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Medical Advice

Plz keep praying for my dad. I am in such situation where I feel the world ending in 21/12/12 is worth it as it will at least not bring that moment in my life when we have to reveal the truth to him
Zakii - Here is more information from a different friend of mine after talking to to his brother in law who is a doctor in China. He mentioned he can get more information if you need.

The General Hospital of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy
6 Fucheng Road,
Haidian District,

41# Damucang Hutong Xicheng,
Beijing, China
Tel: 010-88068177

XiangYa Hospital Central-South University
72# Xiangya Road, Kaifu, Changsha
@Sashan & @Roybot are right. If you come to India, just let us know and whatever help you need. We will try our best to help you out in any way possible.

Just believe in God and keep focused on collecting information about travel and treatment. Prepare lists of documents, possible things you may need, anything to keep your mind busy and be strong. You are son and as a son you have to be the most strong person so that your dad and your family members can feel the same. Believe me, it will give some relief to your family. A responsible son takes away half the worry of the parents. If you feel low, call any friend who always boost your morale. Avoid negative people.
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Thanks a lot bro. If possible please send me your phone number at zakifx1@gmail.com or if you can PM me on PDF... I will try to speak to you soon Insha'Allah

I know somebody from Beijing now but need some hospital informations

With regard to my previous post the person went to beijing cancer hospictal

Peking University Cancer Hospital

hope your father will be fine soon
I will contact the Chinese and Indian hospitals soon Insha'Allah

There are couple of tests conducted today and my brother told me in one of the reports he could see one tumour on his liver as per the person who was doing his tests but the final report will be revealed on Saturday.

Lets hope it's nothing major --- Aameen

I confirmed from my father's sister's daughter (popho jee ki beti) and she told me exactly the same type of deseases my Popho jee was suffering from. She told me that Popho jee was suffering from Cirrhosis of Liver, autoimmune deseases and spleen) and she was able to live for about 10 years before she died last year or in 2010 i think.

I hope there is a cure for this desease
Plz keep praying for my dad. I am in such situation where I feel the world ending in 21/12/12 is worth it as it will at least not bring that moment in my life when we have to reveal the truth to him

Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyoom bi Rahmatika astagheeth

O Ever-Living, O Eternal, by Your Mercy I seek help.

[Sahih al-Hakim 1/545, Sahih al-Jami 4791, at-Tirmidhi - Sahih]
Anas (ra) reported that when the Prophet (saws) was distressed by something, he would say (the above)

Have patience brother everything will be all right do dhikr.
he is already very weak --- but what is this? please explain more about this option

About 80% of live cancer cases are associated with a long term infection history of hepatitis viruses B or C, it's called as primary hepatocellular carcinoma. They would be discovered either by CT or increased level of AFP and diagnosed by biopsis. The treatment of first choice will be surgery + radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Liver transplantation would only be considered when matastasis may be ruled out or the cancer is multiple foci or you can easily have access to a perfectly matched liver donor.

In other cases doctors would recomment conservative therapy, that is, interventional chemotherapy or combined with other milder methods available, for instance adaptive cell therapy. If the patient is too weak it means that his or her blood tests would show lower serum albumin level, less lymphocytes, and etc. The doctors would try to take measures and to recover those parameters first. One of the method available is to give the patient hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells isolated from human umbilical cord blood.

Chinese suffer about 45% of the world liver cancers and have pretty good experience to treat the disease with different and combined methods such as traditional medicine. Fares are low compared to those of the developed countries.

My suggestion:
1, If your father's condition is suitable for an operation do it as soon as possible
2, If you are considering a liver transplantation do it in Pakistan, India or wherever you can find a matched liver donor quickly. Don't think about China because it will be difficult.
3, When a conservative therapy is the best choice you should then consider bringing your father to China for a better chance. Chinese hospitals offer combinations of radiotherapy, interventional chemotherapy, biotherapy as well as Chinese traditional medicine with betters results...
لا إلهَ إلا أنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظّالِمِيْنَ​

La ilaha illa Anta, Subhanaka, inni kuntu mina z-zalimin.

2- “O Allah! There is no ease except that which You make easy, and indeed You, when You want, make difficulties easy.” [Sahih Ibn Hibban
If the person's liver is damaged to the extent where it is imminent to give up... Can the liver transplant help increase the span of life? Sorry my knowledge about medical science is close to Nil

Actually that person is my father and the doctors confirmed he is suffering from Cancer and his liver has been damaged by up to 90% as per him? He was suffering from hepatitis C for couple of years but the laters had confirmed that the hepatitis stopped damaging his liver since 2008. Now in 2012 we are hearing that he is now suffering from Cancer

May Allah grant health and speedy recovery to your father, Amen. He'll be fine InshaAllah. Internet is so scary when when it comes to health issues. Please don't take health horror stories you read here too seriously.
-- I know at least one person who has had a liver transplant from China and is 'apparently' healthy now.
I'm very sorry to know that Zakii bro.It's a hard time for you and your family.I pray for his quick recovery and please take him in confidence as he's not a child.

In fact it was the obligation of the attending physician to inform him about the disease process and tell him the treatment options.
(After that if your father wanted to disclose/not disclose it to the family ,it was his option.)
I won't say more as you must be already very disturbed by this.May God give you the strength to handle this situation.
Brother Zaki,

May Allah subhan watala helps you in this hard time brother, I want to remind In Hadith Sharif Prophet Mohammed PBUH said:

From Abu Umamah -Radi Allaahu anhu- who said: the Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- said: "Treat your sick by giving Sadaqah (charity)." [Collected in Saheeh al-Jamia' No. 3358 & declared Hasan by Albaani]

Try to find someone who can do Ruqya, (use olive oil and Holy water of Zamzam). btw Prophet Mohammed PBUH said about Zamzam “It is blessed (water); it is food for the hungry, and a healing for the sick.

If you couldn't get ZamZam I will have it shipped for you. If you need anything pls DONT hesitate..
I just confirmed...the guy didn't actually go to China, he was just considering this option. He went to Shifa International instead.
Please check your Fb inbox.

1) Shifa International liver transplant success rate success is ~86%.
2) Indian surgeons perform the surgery.
3) It costs PKR 6m.
4) Since the said guy had developed splenomegaly, he had to undergo a second surgery post liver transplant, which lead to his death. Liver transplant itself was successful.

Could someone give me Zaki bhai's PK mobile phone number?
لا إلهَ إلا أنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظّالِمِيْنَ​

La ilaha illa Anta, Subhanaka, inni kuntu mina z-zalimin.

2- “O Allah! There is no ease except that which You make easy, and indeed You, when You want, make difficulties easy.” [Sahih Ibn Hibban

Dear Zakii,

After hearing about the illness of your father, it has brought a great sadness to my heart: I can only image the sadness which currently taunts you. I'm not a medical specialist of any kind, but what I can tell you is this: from the same mud from which we were crafted, we must return into the hands of our flawless creator, you are a good son by the efforts you are undertaking at this moment; the love and compassion in your heart is a cure of its own, find solace in the steps you are undertaking now, the bags under your eyes are a testament to the love you have for your father, and he will understand that regardless.

Life is the will of the Almighty and it is eternal (our place on this earth is two of four stages that is limited - the other being the time we spend in the womb), "every soul shall taste death", so remember that you are still within the love of Allah; all you can do is pray, and try your best in overcoming the cancer.

Often we are so blinded by the dark we cannot see the light. You still have much time on this earth to spend with your father and say to him the things you have never said but wanted to.

You are in my prayers, may Allah guide you to the strength you have to overcome this test.
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