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Mechanised Divisions Pakistan Army

Pretty Modest figures for Tanks and Gunships

Needs attention , to fast track
  • Tanks Acquisition
  • Local Tank Manufacturing (Al Khalid 2)
  • T-129 Delivery
  • More Augusta Helicopters , perhaps armed with light machine guns
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Got a few Qs;
Are these AZs?
Also is that an excavator or a bridge layer?
If it is a bridge layer then why are the dozers building (most probably) defences on home side of the canal?
If it's an excavator digging defences and tanks providing cover then is it a simulation of amroued thrusts reaching there designated objectives; going on the defensive based on some canal with tanks holding defences till inf catches up?
Don't flares give up positions and make them liable to arty fire?
What are those red lights on tanks?
View attachment 782120
Got a few Qs;
Are these AZs?
Also is that an excavator or a bridge layer?
If it is a bridge layer then why are the dozers building (most probably) defences on home side of the canal?
If it's an excavator digging defences and tanks providing cover then is it a simulation of amroued thrusts reaching there designated objectives; going on the defensive based on some canal with tanks holding defences till inf catches up?
Don't flares give up positions and make them liable to arty fire?
What are those red lights on tanks?
1.Could be AZ or type 85, though likely the former.

2. I believe that’s an excavator, you can see dozers too, Field engineers, they do more than just building defenses. You need engineers to keep an offense moving, especially in desert terrain, what they’re doing in this picture exactly, sir @PanzerKiel can probably tell better.

3. The red lights are identification lights. Notice how the engineers have green ones instead.
As for the tanks, The larger light in this picture is the convoy light, while the one I have circled is a GTS-64 “side light” system (that’s what the Russian translates to). It’s an old Soviet system which has lights all around the tank to keep its outline visible for infantry and other Allies. All PA tanks still use these Afaik. Even VT-4P. It’s useful.

Not sure what you mean by flares (the red lights up in the sky?). Flares can be fired from mortars and then you can simply move away. An artillery Illumination round is brighter but yes, can give your position away, however if you’re in a position where you don’t wish to be spotted, you don’t use illumination rounds/flares. You simply switch to NV.

PA soldiers and tanks have IR patches on them too so they can be similarly spotted and identified by Allies through NV/IR or thermal imagers and sights. All PA tanks have Thermal imagers and night vision as well. Soldiers in such an OP will be similarly equipped with them.
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View attachment 782120
Got a few Qs;
Are these AZs?
Also is that an excavator or a bridge layer?
If it is a bridge layer then why are the dozers building (most probably) defences on home side of the canal?
If it's an excavator digging defences and tanks providing cover then is it a simulation of amroued thrusts reaching there designated objectives; going on the defensive based on some canal with tanks holding defences till inf catches up?
Don't flares give up positions and make them liable to arty fire?
What are those red lights on tanks?
AZ.... Bridge laying going on.... Dozers improving tanks for wheeled vehicles... All part of an extensive exercise in northern Pakistan.

Red lights are on tanks as per their order of induction into bridgehead.... These are artillery illuminating rounds... That too once enemy artillery has been silenced...
looking at the army requirement and the number of older tanks to replace, at least 600. But it Depends on how funding and requirements change as time goes on.
Not to worry, all PA armor commanders are Rommels, they will always be pitted against larger enemy armor forces and depend upon infantry to save the day :-)
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It was part of a Russian exercise "Peace Mission 2021".
And the tank is T72.
Doesn't seem to be "Anti Terrorism Ops ".

Such a position would be a little time consuming to build and might only be used when we have settled for defence of a particular sector for an extended period.
Actually not that time consuming with modern engineering equipment, it doesn’t need to be that elaborate either, a tank can set up a ditch for itself pretty quick with its own dozer, if the goal is just to make a hull-down position.
Actually not that time consuming with modern engineering equipment, it doesn’t need to be that elaborate either, a tank can set up a ditch for itself pretty quick with its own dozer, if the goal is just to make a hull-down position.
Not a simple hull down position but building the V and then laying the camo over it. Plus Dozers etc don't follow the tanks directly.
All of this might not be possible in case of an enemy counter attack just after capturing a position.

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