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Mediagardi: Police Report registered against Ghareeda Farooqi for domestic abuse.

Thank God she isn't a Molvi coz I'm out of Mombatis and I also don't have the energy to start another campaign against Mullagardi, phew!

Well people have been duped into believing that only the Mullah needs to be protested against.

The champions of human rights are leading by example in Pakistan.

Either we are going to have bikini car washes or shuttle cock tournaments.

Two corrupt mafias fighting it out for the 90 percent moderates who just wanna live how they want to live.
just imagine the reaction of Rashan Khaya Pakistanis if this girl was a Hijabi the Asma Jahangir Marvi Sarmad etc would have eaten her alive by this time
just imagine the reaction of Rashan Khaya Pakistanis if this girl was a Hijabi the Asma Jahangir Marvi Sarmad etc would have eaten her alive by this time

well i do not comment on attire. its their choice to be dressed the way they like.
the question is if by tomorrow she starts wearing a hijab will the masses not just say 'forgive her she is a good muslim'

I literally do not give a shizz who is religious and who is not. You abuse a minor and take away the innocence of childhood. that is crime. and every crime should be punished as per constitution of Pakistan.

I am not gonna get sidetracked by this hoo haa. This Ghareeda has committed a crime just like the wife of a sitting judge previously along with MNAs from somewhere in Punjab. All of them should be held responsible and not to mention the abuse of children who get beaten in the maddarsa for not learning fast enough.

Enough is Enough. Kal ko ye psychologically scarred children will eat you me and the society alive.
well i do not comment on attire. its their choice to be dressed the way they like.
the question is if by tomorrow she starts wearing a hijab will the masses not just say 'forgive her she is a good muslim'

I literally do not give a shizz who is religious and who is not. You abuse a minor and take away the innocence of childhood. that is crime. and every crime should be punished as per constitution of Pakistan.

I am not gonna get sidetracked by this hoo haa. This Ghareeda has committed a crime just like the wife of a sitting judge previously along with MNAs from somewhere in Punjab. All of them should be held responsible and not to mention the abuse of children who get beaten in the maddarsa for not learning fast enough.

Enough is Enough. Kal ko ye psychologically scarred children will eat you me and the society alive.

you are right those that have hard slave life once they come over abroad where the oportunity is better they became like selfish crooks once they make money and success. They dont care for anyone and will use anyone. They hurt people that have helped them. This early kind of abuse kills the heart.

you are right those that have hard slave life once they come over abroad where the oportunity is better they became like selfish crooks once they make money and success. They dont care for anyone and will use anyone. They hurt people that have helped them. This early kind of abuse kills the heart.

Religion has only been for the poor.
The rich do not need religion.

Anyhow sub continental people are not best suited for materialistic life. By the time they realize this its too late.
Religion has only been for the poor.
The rich do not need religion.

Anyhow sub continental people are not best suited for materialistic life. By the time they realize this its too late.

sub continent people are still fresh and not have gone through the transformation the western ppl have.
The elite immoral behaviour has destroyed the majority in subcontinent. This has a trickle down effect on the ppl mind. Plus they lack education and proper up bringing, they can be like jangli bas trd. They even eat like animal and wrong food. They want be like wizard that can wave his hand and jinns will do the work.
Worst cringe factor are those that copy western accent and with broken english. I have seen people with big shops doing well, looking down at british oversea pak holiday makers. Sometimes suggesting that we are poorer than them because we dont have expensive car as them in uk. everything in pak is bloody criminally earned.
Sad part is this disease has spread to the village and they have no morals these days. All they think about is pounds, and women. They are strange bunch too, they pray and then go womanising.
Even the educated doctors who have earned degrees abroad and in pak are thieving bas trds.

We get told by our parents oh those in pak are more inteligent etc but it is not true they just better con men. we are not brought up to do this. if this was england we would punch them and step on thier heads for conning but it is our culture in pak to stay quiet becuase our izzat respect bul shit even though pak dont have respect themselves.

Anyway now i have tasted the bull shit they produce , i wont be making same mistake. Never going to buy anything except desi food from farm if i go again to pak.
sub continent people are still fresh and not have gone through the transformation the western ppl have.
The elite immoral behaviour has destroyed the majority in subcontinent. This has a trickle down effect on the ppl mind. Plus they lack education and proper up bringing, they can be like jangli bas trd. They even eat like animal and wrong food. They want be like wizard that can wave his hand and jinns will do the work.
Worst cringe factor are those that copy western accent and with broken english. I have seen people with big shops doing well, looking down at british oversea pak holiday makers. Sometimes suggesting that we are poorer than them because we dont have expensive car as them in uk. everything in pak is bloody criminally earned.
Sad part is this disease has spread to the village and they have no morals these days. All they think about is pounds, and women. They are strange bunch too, they pray and then go womanising.
Even the educated doctors who have earned degrees abroad and in pak are thieving bas trds.

We get told by our parents oh those in pak are more inteligent etc but it is not true they just better con men. we are not brought up to do this. if this was england we would punch them and step on thier heads for conning but it is our culture in pak to stay quiet becuase our izzat respect bul shit even though pak dont have respect themselves.

Anyway now i have tasted the bull shit they produce , i wont be making same mistake. Never going to buy anything except desi food from farm if i go again to pak.

So basically you decided on the principle 'cant win so better join them'.
Good for you.
But all i know is sub continental people are easily herded so given a stable amount of peace and prosperity they can outdo many western countries in a giffy.

Do not blame the people. Blame those who herd them like this.
So basically you decided on the principle 'cant win so better join them'.
Good for you.
But all i know is sub continental people are easily herded so given a stable amount of peace and prosperity they can outdo many western countries in a giffy.

Do not blame the people. Blame those who herd them like this.

Where did i say i join them?. You will feel bitter after giving charity and having good feeling towards your folks only to be conned and lied too.
Where did i say i join them?. You will feel bitter after giving charity and having good feeling towards your folks only to be conned and lied too.

I meant joining them as in mirroring their ways.
I stopped feeling bitter the day i understood that even a smile can be a charity.
One shouldn't get hopeless. Mayoosi kufr hai janaab.
I meant joining them as in mirroring their ways.
I stopped feeling bitter the day i understood that even a smile can be a charity.
One shouldn't get hopeless. Mayoosi kufr hai janaab.

bitter can be easily overcomed when in good health but when you have slipped/procollasped disc constant pain and tiredness and ppl who exploit you by causing you grief so you give in to thier demands then you will be very bitter.
most pakistan ppl in pak have no feelings although thier were very good ppl some tried to help me to get cure.
bitter can be easily overcomed when in good health but when you have slipped/procollasped disc constant pain and tiredness and ppl who exploit you by causing you grief so you give in to thier demands then you will be very bitter.
most pakistan ppl in pak have no feelings although thier were very good ppl some tried to help me to get cure.

I can only apologize for my fellow Pakistanis if they have wronged you.
Humanity in general is on a downward spiral regardless of nationalities or race or ethnicity.
I always disliked her because by her behaviour she looks like some wicked sharp woman and I dislike sharp people, they're very bad .
a true Liberal Progressive Rational Pakistani she is

Well, only if she understood what liberalism was. True liberals support the notion of freedom and equality for all without infringing on the rights of one another. Pakistani liberalism, like Pakistani religiousness stands on hypocrisy and double-standards. The latter though would win hands down in a contest about who has harmed the country most, of course.
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The latter would win hands down in a contest about who has harmed the country most, of course.
you talked about hypocrisy and yet you are blaming Muslims for this pitiable condition of Pakistan ignoring the fact that none of our Leader was ever a bearded, Mullah all of them were seculars be it Zardari or Ayub Khan or anyother
you talked about hypocrisy and yet you are blaming Muslims for this pitiable condition of Pakistan ignoring the fact that none of our Leader was ever a bearded, Mullah all of them were seculars be it Zardari or Ayub Khan or anyother

Is there a doubt that religious extremism, sectarianism and terrorism has harmed this country more than the actions of so called "seculars" (believing in separation of mosque and state - religion neutral) in the Govt who have ruled Pakistan since its inception in close collaboration with the clergy (thus ceasing to be seculars) and swinging both sides to advance their personal interests? The worst ruler (in terms of long term damage) in the history of this country was Zia-ul-Haq - founding father of the current Taliban mess and his ideological orientation was religious (however twisted and self-serving). Please note that the religion of Islam isn't being blamed here.
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