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Memoirs of a (Pakistani) Hindu girl

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No, I was referring to everyone, I think to be more tolerant we have to judge our faith too. It might sound blasphemous to you but to me it sounds perfectly reasonable and that is something I believe Hindu faith has no qualms about..

It does not sound blasphemous to me. I agree, all of us should analyze our religion critically, it's pointless to follow orders blindly with no questions asked.
That's why they say you cannot beat us desi's in out of the box thinking and street jugaad. :tup:

P.S. Tell me if you do not understand what jugaad means.

Heheheh...Nope no idea what jugaad means...
This is desi jugaad

Also, like any other religion, people who are learnt ( in religious matters) have quite different interpretation of what something means. That is why I rather not want any religion to be part of a state's ideology...

This is why ALMOST ALL of my posts emphasize on educating people...an educated person would rationalize as well as use their brain more than one who is dependent on mullah sahab's advices!
Also, like any other religion, people who are learnt ( in religious matters) have quite different interpretation of what something means. That is why I rather not want any religion to be part of a state's ideology...

Reaching a scholarly consensus is quite difficult. In Saudi Arabia, a regular scholar is forbidden from giving out religious verdicts. A religious verdict may only be approved by the government.

As for the formation of a secular state, I have mixed views on the subject. I presented my views earlier on that subject in another thread. The thread was about Ataturk, the caliphate, & for some reason Pakistan was included in the topic as well as far as I remember.
I'm sorry .... I assumed you were noveu angrez. So you are born an Englishman?

I was born in Pakistan but moved abroad with my parents and siblings at the age of 2...I visit Pakistan every year or everyother year :)
I have updated my post, My point is who will define a real Muslim or real Hindu?

The scriptures...READ, UNDERSTAND and PONDER about them

That's why they say you cannot beat us desi's in out of the box thinking and street jugaad. :tup:

When you said out of the box thinking AND street jugaad...I thought it is 2 different things :P
This is why ALMOST ALL of my posts emphasize on educating people...an educated person would rationalize as well as use their brain more than one who is dependent on mullah sahab's advices!

Exactly, I studied Islam in school, but that really wasn't enough to get me to care about it. Most teachers would present us with conflicting views regarding religion & science, so when I was younger I simply assumed that the 2 are mutually exclusive. I was born a Muslim, but I spent around one to two months as an atheist. The reason is because as I got older, I only believed in that which was logical. So, I had to read up on a variety of subjects, all the way from science to theology to somehow resume believing in the existence of God. It was all worth it though.
The scriptures...READ, UNDERSTAND and PONDER about them
Not everyone has the time or patience to do so much, people get influenced and getting to a common ground is very difficult.. So no one can do it without disagreement and hence the state should remain free of religion...[/QUOTE]

This is why ALMOST ALL of my posts emphasize on educating people...an educated person would rationalize as well as use their brain more than one who is dependent on mullah sahab's advices!

Education is important no doubt but when it comes to religious education not everyone has interest in learning, they simply want to do what is right and hence approach the learnt or mullahs.. This is not very different from what happens in other religions too..

Reaching a scholarly consensus is quite difficult. In Saudi Arabia, a regular scholar is forbidden from giving out religious verdicts. A religious verdict may only be approved by the government.

As for the formation of a secular state, I have mixed views on the subject. I presented my views earlier on that subject in another thread. The thread was about Ataturk, the caliphate, & for some reason Pakistan was included in the topic as well as far as I remember.

The Islam in the state ideology was not the reason Pakistan was sliced from India, it was used as a policy to bring/bind people of different ethnic background.. That was the mistake
Reaching a scholarly consensus is quite difficult. In Saudi Arabia, a regular scholar is forbidden from giving out religious verdicts. A religious verdict may only be approved by the government.

As for the formation of a secular state, I have mixed views on the subject. I presented my views earlier on that subject in another thread. The thread was about Ataturk, the caliphate, & for some reason Pakistan was included in the topic as well as far as I remember.

We have seen secular states - America - the crime rate is unbelievable;

UK - rubbish verdicts are given for petty crimes and sometimes a burglar is set free and COMPENSATED because the owner of the house beat him up for breaking in and stealing IN HIS house...

Europe- Fathers are crying because their ex-wives won't let them visit their children after a divorce which the woman filed- yup daddy rights are at stake!

There are many rubbish news here in the West from SECULAR states - Nope that is not really the solution if you ask me...

A human doesn't know nor can define what is right and what is wrong - I mean seriously if a man is defending his house from a robbery - he can't even beat the robber but instead has to wait to be attacked or shot then only can he be said to have defended himself?

Women who marry rich men and divorce them after they get their wealth and ALSO take their kids?

Drug dealers can "NEGOTIATE" with the law to set them free or minimal sentence if they give names of their groups?

What sort of twisted laws are these? Isn't the law supposed to protect us?

And then don't forget racism where some people are just beaten up due the difference in the color of their skin....

GOD tells us to punish the wrong do-ers, equal rights for both parents and also no discrimination based on sex, colour, race or you shall perish (meaning you shall be severely punished and your nation- if it is a whole nation's problem will be replaced)
Not everyone has the time or patience to do so much, people get influenced and getting to a common ground is very difficult.. So no one can do it without disagreement and hence the state should remain free of religion...

I was taught Islam is a way of life...Now if someone tells me this and that is in Islam but if it is not practical...I know it is either that person lied or that was ONLY for that time period and is not valid for today (we have some hadith which were valid for a certain time period or situation and are not valid after that time/ situation)

Education is important no doubt but when it comes to religious education not everyone has interest in learning, they simply want to do what is right and hence approach the learnt or mullahs.. This is not very different from what happens in other religions too..

Yes go to the learned person BUT AFTER YOUR RESEARCH...At least you will have a rough idea as to what is wrong and what is right...and will know how much a loony the guy you are asking help from is :P
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