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Mediation Between Saudi and Iran Going Slowly

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Here we have Pakistani spokesman of fire worshiping Rafidi swines.

So its all good to come here and call sumone who's been respectable a Fire worshiping Rafidi Swine? Ask him if he worships Fire or the god of Abraham. How wud anybody have a calm mind after this ?

Look at Max's comment calling me a bengali Slave. What does he expect me to say after that ? be civil? this is unprovoked. If ur gunna come at me with such insults and absuse me im not gunna keep quiet. Ima give it to u 1000x harder and thats wat i did. So the fault is on others and not on this pious hater right ?
here We have bengali slave of Mullah terrorists regime too, be vary of fifth column benaglis.

Its all good for this pious man to attack me unprovoked nd i shud act civil and take it ? No. If ur gunna attack me like this without provocation, be prepared for a more severe attack.
You are sensible contributor - credit where due.

I have checked this thread and reports. Who started this shit? A Pakistani member?

Two members:


Flamebaiting begets flamebaiting.

No concealment this time.

Not sure whether it is me you are referring to regarding the concealment...? If such is the case, allow me to explain: given how you had already addressed Sineva's post very early on, I did no longer consider it necessary to report it. Concerning user TheImmortal, since I assume you generously take the time to review most of the content in the Iranian section, it might perhaps not have escaped your attention what my opinion about his general posting behaviour is.

If you expect me to publicly aknowledge their posts were provocative, please consider it hereby done.

Having said this, I would humbly express hopes that your response is not equivalent to considering that provocations enable those reading them, to:
1) Respond with further provocations.
2) Respond with way harsher statements, in fact criminal offenses on their own in many jurisdictions. As much as I find any demeaning characterization of Pakistan's sovereignty intolerable on a Pakistani forum, and as much as I dissociate myself from the other user's choice to focus on a particular school of thought from within the Muslim world when commenting on terrorism, I get the feeling that open calls for the wanton extermination of some 70 to 80 million Muslims have an even worse quality to them (although once more, I decisively reject both aforegone provocations, I tend to believe most courts at least here in the west whose justice system I'm a little more familiar with, would probably let the first two statements go while the one I brought to your attention would probably entail some sort of a sanction).

You are very short-tempered individual. Easily angered and you insulted Pakistan to maximum extent possible.

Quota complete?


You did not amend your original post even though I told you to.

I am not taking action because I want all to have a good look at this thread. This thread will stay for a while.

here We have bengali slave of Mullah terrorists regime too, be vary of fifth column benaglis.

Yeah i did. I went for it on the highest gear? You know why i did? One pious individual went on calling sumone u gave credit to a "fire worshiping Rafidhi Swine" and he called me "Bengali SLAVE of mullah terrorist". All unprovked. you shud mention this pious men as well. He attacked me unprovoked. I never spewed hatred against pakistan. Rather i defend pakistan of Indian forums. But if a guy is gunna come in here and call me a Bengali SLAVE without me saying anything bad to him , then he is gonna take the beating of his life, which he took. I responded only to him vilely referring to me as a SLAVE repeatedly and the following remarks he made. i wudnt have responded if such attacks were not made.
So its all good to come here and call sumone who's been respectable a Fire worshiping Rafidi Swine? Ask him if he worships Fire or the god of Abraham. How wud anybody have a calm mind after this ?

You still hasn't got over it? common slave, take your pill and have some rest. i never attacked you or your bengali kind, it was between us and Iranians, but you being slave tried to rescue your master as usual.

If i have to attack bengalis, i would go to Bangladesh forum, not come here to attack you low IQ retard. :lol:
Aur **** BehenCHod o ki ma Chod ke mein is chutiya **** forum se istefa deta hoon. Meine apne entire life **** randiyo ki gaand mara hain. Mere under 100 **** hamesha kaam karte the. teri aur teri Pakistan ki ma ki Saaki Naaka. Translation : **** This Pakistani shit forum. **** the coward Pakis WHo surrender in every war. Pakis are the True slave population if one exists in the world. My whole life i saw pakis offering their dirty F U CK holes to AMerica and israel and losing war after war to the nation of cows. Pakistan is 3rd world chutiya country who surrendered even to bangladesh. Live with it assholes. And middle fingers to all B A ST ARD pakis banning everyone else but themselves..And wen it comes to Iran and the middle east..WE ARE ALREADY CONQUERING IT TAKFIRI DONKEY. YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY. YOU WONT EVEN BE ALOWED TO ENTER THE MIDDLE EAST. WE WILL KICK ALL UR TAKFIRI BROTHERS *** AND THEN SEND TO UR S H I T HOLE CITY OF ISLAMABAD.

Bujhlam na ? Gala gali kore ki lab ?

You're representing Bangladesh here and not doing a great job of it.

@Max please forgive my countrymen's tirade, he is probably just angry at you for something.
@Max please forgive my countrymen's tirade, he is probably just angry at you for something.

I don't mind, i have seen many such Iranian slaves who will go to any extent to rescue their masters.

Congratulations, you have more Iranian then Iranian cult followers in Bangladesh, take care of them before they start sectarian killings on behalf of Iranian regime.
Bujhlam na ? Gala gali kore ki lab ?

You're representing Bangladesh here and not doing a great job of it.

@Max please forgive my countrymen's tirade, he is probably just angry at you for something.

Dont say that bro. He Abused me calling me a Bengali slave without a reason. I wudve not gone so far. But im not back off if this guys gunna attack me without any reason. He will take a 1000x times more if he attacks me like this without provocation. I did not start it. He started it
Had completely missed this one...

This was actually directed at me personally. Although I had nothing to do with the initial provocative comments of Sineva and TheImmortal (comments which I publicly condemned here), is it ok for user Max to insult me like that? I will not accept this kind of insult on the pretext that some other users had been flamebaiting. Why should I bear the brunt for other people's misbehaviour?


@waz @LeGenD @AgNoStiC MuSliM @PDF @WebMaster

Why being Pakistani you think its more important to defend Mullah terrorist regime then Pakistan? You wrote Essay of 3000 words on Iranian narrative but didn't have eyes to notice insults toward Pakistan until now? i don't have any doubt about your loyalities.

I was maybe the first one to report this thread last night but its still here as its, if Moderation think its fine to call Sunni terrorists and Pakistan vassal state then i too have right to write what i wrote and i stand with it.
Yeah i did. I went for it on the highest gear? You know why i did? One pious individual went on calling sumone u gave credit to a "fire worshiping Rafidhi Swine" and he called me "Bengali SLAVE of mullah terrorist". All unprovked. you shud mention this pious men as well. He attacked me unprovoked. I never spewed hatred against pakistan. Rather i defend pakistan of Indian forums. But if a guy is gunna come in here and call me a Bengali SLAVE without me saying anything bad to him , then he is gonna take the beating of his life, which he took. I responded only to him vilely referring to me as a SLAVE repeatedly and the following remarks he made. i wudnt have responded if such attacks were not made.

How hard is this to understand?
Had completely missed this one...

@waz @LeGenD @AgNoStiC MuSliM @PDF @WebMaster

This was actually directed at me personally. Although I had nothing to do with the initial provocative comments of Sineva and TheImmortal (comments which I publicly condemned here), is it ok for user Max to insult me like that? I will not accept this kind of insult on the pretext that some other users had been flamebaiting. Why should I bear the brunt for other people's misbehaviour?

here We have bengali slave of Mullah terrorists regime too, be vary of fifth column benaglis.

Look at what he called me brother. He called me Bengali Slave without any provocation. But this is obviously overlooked. No surprise here watsoever. Im the one whose gunna get the ban in the end of the day. Nd nothing will ever happen in this forum to ppl attacking others like this unprovoked. Wen i give it back to these ppl 10x time harder they will run off to mommy and start crying and complaining
Had completely missed this one...

@waz @LeGenD @AgNoStiC MuSliM @PDF @WebMaster

This was actually directed at me personally. Although I had nothing to do with the initial provocative comments of Sineva and TheImmortal (comments which I publicly condemned here), is it ok for user Max to insult me like that? I will not accept this kind of insult on the pretext that some other users had been flamebaiting. Why should I bear the brunt for other people's misbehaviour?

Please do not repeatedly tag staff members like this.

I allowed conversation in this thread in good faith. I informed @Sineva to revisit his opening post (see 1st page), and then later as well. WE respect Freedom of Speech of all nationalities.

However, Rules are for all to Follow. Anybody who is violating, should need to see a MIRROR.

This entire thread is flamebait exercise; LOCKED.

SINS of every instigator should be at display.
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