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Mechanised Divisions Pakistan Army


The Mailed Fist, adopted as the insignia of Pakistan's premier strike formation- The 1st Armoured division; was inspired by Liaqut Ali khan's famous clenched fist that he raised during a public rally in 1951 following Indian army's concentration along the border.
(Khaki Shadows-LTG K.M Arif)
So 23 Inf div also has T59s. I think it's the only div of 10corps having an armd regt or bde. Considering the importance of the sector it defends it also has a HAT company.
Yep, just the other day saw a couple of T59s heading towards Jhelum from Kharian gt road they were completely barebone, No ERA, no extra protection straight from the 1970s.
Yep, just the other day saw a couple of T59s heading towards Jhelum from Kharian gt road they were completely barebone, No ERA, no extra protection straight from the 1970s.
@PanzerKiel I guess the Type-59 which are left in service are there for training purposes or attached to Infantry formations as direct fire support ?

This is the best Pakistan can get after war in Ukraine Russian option are not available neither any western

There is some news that pak army may order few Arma 8x8 or 6x6 Turkish Arma infantry fighting vehicles after seeing war in Ukraine these will protect troops from direct enemy fire we have few old us made APC but those are tracked we didn't have any wheeled IFV seems like better prospect
What do you suggest for the Rest of the Type-59 Fleet with all their ammunition, spare, parts and built infrastructure?
Put them on loc like India did as cheap bunker busters they seriously caused a lot of destruction when loc was hot. India decimated a few of our posts with them as stationary cannons.
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