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MBT 3000/ Al Haider reviews, etc.

Do you have that kind of money ? To buy so many VT4
1000 Vt4 means $1.3 million into 1000 it'll take atleast 5 to 8 year's to procure.
in cast of urgent demand yes............. if we can buy 8 subs from china then why not mass produce 1000 Tanks too?
@Zarvan make whatever you want to make out of this one teaser pic

Damn you se}{y a$$ muah muah ...

@balixd Sir Jee language maaf ker daina pls that was for tank only :)
according to wikipedia we have about 600 Type 59 and 400 Type 69 tanks. and we are already in disadvantage in case of tanks against India both in numbers and quality. doesn't we need 1000 Al Haiders atleast to overcome this difference?
Also any guess how many Al Zarrar and Al Khalids we have right now?

They say if you don't have info on something, ask those who do. We had 1300 59s and 69s overall by 90s. Out of which, 600+ are converted to alzarrar, 85 and 80ud are being upgraded as we speak. And lastly, we DO NOT need 1000+ alhaiders to counter Indian MBT fleet. Heck they are in a deep mess already with 500 odd t-90 being the only reasonable MBT in current service. Arjun is another name of how to screw things up and t-72 ajeya fleet is pretty much in not so god shape with half of them unable to battle at night and faulty ammo and barrels and no cooling and what not.

@Zarvan make whatever you want to make out of this one teaser picView attachment 200197

The odd thing is,PA doesn't use bare steel tracks since all are rubber padded. R u sure its in Pakistan?
They say if you don't have info on something, ask those who do. We had 1300 59s and 69s overall by 90s. Out of which, 600+ are converted to alzarrar, 85 and 80ud are being upgraded as we speak. And lastly, we DO NOT need 1000+ alhaiders to counter Indian MBT fleet. Heck they are in a deep mess already with 500 odd t-90 being the only reasonable MBT in current service. Arjun is another name of how to screw things up and t-72 ajeya fleet is pretty much in not so god shape with half of them unable to battle at night and faulty ammo and barrels and no cooling and what not.

The odd thing is,PA doesn't use bare steel tracks since all are rubber padded. R u sure its in Pakistan?

Heck they are in a deep mess already with 500 odd t-90 being the only reasonable MBT in current service. Arjun is another name of how to screw things up and t-72 ajeya fleet is pretty much in not so god shape with half of them unable to battle at night and faulty ammo and barrels and no cooling and what not.
I don't agree............... their T72 are still better than our 69s, 79s and 85s. and yeah Arjun is kind of disappointment but Arjun mk2 is out which is much better than. and T90 is also very tough opponent.............
I have seen everyone underestimating type 85III Pak has. it is as good as t72 it only has issue if t72 has a newest era. otherwise Type85III even has ability to penetrate abrams armour at atleast 30 degree incident at range of 1500meters so in urban areas it is as pain for any tank it can be. All Type 85III are Night fighting capable and even fire Latest DU round FYI
I don't agree............... their T72 are still better than our 69s, 79s and 85s. and yeah Arjun is kind of disappointment but Arjun mk2 is out which is much better than. and T90 is also very tough opponent.............

Shocking thing is not producing 1000 tanks in few years but that russia can build 1000 tanks per year at cautionary measure in war and in Red alert 1500 tanks. In normal 500 tanks 0_0
i dont see the point in tanks, seems a waste of money, we need a better air force
the T-85IIAP even though its old looks capable
Should we invest in Armata even though we might get it after 20 year's

I have seen everyone underestimating type 85III Pak has. it is as good as t72 it only has issue if t72 has a newest era. otherwise Type85III even has ability to penetrate abrams armour at atleast 30 degree incident at range of 1500meters so in urban areas it is as pain for any tank it can be. All Type 85III are Night fighting capable and even fire Latest DU round FYI

Shocking thing is not producing 1000 tanks in few years but that russia can build 1000 tanks per year at cautionary measure in war and in Red alert 1500 tanks. In normal 500 tanks 0_0

Excellent, now go sleep

I don't agree............... their T72 are still better than our 69s, 79s and 85s. and yeah Arjun is kind of disappointment but Arjun mk2 is out which is much better than. and T90 is also very tough opponent.............

That's why I said gain some knowledge on things you want to comment on. Their t72s lack even a decent fire cantrol system, thermal imager, gun is quite poor in accuracy and engine/ armour is questionabl . Currently, your 59 and 69 have the same armour as alzarrar, similar optics as alzarrar, IFCS 69 fire control system with range up to 4 km, engine and armour upgraded. And they fire the same ammo as alkhalid and t-80ud.

Yes, 100% sure.......

Strange indeed, in recent past, almost all mbts tested there had problems using steel tracks, sand grains used to unleash havoc on them what has changed now?
That's why I said gain some knowledge on things you want to comment on. Their t72s lack even a decent fire cantrol system, thermal imager, gun is quite poor in accuracy and engine/ armour is questionabl . Currently, your 59 and 69 have the same armour as alzarrar, similar optics as alzarrar, IFCS 69 fire control system with range up to 4 km, engine and armour upgraded. And they fire the same ammo as alkhalid and t-80ud.
aren't there T72 have been upgraded with night visions etc
Strange indeed, in recent past, almost all mbts tested there had problems using steel tracks, sand grains used to unleash havoc on them what has changed now?
perhaps they might be replaced once they reach the final destination, this pic was taken during the transit and not during the tests
Well as far as i know, the new MBT-3000 is under trails by PA and trust me they will drench the very last of life from it in the trails. The PA tank trails are very rigorous, we have the land scape and the weather where we can afford to test all the extremes, sand, dirty, heat, humidity, wetlands and all!

Now the idea was initially to bring all Al-Khalid to AK-1 standards eventually and the new system to replace old tanks. The T-80 and Al Zarars would have stayed for now and will gradually be replaced with new AK-1 and this Al Haider (won’t be any time soon). BUT, there is a question of whether the Haider tank meet the requirements. There is one more possibility, initially there were some reports that PA and HOT want some turret similarity in the new tank and the upgraded AK-1 turret and some other component similarities as well (and this will be THE MOST sensible thing we can do with our future tank projects). If we keep following this track and the Al Haider is not on par with the PA expectation then we may see a further upgraded version of AK, AK 2 or 3 with massive upgrades and lots of input from MBT3000 and still retaining the core structure of Al-Khalid for component similarity. Either case, PA is set for a big upgrade and a step forward as far as tank fleet is considered!!

Strange indeed, in recent past, almost all mbts tested there had problems using steel tracks, sand grains used to unleash havoc on them what has changed now?
well the background have been blurred so cant say much about the setting, it does look like a desert with sand and if so i share the surprise on missing rubber pads. However it might be that we are getting the desert part all wrong and it is just sitting in a nice comfy place in Taxila :P
should the basis for our new tanks be based upon the russian type 14 i mean if you look at it it does look pretty sophisticated that plus a crew of minimum 3 or 2 .I t should be at least the base for our future tanks.
But no Chinese copy.
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