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MBT 3000/ Al Haider reviews, etc.

AK 1 is different and MBT-3000 is different and MBT-3000 is in trial phase
i know both are different .... my point is that from eme there is a team that had gone china for 6 months for a new tank ....

my guess is mbt3000 acquisition
i know both are different .... my point is that from eme there is a team that had gone china for 6 months for a new tank ....

my guess is mbt3000 acquisition
I agree we are testing MBT-3000 for few months now
No its not MBT-3000 is under going massive trials
In my point of view we should follow the world powers as they have become world powers for a reason, The Americans with the M1 Abraham, The Russians with the T-14 Armanta and the isrealis with the Merkava. It is proven that it would be a whole lot better if we would focus on standardizing only one tank(Al -Khalid) in our army. This will benefit us in every way(logistics, economies of scale, more focused upgrades and innovation, etc).
AK2's turret reinforced with composites means that MBT-3000 and AK2 are the same program.

Am i right?

AK-2 Slow production rate means Pakistan is in hurry to fillup it's stock and retire old tank. Orginally AK2 was to be unveiled in dec 2014 IDEAS but it got delayed upto 2016. This is where Haider steps in
i know both are different .... my point is that from eme there is a team that had gone china for 6 months for a new tank ....

my guess is mbt3000 acquisition
Actually its the other way around......the Tank has come to Pakistan at HIT :D
Though am not sure of the output......
As said above, mbt3000 should help to cover up the gap.
AK-2 Slow production rate means Pakistan is in hurry to fillup it's stock and retire old tank. Orginally AK2 was to be unveiled in dec 2014 IDEAS but it got delayed upto 2016. This is where Haider steps in
No AK-1 will be unveiled this year not at IDEAS 2016. AK-1 will be unveiled this year and also final decision on MBT-3000 will be taken soon.
No AK-1 will be unveiled this year not at IDEAS 2016. AK-1 will be unveiled this year and also final decision on MBT-3000 will be taken soon.
Means if Al Haider qualify then no more Al Khalids? Particularly AK3? and by the way what are key differences between Al Khalid and Al Haider?
Means if Al Haider qualify then no more Al Khalids? Particularly AK3? and by the way what are key differences between Al Khalid and Al Haider?
No both will be produced both are for different roles
Vt-4 if procured will replace 600+ obsolete 59$ and 69$. The purpose is to bring technological parity among all armoured units equipped with third generation state of the art mbts across the board leaving no room for any obsolete mbts. However, since HIT is upgrading the t-85IIAP, and t-80ud, chances are we will see less vt-4 numbers IF it passes all trials successfully.

All AK batches inducted from 2016 onwards will be AK-1 standard minimum. AK 2 is still far away.
Vt-4 if procured will replace 600+ obsolete 59$ and 69$. The purpose is to bring technological parity among all armoured units equipped with third generation state of the art mbts across the board leaving no room for any obsolete mbts. However, since HIT is upgrading the t-85IIAP, and t-80ud, chances are we will see less vt-4 numbers IF it passes all trials successfully.

All AK batches inducted from 2016 onwards will be AK-1 standard minimum. AK 2 is still far away.

according to wikipedia we have about 600 Type 59 and 400 Type 69 tanks. and we are already in disadvantage in case of tanks against India both in numbers and quality. doesn't we need 1000 Al Haiders atleast to overcome this difference?
Also any guess how many Al Zarrar and Al Khalids we have right now?
according to wikipedia we have about 600 Type 59 and 400 Type 69 tanks. and we are already in disadvantage in case of tanks against India both in numbers and quality. doesn't we need 1000 Al Haiders atleast to overcome this difference?
Also any guess how many Al Zarrar and Al Khalids we have right now?
Do you have that kind of money ? To buy so many VT4
1000 Vt4 means $1.3 million into 1000 it'll take atleast 5 to 8 year's to procure.
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