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“May your children die, you dogs”: As Gaza burns, Israelis bay for blood in

Why ? I would love to know more ??

The proposal allowed the zionist full control over all the foreign affairs of the Palestinian state. They would control airspace, who they can trade with, any military pacts, and no standing army for Palestine (without a guarantee of defense). They also wanted to regulate how many Palestinians refugees were allowed to return to this new state and wanted to exchange a couple of the towns they currently held with some towns the Palestinians held (the better towns were Palestinian). They were going to build a connection between Gaza and the West Bank that they would regulate and numerous checkpoint on this connection (like Palestinians would agree to security checks inside their own country, this is like Bangladesh telling India they will stop and check anyone who passes that strip of land that leads to North East India). These are only the things I can think of off the top of my head. Basically it was just a "free" state in name not in practice.
The proponent allowed the zionist full control over all the foreign affairs of the Palestinian state. They would control airspace, who they can trade with, any military pacts, and no standing army for Palestine (without a guarantee of defense). They also wanted to regulate how many Palestinians refugees were allowed to return to this new state and wanted to exchange a couple of the towns they currently held with some towns the Palestinians held (the better towns were Palestinian). They were going to build a connection between Gaza and the West Bank that they would regulate and numerous checkpoint on this connection (like Palestinians would agree to security checks inside their own country, this is like Bangladesh telling India they will stop and check anyone who passes that strip of land that leads to North East India). These are only the things I can think of off the top of my head.

Great Explanation . If that was offered it was highly unfair .
Great Explanation . If that was offered it was highly unfair .

Yeah and when they offered that the media went off saying Arafat was preventing peace without even looking into the details of the pact. Arafat later regretted not accepting it though because he felt like there would no better proposals coming ever again especially since the man who offered the proposal (Ehud Barak I believe) was literally run out of office for doing so.
Yeah and when they offered that the media went off saying Arafat was preventing peace without even looking into the details of the pact. Arafat later regretted not accepting it though because he felt like there would no better proposals coming ever again especially since the man who offered the proposal (Ehud Barak I believe) was literally run out of office for doing so.

By the way i support two state solutions . Two different countries with their own goals and clout something like India and Bangladesh if i have to take an example .
By the way i support two state solutions . Two different countries with their own goals and clout something like India and Bangladesh if i have to take an example .

So do I but I believe that time is close to running out. Hamas wants to destroy all of Israel, Israel wants to either prolong the status quo until all the refugees apply for refugee status in other states or annex the remainder of the lands and expel the Arab populaces. Abbas in the west bank is trying to apply in the UN for a higher status (observer state or something I believe) which has got Netanyahoooo all riled up because if he succeeds than it will be internationally recognized as an occupation of a sovereign state. People on this forum need to realize that fine Hamas are a bunch of terrorists but even before this sh*t broke out Netanyahoo has been refusing to sit and talk with Abbas and why is he doing that?? He refuses to accept Abbas' precondition that the zionists stop the illegal settlements in the West Bank. Does Abbas not have a valid concern??? It is like me and you fighting over a car and then we decide to sit down to talk it out but while we are doing so I have already parked the car in my garage so despite what happens I already have the car. In that case the talks are pointless and you might as well fight me for it.
So do I but I believe that time is close to running out. Hamas wants to destroy all of Israel, Israel wants to either prolong the status quo until all the refugees apply for refugee status in other states or annex the remainder of the lands and expel the Arab populaces. Abbas in the west bank is trying to apply in the UN for a higher status (observer state or something I believe) which has got Netanyahoooo all riled up because if he succeeds than it will be internationally recognized as an occupation of a sovereign state. People on this forum need to realize that fine Hamas are a bunch of terrorists but even before this sh*t broke out Netanyahoo has been refusing to sit and talk with Abbas and why is he doing that?? He refuses to accept Abbas' precondition that the zionists stop the illegal settlements in the West Bank. Does Abbas not have a valid concern??? It is like me and you fighting over a car and then we decide to sit down to talk it out but while we are doing so I have already parked the car in my garage so despite what happens I already have the car.

It will Either be two states , only Israel or No israel , Palestine , lebanon and a few countries .
When your post count will reach 1000 on this forum while reading around Israel related threads and how Indians defend and justify every single murder by Israel, you will get the proof of it.

wonder why, pakistani "elite" members posting murdered children from syria as israeli atrocities is allowed to FLY?
Please do not post pictures of kids. It is the most distressing sight...

Hope peace and hope is back soon.

This problem is lingering beacuse of outside interference and support. If the intolerant Jehadis stopped arming, supporting Jehadis, both Palestine and Israel will come to mutual peace. But this cocept of "Kaum" etc is the biggest spoiler.
Match made in heaven.

There is big reason why Indian civilians support Israeli heavy handed actions; It stems from the dissatisfaction of the people from their meek leadership, most of Indians see Israeli action as an ideal model against the terror campaign against India.
I personally do hope that for the next big one, there is Israel like retaliation.
It will Either be two states , only Israel or No israel , Palestine , lebanon and a few countries .

The zionists do not support an one state solution because they think it will lead to Arabs outnumbering them which is a valid concern if they are living in something other than a democracy but they are supposedly living in a democracy so I do not see what the problem is. The truth is they have no problem annexing land it is the people they have problems with.
When Israel proposed to return all territories taken in 1967 war, Arafat reveal the true intention of his organization and refused the offer and countered by demanding that Palestinians must have their land back prior to 1947, which in effect would destroy Israel. Almost no Israelis take any Palestinian proposal seriously since then, as the Palestinians only seeks to destroy Israel.

What a load of BS
This has been refuted many times, and the real reason why arafat declined the israeli offer is because it was LESS than the 1967 borders, no return of refugees, no jerusalem and no real independence. Israel would control the sky, water and borders, it will have a military presence inside palestine and no palestinian military is allowed. So make the world a favor and get your school money back.
What a load of BS
This has been refuted many times, and the real reason why arafat declined the israeli offer is because it was LESS than the 1967 borders, no return of refugees, no jerusalem and no real independence. Israel would control the sky, water and borders, it will have a military presence inside palestine and no palestinian military is allowed. So make the world a favor and get your school money back.

The main reason Arafat rejected the offer because otherwise we would not have died a billionaire!

Financial dealings

In August 2002, the Israeli Military Intelligence Chief alleged that Arafat's personal wealth was in the range of USD $1.3 billion.[6] In 2003 the International Monetary Fund (IMF) conducted an audit of the PNA and stated that Arafat diverted $900 million in public funds to a special bank account controlled by Arafat and the PNA Chief Economic Financial adviser. However, the IMF did not claim that there were any improprieties, and it specifically stated that most of the funds had been used to invest in Palestinian assets, both internally and abroad.[108][109]
However in 2003, a team of American accountants–hired by Arafat's own finance ministry–began examining Arafat's finances; this team reached a different conclusion. The team claimed that part of the Palestinian leader's wealth was in a secret portfolio worth close to $1 billion, with investments in companies like a Coca-Cola bottling plant in Ramallah, a Tunisian cell phone company and venture capital funds in the US and the Cayman Islands. The head of the investigation stated that "although the money for the portfolio came from public funds like Palestinian taxes, virtually none of it was used for the Palestinian people; it was all controlled by Arafat. And none of these dealings were made public."[110]
An investigation conducted by the General Accounting Office reported that Arafat and the PLO held over $10 billion in assets even at the time when he was publicly claiming bankruptcy.[111]
Although Arafat lived a modest lifestyle, Dennis Ross, former Middle East negotiator for Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, stated that Arafat's "walking-around money" financed a vast patronage system known as neopatrimonialism. According to Salam Fayyad—a former World Bank official whom Arafat appointed Finance Minister of the PNA in 2002—Arafat's commodity monopolies could accurately be seen as gouging his own people, "especially in Gaza which is poorer, which is something that is totally unacceptable and immoral." Fayyad claims that Arafat used $20 million from public funds to pay the leadership of the PNA security forces (the Preventive Security Service) alone.[110]

Fuad Shubaki, former financial aide to Arafat, told the Israeli security service Shin Bet that Arafat used several million dollars of aid money to buy weapons and support militant groups.[112] During Israel's Operation Defensive Shield, the Israel army recovered counterfeit money and documents from Arafat's Ramallah headquarters. The documents showed that, in 2001, Arafat personally approved payments to Tanzim terrorists.[113] The Palestinians claimed that the counterfeit money was confiscated from criminal elements.[114]
What a load of BS
This has been refuted many times, and the real reason why arafat declined the israeli offer is because it was LESS than the 1967 borders, no return of refugees, no jerusalem and no real independence. Israel would control the sky, water and borders, it will have a military presence inside palestine and no palestinian military is allowed. So make the world a favor and get your school money back.

Where do you see Pakistan in all of this ?
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