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Mediagardi: Police Report registered against Ghareeda Farooqi for domestic abuse.

Is there a doubt that religious extremism, sectarianism and terrorism has harmed this country more than the actions of so called "seculars" (believing in separation of mosque and state - religion neutral) in the Govt who have ruled Pakistan since its inception in close collaboration with the clergy (thus ceasing to be seculars) and swinging both sides to advance their personal interests? The worst ruler (in terms of long term damage) in the history of this country was Zia-ul-Haq - founding father of the current Taliban mess and his ideological orientation was religious (however twisted and self-serving). Please note that the religion of Islam isn't being blamed here.
if i am not the Zia ul haq died 28 years ago but still you people like to blame everything on him
if i am not the Zia ul haq died 28 years ago but still you people like to blame everything on him

My brother, Muhammad Ali Jinnah died a long time ago, but still people love and admire him for something he did back when he was alive, do they not? Many things, but not everything of course.
My brother, Muhammad Ali Jinnah died a long time ago, but still people love and admire him for something he did back when he was alive, do they not? Many things, but not everything of course.

By that logic its only been 28 for Zia. The first 20 odd years Jinnah himself faced a lot of crap too.

Terrorism bred due to political failure after Zia.

Economic suppression and political suppression breeds terrorism.

Instead of finding a national solution you guys prefer to talk about Zia vs Bhutto or Ayub vs Mushi.

Blame this blame that.

Childish attitude
By that logic its only been 28 for Zia. The first 20 odd years Jinnah himself faced a lot of crap too.

Terrorism bred due to political failure after Zia.

Economic suppression and political suppression breeds terrorism.

Instead of finding a national solution you guys prefer to talk about Zia vs Bhutto or Ayub vs Mushi.

Blame this blame that.

Childish attitude

Zia-ul-Haq's actions had visible damages back then and have visible damages now. Exactly what, by your logic, were the visible damages resulting from Jinnah's action? Even if I were to become the devil's advocate accepting there was some hidden unforeseen great wisdom/benefits in his actions for the sake of the argument, just when exactly will those "good things" reveal themselves? I mean its been 28 years almost! I have heard the nonsensical logic of "political failure" after the Afghan war fiasco, that somehow the mindless Jihadis could be controlled/managed. Do you believe that just because you are feeding milk to the snake, somehow it won't bite you, seriously? We bred monsters, its as simple as that.

And how do you propose that we find a solution if people aren't willing to accept the facts, ascertain the root cause and assign blame first? How do you treat if you not first diagnose? A lot of things acted as catalyst for terrorism later on however Zia administration's action provided the ideology and resources (dollars, heroin, arms) for them. It begins with Zia in 1980's, he's not merely a part of the story. Something, which people mistaking the said leader for being Commander of the Faithful often forget, all while considering the criticism on a highly flawed mortal being as being on the great religion of Islam. Forgetting that the ruler's action were motivated by the desire to "crawl out" of the international isolation he found himself in, when he ceased power and to grant legitimacy to his rule, not out of some deep desire of propagating/helping the Islamic ideology as the popular narrative goes.
Zia-ul-Haq's actions had visible damages back then and have visible damages now. Exactly what, by your logic, were the visible damages resulting from Jinnah's action? Just when exactly will those "good things" reveal themselves? I mean its been 28 years almost!

And how do you propose that we find a solution if people aren't willing to accept the facts, ascertain the root cause and assign blame first? How do you treat if you not first diagnose? A lot of things acted as catalyst for terrorism later on however Zia administration's action provided the ideology and resources (dollars, heroin, arms) for them. It begins with Zia in 1980's, he's not merely a part of the story. Something, which people mistaking the said leader for being Commander of the Faithful often forget, all while considering the criticism on a highly flawed mortal being as being on the great religion of Islam. Forgetting that the ruler's action were motivated by the desire to "crawl out" of the international isolation he found himself in, when he ceased power and to grant legitimacy to his rule.

You guys are idealistic and not practical.
Simple fact.

All you guys crave is somehow the status quo. That those who have ruled Pakistan keep ruling it. Changing the nations narrative to its best use.

Since 1857 its the same mafia.

I respect India that it had the moral courage to curb down the dynastical rule by getting rid of them through land reforms.

You killed someone who raised his voice against it. Liaquat Ali Khan. Per shaheed will forever be Bhutto.

Spineless attitude of blame and delay helps you.

I get that.

Carry on

I am only a witness of Pakistan and whatever you guys decide my folks will continue to live in Pakistan. We just pop up when your nation needs one when civil war looms. Once this phase goes away and raddul fassad finished we will disappear again in the masses.
Can we add AHmad Norani and Salim Safi in the list :D ?
y not? if they did wrong they must be accountable!
by the way norrani is the one who exposed IK and Jhagir tareen on their off shore companies! u remember na!
i don't even listen to young anchors or so called anchors.they are mostly corrupt with no experience but they are working in media houses.what a shame! shahid masood once said in his program that i have rejected lots of young people who wanted to be anchors but with no ability.these young anchors are basically a joke.i don't know why people follow ghareeda.she was a newscaster few years aga and suddenly became anchor.lol
by the way norrani is the one who exposed IK and Jhagir tareen on their off shore companies! u remember na!
He is the same person who made up stories about jit,army and supreme from what we know he may be the brain behind dawn leaks
He is the same person who made up stories about jit,army and supreme from what we know he may be the brain behind dawn leaks
just one story on which he apologize! and on all other stories he nor apologized nor SC took any action!
just one story on which he apologize! and on all other stories he nor apologized nor SC took any action!
Not one but many he made up many stories about jit he is the chief editor of The News he was behind the fake Monsack apology
He has no credibility among non noon leagers
Another hypocrite upper class liberal. Police and courts need to work hard to break this cycle of child maid abuse. At least her program was suspended for 2 weeks, not enough. She should be permanently banned from working in any channel. If not then people should boycott channel where she work.

She is kinda guilty , but also seem framed by " someone".

Framed? Maybe someone told mother how to record call. But there is only 1 criminal here.
This is what we call hypocrisy. Shameless lady used to talk a lot about women rights as well as children rights and she has become number 1 abuser of them. Shame on you b1tch for pointing profanity at that other.
Shameless lady should go to jail but i would say bro this can be an opportunity to go after other so called anchors. ;)


Iska bhi faisla mahfooz karao.

Buddy opportunity is each day. If there's a will it should be less than a 2 hour job by police to arrest all the criminal mafia.

We have lost touch with reality.

The reality doesn't bounce you back up. It flattens you straight up
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