you RSS hindus need to stop murdering, oppressing and raping muslims. They need india to be clean so that America can take up the issue of muslim "oppression" by Chinese

Your black ops is deadly dude and that must be the reason not a week passes without someone crosses over Pakistan afghan border and attacks pakistani forces .

Atleast know from where you Are getting the vaccines.china gave you 5 lakh doses before completing the complete testing and you it's efficiency, poor pm thought he was safe.i don't look down on people who cannot afford it but on people who cannot afford it but think it's their birthright that someone donate it to them.

On the India watch the video people who matter in Pakistan know the auqaad.

so if he was sweating in fear, then the Indian Army chief must have peed in his diapers when we blew up his airforce?
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last I checked US and Pakistan has departed...

it seems to us that you are USA's new bitch.
You must be glad us 'departed'.
And no, we are not the USA's bitch, our relations are transactional. Not fighting any wars for them, nor waiting for alms.
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