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Mehsuds hedge bets as game on to isolate Baitullah

Qouted by Fundamentalist
Pushtoon tribes are very strong in Waziristan, no invader defeated them in their more then 1000 years history, they become united when their is any danger ,PA tried before to deafet them failed in 2003 and 2004.

Ranjeet Sigh ruled that area but with the help of local tribes.

It is called Sawal gandum jawab chana
Updated at: 0630 PST, Friday, June 19, 2009

ISLAMABAD: The former right hand of Baitullah Mehsud, Haji Turkistan Baetani has alleged Mehsud of plotting the assassination of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto.

Talking to Geo news, Baetani said I myself heard him say, “I have moved two of my associates to Rawalpindi slaying of Mohtarma B.B”.

He also divulged that Baitullah Mehsud is an American agent so US never targeted him through drone attacks.

Mehsud is being funded by Israel and India for brainwashing of young innocent Muslims to prepare them for suicide bombings in Pakistani mosques and educational institutes, he concluded.

If he is a USA agent i am king of England :rofl:
Give the dog a bad name and shoot it.

Anybody who claims to work for Islam is good.
But, anyone who claims to work for Islam and loses a war is bad.
Any such loser has Israeli or Indian connections.
So they should be shot.

I thought most of the Urdu papers and half the English press were pro-TTP until a few months ago and now that they are losing, you blame it on Israel ?

(Sorry, this comment may be too much of a loose cannon - I am not trying to blame any of the posters. I just can't understand how someone who claims to preserve the purity of Islam can be associated with Israel or India).

They are losing because we:pakistan: are defeating them.
The idea that my country would be supportive of anyone associated with the assassination of Mrs. Bhutto is ludicrous! America was horrified at her death. We supported Pakistan's efforts to restore the democratic process and pressured Gen. Musharraf to step down. What a ridiculous claim that somehow the opposite is true. :crazy:

If it was not BB's death than how do you think Musharraf was being pressured? and stepping down from what? what democratic process was restored with his stepping down? In fact as long Musharraf remained in power he made sure that no democratic process be disrupted and tainted and the moment he stepped down all American enforced democracy is evaporated! along side ecnomic growth and social norms.!

Please, correct your perception of democracy and than think of enforcing it on others.
He also divulged that Baitullah Mehsud is an American agent so US never targeted him through drone attacks.

This is a fact and ironicaly Musharraf's proposition to fence and mine the border, was declined strongly by both Karzai and US.
I really wished that our forces would have mined the border before commencing any sort of operation.
If he is a USA agent i am king of England :rofl:

I strongly agreed with post ,baitullah is war lord anybody can buy him for certain period,they are friend of no one ,they only watch their short term intrests.
wat about so many suicide attacks whose responsibility is beign taken by mehsud....
isnt that also against pashtun tradition....

He is war lord ,he can do any thing but for his instrests but when some outside force attack these war lords they fight together which is essential for their servival.
It is called Sawal gandum jawab chana

Baitullah is war lord and as per trible pushtoon tradition ,they take revenge dont care how much stronger is attacker.

That is why i said he is traditional pushtoon warrior.
Taliban govt was not Islamic, says Deoband scholar
Updated at: 1440 PST, Friday, June 19, 2009

DEOBAND: Grandson of Maulana Mohammad Qasim Nanotawi and rector of the Darul Uloom Waqf (Deoband) Maulana Salim Qasimi said Taliban have less knowledge and more ignorance; hence, they should not be deemed as having any affiliation with Jama’at Deoband.

Talking to a British radio, Maulana Qasmi said Taliban government in Afghanistan was not Islamic at all.

Commenting on Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman, he said Maulana is more political than a scholar

While reacting to Taliban terming Supreme Court and democracy as Kufr, Sadrul Mudrasssin and Nazim-e-Ta’leemat of Darul Uloom Deoband (Wakf) Maulana Aslam Qasmi said it is sheer ignorance, adding the concept of democracy is present in Islam; however, its has many various manifestations.

He said it un-Islamic to blow up the barber shops, education organizations and tombs, adding Maulana Nanotawi wanted to learn English language; but, time did not allow him do so.

Sheikhul Hadith of Darul Uloom Deoband Maulana Habibur Rehman said women have right to get all kinds of education including modern education, and its opposition is nothing but ignorance.
I strongly agreed with post ,baitullah is war lord anybody can buy him for certain period,they are friend of no one ,they only watch their short term intrests.

i would agree to you but there is also a post on this forum that there were Pakistan army generals having dinner with the guy before the last peace treaty was signed.

If he is getting help from our enemies what is our intelligence agencies doing a rag tag sob is telling us what to do and we are supposed to sit back and take it couple of miss placed bombs in mehsud territory every time there is a suicide attack any where in Pakistan and he will be killed by his own people.

Just like the Indian army charged the holiest place of Sikhs to get the job had done i am not buying this coward who hides in caves with his queer friends are unbeatable.
All i see is our governments incompetence in dealing with this threat and making him something he is not it is not someone from out side that helping him its people from within.till most accept that and start cleaning the house this peace of S hit will always get away as he will have the Intel before the operation ''i am not much worried about the Army''.that his own words.
Baitullah is war lord and as per trible pushtoon tradition ,they take revenge dont care how much stronger is attacker.

That is why i said he is traditional pushtoon warrior.

sorry r u saying baitullah is a warrior? surely ur not because he is the biggest coward and shameless man. Pashtoons consider suicide bombings as cowardly and even when taliban first came to power they considered it cowardly until the unwanted arabic and wahabi influence thought of it being a reward to Allah somehow even though many consider life as a reward from Allah and suicide bombing of being ungrateful of the life being given to us. He is considered a coward u want a warrior look no further than Afzaal Khan Lala and Pir Rokhan. These arab slaves have ruined our culture and i hope they pay with their own infants, children, women and elderly like we have.
Give the dog a bad name and shoot it.

Anybody who claims to work for Islam is good.
But, anyone who claims to work for Islam and loses a war is bad.
Any such loser has Israeli or Indian connections.
So they should be shot.

I thought most of the Urdu papers and half the English press were pro-TTP until a few months ago and now that they are losing, you blame it on Israel ?

(Sorry, this comment may be too much of a loose cannon - I am not trying to blame any of the posters. I just can't understand how someone who claims to preserve the purity of Islam can be associated with Israel or India).
What sort of blind trolling is this.
They dont understand the basic principles of Islam. You cannot impose ur will on people let alone shoot and behead them for resisting it.

Please instead of making a fool of urself post some links of them being pro TTP instead alot of people wanted peace as the suffering for the people of swat had become unbearable.

Your original misunderstanding is the cause of ur confusion. Claiming something doesnt mean u are doing it right. Fighting to preserve the purity of Islam doesnt mean u have to live like cavemen just look at Islamic history while europe languished in the dark ages Muslims moved ahead in all fields or science, maths, physics, astronomy, philosophy etc.
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Well what abt the scenario when BM gets defeated in the Army ops(and i am sure he will). What will happen next .Our enemy would be Probably preparing to break lose another cat. What wil happen to the Alliances which are being created now ? That should be the matter of Prime Concern for all the Strategists .
So far OUR Intel forces have Hwakishly created loop holes in the invincible TTP but now its up to the Army to get rid of BM and strong Descision Making upon the Alliances should follow the Next.
Next scenario? You think the AQ and Talib have depleted themselves? Have you not read the statement of the Saudi Ambassador?

Alleged suicide bomber arrested in Lahore
Updated at: 2255 PST, Saturday, June 20, 2009
LAHORE: An alleged suicide bomber has been arrested in Lahore while a jacket used for carrying out suicide blast has been recovered from his possession.

The alleged bomber has said that two of his accomplices have also entered the city.

After this development, security has been beefed up across the city and the police has been alerted.

BTW - there are alos reports of a possible VBIED attack in Sargoda.

Maybe the Saudi ambassador has othere tricks up his sleeve as well
in order to beat an evil we shouldn't support another extreme
the army has a good tactic going but the mehsuds deal is not good for long-term
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