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“May your children die, you dogs”: As Gaza burns, Israelis bay for blood in

You call this a war ? israel has army, navy, air force and backing of usa with weapons of mass destruction. What do palestinians have ? a few rockets to defend themselves.. this isnt war this is GENOCIDE . You people always look at the shiny side of the coin.
Thats true its a one sided war. You and me can see but why can't Hamas see this? it just provokes the other side. Palestinians are weaker side. They should know from experience(2008) the price of poking israel with rocket.

And i don't understand how can firing rocket defend any one? If palestinians wand to defend themself then they should build a anti-bomb device, make a deal with israel to not attack them or try to migrate to safe places in other countries for better life, like the economic migrants like me and other.

This is not genocide of palestinian, may be genocide of hamas officials.
Zionist israelis are the most bloodsucking worthless scums on the face of the earth now. So its no surprise. Neither is the fact that Indians being the islamophobic lots they are , cheerleading for their partner in crime israel.

Its a good thing Jamatis are given a boot up behind by AL - after reading such posts i can understand that the Islamist BD could be more dangerous than Talibani Pakistan!

Sir with due respect, U know jack about my country or the politics of BAL, BNP or jammat. SO please don't show your islamophobic slave mentality siting our BD's case. Bangladeshis are nothing like slave mentality secular pakistanis mind that. The guy U reffered to jamati, just pointed out the genuine emotions of a common Bangladeshi regardless of his/her political ideology. We don't butt in your discussion about PPP/muslim league/JI politics neither do we bring your cases up in such unreleated threads. Show your Prejudice about islam & muslims elsewhere if you have an iota of moral dignity/ shame. :)
If course we support Pakistan and always will. when things settled down we will annexed Kashmir.

do we look like we need indians support!!! not at all but tell me why did india recognize Palestine while support Israel?

Well, if you support Pakistan, then you are our enemies. Only if some of our politicians could see it this way.

As for Kashmir, its something that you have been funding Pakistan for the last 6 decades. The day however India starts funding Israel to take revenge for what you have done to India will there truly be a tit-for-tat...

India recognised Palestine because we thought it was a good cause. Before coming to PDF and actually learning about the truth of Arabs from people like you, I too supported Palestine. Not any more... Just like me, one day the rest of India will also wake up to see the snakes that have backstabbed us, and will take revenge for it...
Well, if you support Pakistan, then you are our enemies. Only if some of our politicians could see it this way.

As for Kashmir, its something that you have been funding Pakistan for the last 6 decades. The day however India starts funding Israel to take revenge for what you have done to India will there truly be a tit-for-tat...

India recognised Palestine because we thought it was a good cause. Before coming to PDF and actually learning about the truth of Arabs from people like you, I too supported Palestine. Not any more... Just like me, one day the rest of India will also wake up to see the snakes that have backstabbed us, and will take revenge for it...

Actually Israel isn't half as bad as what your army does, they kind of seem like lids
No wonder Indians support Israel, becaue from the blood staned looking glass of India will show Israel as and innocent angel
If course we support Pakistan and always will. when things settled down we will annexed Kashmir.

do we look like we need indians support!!! not at all but tell me why did india recognize Palestine while support Israel?

Similarly if Israel needed we can send armies to remove headache forever. but Israel is themselves enough for that. Even china too supports israel :azn:
why Hindis are acting Zionists more than the Zionists themselves.

They are insecure little bhartis on this forum who feel the need to defend the zionazis on every thread because it steers the conversation away from their own occupation of Kashmir. They think Palestinians are only Muslims so they have to sprout nonsense against them left and right because they are a bunch of hindu fascist Islamophobes. If they were open minded they would realize this is not just a Jew-Muslim issue because a large minority of Palestinians are also Catholics who were forced out of their lands which was why even the papacy in Rome was at odds with the Zionists for countless years and only recognized their state in 1993 for that and a couple of other theological reasons.
When Israel proposed to return all territories taken in 1967 war, Arafat reveal the true intention of his organization and refused the offer and countered by demanding that Palestinians must have their land back prior to 1947, which in effect would destroy Israel. Almost no Israelis take any Palestinian proposal seriously since then, as the Palestinians only seeks to destroy Israel.

With all due respect you should look into the details of the proposal, it was not a fair proposal at all. It was only after Arafat realized that this was the best the zionazis were willing to offer did he realize that he should have just accepted the original proposal.
With all due respect you should look into the details of the proposal, it was not a fair proposal at all. It was only after Arafat realized that this was the best the zionazis were willing to offer did he realize that he should have just accepted the original proposal.

Why ? I would love to know more ??
Hamas need to accept that it cant face Isreal and accept all demands. Thats the only option they have.
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